
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 195

Chapter 196 You Alone Want To Stop The Dragon Lock Cannon?

"Dye the sky completely black and bring the perisher! His name is Dolomar Anim!"

Bai Luo murmured.

"Doloma Anim, the translation is dragon knight! Dragon's enhanced armor!" Bai Luona's octopus tentacles seemed to dance continuously because of excitement.

"Dragon?" Laxus frowned.

"Yes, this is the ultimate weapon of our world!"

"It means that when Dolomar Arnim dyes the sky black, the world will lose more than half of its magic."

Having said that, Bai Luo smiled indifferently.

"But anyway, we are about to gain infinite magic power, and this loss is not more important."

As he said that, he looked at Laxus and said in a crazy tone: "Then you can watch us in hell and get ~eternal magic power!"

"With the one outside!"

Hearing Bai Luo's harsh words, – Laxus laughed.

"It's Lu Chenxi out there, he's a man who can burn everything down – ah!"

"As for you, give me repentance in the thunder!"

The voice fell, and the thunder and lightning all over Laxus became more violent.

The muscles under the shirt also began to soar.

"Roar of Thunder Dragon!!"

Terrifying thunder and lightning gathered in Laxus' mouth, and the golden magic circle opened in front of him.

Incomparably thick thunder and lightning roared out.


A violent explosion sounded, and a terrifying lightning strike raged in this space.

Bright golden light enveloped Coco's sight.

When Coco put down the hand in front of him, his eyes widened instantly, full of disbelief.

"Bairo… was defeated!" she murmured in a low voice.

Looking at Bai Luo, who had returned to his human form in front of him, Laxus was speechless.

Originally, I thought that this guy's ruthless words are very fierce, and his body shape is a bit exaggerated, so he should be a ruthless character.

So I just got serious.

As a result, this guy couldn't hold on to one move?

Just then, footsteps came from behind, and Laxus turned around to see Natsu and the others.

"Laxus, we just heard a fight here, have you encountered an enemy?"

As soon as he entered the door, Natsu shouted at the top of his voice.

Laxus pointed to Bailuo, who was lying on the ground beside him, and said:

"I have been defeated."

"Oh! That's settled?" Lucy said in surprise.

"Haha, as expected of Laxus, with this, the Dragon Lock Cannon has been stopped!" Natsu laughed.

"Well, that's all that's left now, the dragon knights outside!" Laxus nodded, looking at the gradually darkening sky outside.

"And Erza is also fighting the Erza of this world," Lucy said.

"Then, let's hurry up and help, get all these guys done and then go and change everyone back." Gray crossed his fists and his voice was a little excited.

"Bairo! Don't!" Suddenly Coco's terrified voice interrupted the conversation between Laxus and the others.

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of Bai Luo, only to see him leaning on the edge of the console panting at the moment.

The key to control the Dragon Lock Cannon has been inserted into the console.

"Jie Jie! You can't stop us!" He smiled wickedly and turned the key forcefully.

In an instant, the surroundings began to vibrate.

outside world.

Nancy looked at Lu Chenxi under her fist with worry.

"Chenxi, are you alright?" she called out involuntarily.

"Hehe, don't worry, this level is far from enough!" Lu Chenxi's light laughter responded to Nancy.

With Lu Chenxi's continuous efforts, the huge iron fist was slowly raised,

Then Lu Chenxi raised it suddenly, and the huge fist was lifted into the air.

Even the huge dragon knight took two steps back slowly.

Only at this moment did Lu Chenxi see the whole picture of what was in front of him.

Steel-colored body, strong hind limbs support the incomparably huge body.

The tail is obviously made of metal armor, but it seems to be dancing recklessly like the life of the real tail.

The dragon head made of some unknown metal was blowing white smoke, and its scarlet eyes were staring at Lu Chenxi.

"It's amazing power! With the body of a human, you can take a blow from the dragon knight!"

Faust's voice sounded from the behemoth.

"But do you really think you can beat me? Aslant's wizard, this is just a warm-up!"

