
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 314

Chapter 316 Extremely Despicable!

"What?!" Everyone in the stands of the Fairy TailA team instantly widened their eyes.

"Did Lucy learn dress-up magic?" Natsu turned to Erza.

"How is that possible, that's totally different from my outfit, it should be Lucy's own new move!" Erza said with a smile while clasping his hands.

On the other side, Jabba from the commentary also gave out a high cheer.

"Yeah…that's awesome! Lucy seems to have put on a really awesome looking outfit!" he shouted while holding the microphone.

"It's really eye-opening! It's amazing!" Yajima also made no secret of his praise.

Fairy Tail Team B in the stands.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that after the triple door was opened, Celestial Spirit appeared again!" Lu Chenxi's face was a little surprised.

"Celestial Spirit clothing?" Mirajane tilted her head to look at Lu Chenxi.

There seemed to be some doubts in his eyes.

Helping Mirajane straighten her white hair, Lu Chenxi explained.

"Simply put, transfer the power of Celestial Spirit to yourself, so that you can use part of the power of Celestial Spirit."

"However, if you want to use this magic, you must have a very deep bond with Celestial Spirit, and this mode also consumes abnormally."

After listening to Lu Chenxi's explanation, everyone on the side nodded in understanding.

"It's amazing to know this, Dawn!" Mirajane's eyes were crescent moon, and she kept complimenting.

Lu Chenxi scratched the back of his head 957, and said with a smile: "No, I just got that Celestial Spirit Magic last time. In order to understand the main use of magic, I checked some knowledge about Celestial Spirit. These are also I saw it by chance."

"But that's probably a move she learned recently," Gajeel said with his hands folded.

Laxus nodded: "I haven't seen her use it before, it seems that she has improved again."

Fairy Tail cheers.

Mavis' little feet were shaking more often.

Even the dull hair on his head began to shake, and he seemed very happy.

"That's amazing, a girl named Lucy!" she said.

"Celestial Spirit wizards who can wear Celestial Spirit clothes are very rare, I didn't expect there is one in our guild!"

With the praise of the first-generation president, Makarov was obviously a little overwhelmed.

Excited, he clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

"Lucy, well done, just beat them up like that!"


In the center of the venue, Freyja looked at Lucy in disguise with a solemn expression.

At this moment, Lucy's changes brought her a strong sense of oppression.

But recalling Alexey's order before, she couldn't help shivering.

Never disobey Alexis' orders…

"But… (acca) what to do to win…" Her mind began to think frantically.

"By the way, hostages! I can take hostages!" He seemed to have thought of something.

Flare's eyes turned to the Fairy Tail cheering stage.

She remembered that there was a little girl standing on the side, as long as she used her hair to hold her secretly, then she could win!

Soon, her eyes locked on Aska, but despair enveloped her at once.

Aska is riding on Urtia's shoulders, which means her plans are broken.

She couldn't extend her hair that high without being noticed.

"Damn it!" she cursed angrily.

And at this moment, Lucy has already manipulated the two to charge towards him.

Gritting his teeth: "You can only fight hard!"

Making up her mind, she started tossing her long hair.

The long hair began to stretch, and as Flare's magic power rose, the long red hair began to glow like flames.

Like flowing magma, Flare endowed his long hair with enormous thermal energy.

"Rain when it rains – magma!"

Flare exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, the crimson hair that seemed to be flowing with lava swung towards Lucy like a whip.

But Lucy, who is attached to the Celestial Spirit of Cancer, also gains the power of Celestial Spirit from Cancer.

The next moment, Lucy swung the two blades in his hand, and the slashes like scissors kept falling on Flare's hair.

In just a second, all the hair that hit Lucy was cut by her.

"As a Celestial Spirit mage, I am today too! I am going to cut people myself!" Such strange thoughts flashed through Lucy's mind.

Immediately afterwards, the two knives in his hands slashed down!

puff–! !

"Ahhh~~" Blood spurted out of Flare's body.

The screams of pain mixed with the screams came out in the first time.

The figure also smashed to the ground as if it had been hit hard.

At this moment, Natsu stared blankly at all this.

"Lucy she… is she that strong?"

"I seem to have seen Erza's shadow…" Gray's face was also a little terrified.

"Don't underestimate Lucy, she's not as hardworking as yours." Erza said with her arms around her.

"Oh, there's almost no suspense in this battle, it's not a one-level battle at all!"

Even Jabba, who was in the commentary booth, shook his head.

"That's right, the battle strength of the two sides is too different, Flare has no counterattack from beginning to end." Yajima also agreed.

And at this moment, on the viewing platform where the Sword Biting Tiger was.

The silver-haired girl who had been silent all the while stared at Lucy in the field.

The eyes kept flickering, and the slightly open mouth was obviously a little horrified.

In the field, Freyja knelt on the ground, gasping for breath.

Lucy, who was beside him, looked at the two blades in his hand with a little joy and a little bit of exhaustion.

"The magic power is consumed a little faster, but the power is still very strong!"

After reaching such a conclusion, Lucy nodded involuntarily.

Clenching the knives again, this time Lucy intends to fight quickly.

Stepping lightly on the ground, Lucy's figure jumped out again, and the two blades in his hands exuded a chill.

"Scissors Flurry!"

The next moment, Lucy had come to Flare.

The surging long hair was cut off by Lucy with a single blow.

The double blade in his hand was raised high.

"Now, it's over!" Lucy smiled.

Even Flare below widened his eyes.

Fear spread completely on her face at this moment.


She kept screaming.



Lucy, who jumped high, suddenly fell to the ground.

A sense of powerlessness instantly enveloped Lucy's body, and her eyes were full of puzzlement.

Fatigue also came up at this moment.

"What's the matter…Magic…" She murmured softly.

The Celestial Spirit clothes on her body also disappeared, returning to her original clothes.

The figure was also a little swaying, and she knelt on the ground as soon as her feet softened, her hands resting on the ground, and the dizziness even made her a little unable to open her eyes.

On the other side, Flare's arm covered his face, his body still shaking.

The heaving chest seemed to convey her fear.

For a long time, the imagined attack did not come, which made her put down her arm involuntarily.

Seeing that Lucy has fallen to the ground weakly.

She seemed to understand something and looked back in the direction of Raven Tail.

"Obra… is that you?"

The joy of the rest of her life appeared on her face.

Just a little crazy.

The entire venue fell into silence for a moment.

No one thought that Lucy, who had been pressing down on the opponent for a long time, unexpectedly arrived at the last moment.