
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Tons, Tons, Tons (For Flowers!!)

Lu Chenxi quickly waved his hand: "No need, try it yourself."

To be honest, Lu Chenxi hates wine very much. In the past life, he always heard people say how good wine is, but Lu Chenxi stopped touching it after tasting it once.

Lu Chenxi is very puzzled why people still like something so unpleasant to drink, maybe it's just simply not appreciating it.

Of course, Lu Chenxi certainly won't tell the fact that he got a cup…

Seeing Lu Chenxi's rejection, Cana ignored it, holding a full mug of beer, learning how to drink it as an adult and drinking it in one sip.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chenxi's eyes widened. If nothing else, Cana would have to lie there for a while.

But the fact is that it was an accident. After Cana had a big glass of strong beer, not only did it not arrive, but there was even a light in her eyes that she had never seen before.

"Drink well, it's really Dawn, you must come and try it, it's really delicious." Cana kept recommending to Lu Chenxi, while running to the wine barrel to pick up a drink.

The corners of Lu Chenxi's mouth twitched and replied, "I don't care, you are happy to drink it yourself." He picked up his body of hot milk and put it to the side.

Then Lu Chenxi saw what is called a born wine Mengzi.

I saw Cana eating cup after cup, and finally felt that it was not enough, so she just threw away the cup in her hand, and then Lu Chenxi picked up the wine barrel in his surprised eyes and started drinking 'ton, ton, ton'.

At this moment, Lu Chenxi just wanted to say: "Damn, big brother!!"

The lady at the bar who came back was dumbfounded.

Don't be surprised, you are stupid to see an 11-year-old girl holding a barrel of wine that is taller than her and drinking 'ton tons'.

"Boom, boom, boom" the church bells rang throughout Magulonia.

"This bell? It's Gildarts back."

"Gildarts, it seems like it's been a year."

"It is said that Gildarts is on a ten-year mission this time."

"Oh! As expected of Fairy Tail's strongest wizard."

Everyone heard the bell and started talking.

However, Natsu's focus was obviously different: "Fairy Tail's strongest wizard?" Natsu's expression was obviously very excited.

Erza also clenched his fists, his eyes full of anticipation, looking forward to how strong Fairy Tail is called the strongest man.

Along with the mechanical changes of the city, a straight avenue leads directly to the gate of Fairy Tail, and a figure is walking slowly.

"Welcome back Gildarts!" Once Gildarts arrived in the guild, everyone's welcome sounded in unison.

"Uncle, how is the mission?" Lu Chenxi asked with a smile.

"Haha, of course it's beautifully done." Gildarts rubbed the back of his head and let out a big laugh.

"As expected of you, uncle."

Natsu finally saw Gildarts, the strongest wizard known as Fairy Tail, and couldn't wait to jump out and said, "Uncle, I want to challenge you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was collectively petrified.

Gildarts looked at Natsu, who was not as tall as his own waist, and said with a smile, "Isn't it good, kid, come on!"

"Is it here?" Everyone asked, after all, Gildarts is a monster based on super magic, and its destructive power is absolutely top-notch.

But Natsu didn't care about this, and after getting the answer, flames ignited in his fist instantly.

"Here I am, Fire Dragon's Iron Fist." Natsu jumped high, his flaming fist straight at Gildarts' head.

Gildarts grabbed Natsu in an instant and spun it a few times in his hand, and then threw Natsu straight out as if he was throwing garbage. The huge force shattered the ceiling of the guild.

"Another one-shot kill!!"

However, the people in the guild are no longer surprised by this.

Lu Chenxi, Erza, Lacusas, Gildarts, these guys can't beat Natsu with one blow, but Natsu will always continue to challenge and continue to be beaten.

But this spirit is still admirable.

"Ah, exhausted, where's the president?" Gildarts asked.

Lu Chenxi pointed to the bar and said, "I'll be waiting for you there for a long time."

When Gildarts sat down, Makarov said, "I didn't get hurt during the mission." There was a little concern in his eyes.

"Ah, of course not anymore, I'm sorry," Gildarts said with a smile.

"That's good, now that you're back, I can start preparing for the promotion of Lu Chenxi and Lacusas as S-rank mages."

Gildarts grimaced when he heard this: "Looks like I'm a life of exhaustion, and I'm going to be forced to work again when I just come back."

Seeing the adverbial words, Makarov said earnestly: "No way, who told us that you are the only S-rank mage in our guild, and you are a little tired this time. After they become S-rank mage, I will find them next time. ,right."

Gildarts smiled wryly.

"Okay okay." Gildarts stood up and moved his arms. "Then I'll go back to rest first. I'm exhausted."

Saying that, he walked straight towards… the wall in front.

Seeing this, Makarov's eyes widened instantly and shouted loudly, "You bastard, the gate is over there!!"

But it was too late.

At this moment, Gildarts had walked to the wall, only a grid-like white light appeared on the wall in front of him, and then the wall shattered, and Gildarts walked out as if nothing had happened. *