The behemoth moved its limbs and made a clicking sound, as if it had not moved for a long time.

"Look, this perfect figure, this is a body that has gathered the power of the entire kingdom, and is made of materials that can reflect magic, plus Troma Anim, who is absorbing the magic of the entire Edolas as a driving force all the time! "

"Can you really win? This is the power of the king! The supreme power!"

Faust's roar came from the dragon knights.

The words are full of strong confidence, no, it has evolved into conceit.

"Is he crazy for even using such a terrifying magic weapon?" Nancy stared at the dragon knight in front of her.

"Using this is equivalent to hastening the demise of Edolas' magical power!" she yelled at the Dragon Knight.

"Crazy?" Faust, who was sitting in the dragon knight, raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'm crazy! Crazy for the coming… Eternal magic!!"

He opened his hands and laughed wildly.

"Have you laughed enough? It's not polite to interrupt your fantasies, but the eternal magic you've longed for will never come."

Lu Chenxi interrupted Faust's thoughts.

The flames came out of Liu Ren Ruo Huo, wrapping his entire body in it.

"Fantasy? This is not a fantasy, the Dragon Lock Cannon has been activated, your companions will soon collide with the transcenders, and the eternal magic will come, hahaha!"

0»For Flowers»0

Faust's words fell, and the entire capital seemed to start responding to Faust.

Tremors began to occur in the capital.

The entire capital oozes red light, the tower standing in the middle of the capital slowly descends, and the ferocious dragon head suddenly shoots into the sky.

"That's it!" Lu Chenxi looked at the scene in surprise.

"Is this what the king just said about the Dragon Lock Cannon?" Nancy said.

"That's right, how is it! Be afraid, hahahaha!" Faust's frantic laughter came out.

"Nancy, take me up, I'll stop that thing!" Lu Chenxi looked at Nancy behind him and said.

Looking at Lu Chenxi's firm eyes, Nancy finally nodded.

Grab Lu Chenxi and prepare to leave.

"Stop joking, you bastard!"

Seeing Lu Chenxi's actions, although Faust didn't think he could stop it, a trace of panic still flashed in his heart.


Under his control, the dragon knight opened the mechanical dragon's mouth.

A huge gun barrel extends out of it.

"Stop for me!"

With his roar, a terrifying magic beam of light burst out.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chenxi and Nancy were covered.

"Don't get in the way!" Lu Chenxi turned around and chopped off.

The huge slash directly cut the magic beam in half.

Faust in the Dragon Knight was taken aback.

"How is that possible?" A slightly unbelievable voice came out.

"Nancy!" Lu Chenxi yelled.

"I see!"

Behind him, Nancy gritted her teeth and tried her best to increase her speed to the extreme.

Lu Chenxi and Nancy disappeared in front of Faust as light spots.

"You can't stop it!" Faust roared among the dragon knights.

But Lu Chenxi in the air ignored this guy.

Or maybe Lu Chenxi couldn't hear his voice at this moment, there was only the wind whistling around.

Finally, at the speed of Nancy's gallop, Lu Chenxi caught up with the Dragon Lock Cannon and suspended in front of the Dragon Lock Cannon's only path.

"There are all kinds of things, they are all ashes, and the blades are like fire!!"

As Lu Chenxi's words fell, terrifying flames slanted out, dyeing the surrounding sky red.

Immediately, the flames that spewed out from the surroundings began to melt into the flames.

This move was exactly Lu Chenxi's move to block the power of the magic wizard.

The flow blade Ruohuo in this form is infinitely close to the solution.

But at the same time, Lu Chenxi's magic power also began to be consumed like crazy. Fortunately, Lu Chenxi's magic power was extremely terrifying.

Otherwise, in this world with slow recovery of magic power, Lu Chenxi estimated that he would not be able to fight with a single move.

"Your companion wants to stop the Dragon Lock Cannon?!" Edolas Erza, who was covered in tatters on the nameless floating island, looked at the silhouette in the sky and cried out in horror.