
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 166

Chapter 167 Four Hundred Years

After everything was over, everyone, under the leadership of Wendy, came to the nearest Huamao House for repairs. After all, there were still a lot of wounded in this battle, and many people needed to be treated for some injuries.

and replenishment of supplies, etc.

The Guild Cat House is actually a guild formed by people from a village.

The main source of income is to rely on the rich textiles, which also makes everyone praise the clothes made by Yuhua Maozhiyu.

Like… Erza.

"Chenxi, does this look good?" Erza stood in front of the full-length mirror, showing her clothes left and right.

There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Lu Chenxi sat on the sofa in the back and looked up at the ceiling, and said perfunctorily, "It looks good…"

After trying on these clothes, this one was full of joy, and she wanted to collect them all in her dressing room.

But it is understandable, after all, Erza is a person who likes all kinds of clothes very much. In her dressing room, there are hundreds of sets of armors for combat.

But there are some good-looking costumes, and there are more than 300 sets of "853" that Lu Chenxi has seen.

Moreover, what makes Lu Chenxi complain the most is that this person usually only wears armor, and she does so much without wearing it, and she also euphemistically calls it a collection or something.

I don't understand, Lu Chenxi said that I don't understand deeply…

"Don't you have any new adjectives?" Erza was a little lost.

Lu Chenxi looked at Erza helplessly: "This is the 58th set, there really is no adjective…"

"Eh? Is there that much?" Erza expressed his confusion.

Lu Chenxi sighed: "It's been almost two hours."

"Dong Dong Dong~"

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Chenxi got up and opened the wooden door, looking at Wendy with little hands on his back.

Laughing: "Wendy, what's the matter?"

"Brother Lu Chenxi, and Miss Erza!" Wendy probed and greeted the two.

Erza smiled and nodded.

"That's it, our president held a celebration banquet, and I'm here to call you." Wendy explained her purpose.

"Ah, President Robin Lu has a heart, then let's go over together."

Lu Chenxi was secretly delighted that he finally didn't have to suffer here, and hurriedly greeted Erza to go with him.

The banquet ended with countless delicacies and laughter.

The well-fed crowd gathered in the open space in the center of the village.

Looking at this group of energetic young people, the worried expression on Robin Lu's face gradually disappeared.

However, there was a hint of reluctance in the eyes looking at Wendy and Carla, but he hid it well.

"Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Wendy and Carla." Robin Lu said slowly.

"Thank you for hitting Oracion Seis and destroying Nirvana."

"I, Robin Lu, only express my gratitude to you on behalf of the local guild alliance!"

Speaking of which, the old man bowed to Lu Chenxi and the others together with the guild members of the cat house.

"Nabra, thank you!"

"You're welcome!! President Robin Lu!" The POS who was Blue Pegasus jumped out.

Lu Chenxi lowered his head and covered his eyes, his eyes were too hot: "This guy is here again…"

"This time, we fought fiercely with Oracion Seis again and again. Although it was a hard fight, the solid friendship between our comrades will eventually lead us to the final victory!"

He closed his eyes overnight and raised his hands upwards, as if in a curtain call gesture, with a serious look on his face.

"As expected of Teacher Yi Ye!" The Blue Pegasus trio echoed Yi Ye, the three of them knelt down on one knee in unison, clapping their hands constantly, with a look on their faces that was about to cry.

"This guy, he took all the credit quietly." Gray looked at the gestures of several people and complained mercilessly.

"Did that guy fight anyone?" Lucy touched his chin to make up for the knife.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that you have fought Midnight in one night, but it was just a single move…

Jura patted Leon and Sherria on the shoulders and smiled.

"You two are doing great too!"

"Mr. Jura, I haven't done well this time, and there are still many, many things I can't do!" Leon said while rubbing the back of his head.

"However, the matter is finally resolved." Sherria laughed.

"Hey, hey, at this time, in a place like the village again, shouldn't we have a bonfire to celebrate!" Natsu said with excitement suddenly as if thinking of something.

"Love! Campfire!" "Happy" also echoed.

"Hey! That's what I have for the night…" I didn't know where to find a carrot as a microphone, and the greasy voice was raised again.

"Mr. Overnight…" The three of Blue Pegasus catered to.

"It's time to show off your skills!" Ye Ye said and began to dance his body indiscriminately.

"Show your skills!" The three of them said loudly, and began to twist their bodies overnight.

"These guys…how do you feel so ashamed!" Lu Chenxi's mouth twitched.

Erza folded his arms and smiled: "Should it be said that he was the one brought out by President Bob?"

"I'm still very interested in that!" Gray smiled shirtless.

"Then you don't have to take off your clothes!" Lucy complained.

"Haha!" Leon on the side was also shirtless.

"You too…" Lucy looked helpless.

Wendy happily looked at the happy people.

"Come on, everyone from the cat house will come too!" He ruffled his hair overnight and made an invitation.

"Let's come together, come together!" The three of them began to boo.

Even Natsu couldn't help but join them and started dancing 0 ..

Wendy, who was standing next to Robin Lu, was also infected by the happy atmosphere and danced along, but noticing the silence of everyone on the side, Wendy blushed and immediately stopped moving.

The silence of everyone in Hua Mao's House suddenly made the atmosphere of the scene dignified.

"Uh…" Wendy seemed to want to say something to liven up the atmosphere in such an atmosphere.

But Robin Lu spoke up: "Everyone present, I am really sorry for concealing everyone's affairs about the Nerubites."

"Why say this to spoil the atmosphere." "Happy" said.

"Yeah, we don't care about that at all." Natsu agreed.

"President, I don't care at all!" Wendy looked at the old man and said.

Robin Lu shook his head: "Everyone, please listen carefully to what I have to say."

"In fact, we are not the descendants of the Nerubite tribe, we are the Nerubite tribe itself!"

His eyes were deep, and he seemed to be caught in a memory: "Four hundred years ago, the person who created Nirvana was me."


"No way..."

"Four hundred years ago?"

Everyone looked at Robin Lu in amazement.

"Four hundred years ago, in order to prevent the spread of war around the world, I created magic that can exchange good and evil, Nirvana!"

Mentioning this Robin Lu frowned: "Nirvana has become a symbol of our racial peace and has built an era."

"It's just… Behind the powerful power, there will definitely be an opposite power."

Robin Lu's expression was a little painful: "How much darkness is converted into light, there will be an equal amount of darkness in Nirvana, this is balance!"

"As long as there is light, darkness will be born, and the 2.0 darkness taken from people will all find us in the Nerubite tribe…"

"How could…" Wendy's pupils kept quivering.

Robin Lu closed his eyes in pain and the scenes kept flashing in his mind: "The cannibalism has begun, it's just hell!"

"The entire ethnic group is going to perish, and this old man is the only survivor."

He shook his head again: "No, I can't say that now, because the old man's body has long since died, and now it exists in the form of a missing body."

"I have been guarding for four hundred years in order to pay for my sins and at the same time to wait for someone to appear who can replace my powerless undead and completely destroy Nirvana."

The corner of his mouth finally showed a smile, and he looked in the direction of Lu Chenxi and others: "Now my task is finally completed."

"This kind of thing…how can I accept it…" Wendy murmured with her head lowered.

Carla looked up at Wendy worriedly, and she took Wendy's lowered hand as if to comfort the girl.