
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 King To King

Inside the Tower of Heaven.

Jellal looked at the chessboard in front of him and wondered what he was thinking.

"Lord Jellal, let's grab Erza for the ceremony, there's no time to play anymore." Vader Ludas looked at the time and said anxiously.

Jellal still unhurriedly lowered the flag in his hand: "In this case, are you going to shoot? Vaderludas?"

Vida Ludas narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is it alright?"

"Then… it's time for us to attack." Jellal placed three pieces on the board.

"Haha." Vida Ludas smiled contemptuously, the magic power all over his body began to soar, and the waist-length hair began to blow upward because of the magic power.

A completely different shape from the previous Sven appeared in place.

The shoulders became barbed shoulder armor, and there was heavy makeup on the face. The whole person exudes a wild smell.

At the same time, two other people came to Jellal.

One is a woman wearing a kimono with two moles under her eyes and a long knife hanging from her waist.

The other was even more bizarre, because this man had the head of an eagle, but he had the body of a human, with a rocket pusher on his back.

"Assassination Guild·Skull and Bones" looked at the three Jellal in front of him and smiled: "Vedaludas Eagle, and Owl, and the captain, Turtledove…"

Turtledove slowly opened his eyes, revealing his amber pupils, "We're going to celebrate tonight!"

The three of them put their hands on their chests and gave a slight salute: "Assassination Guild, Skull and Bones Special Guerrilla Team Three Crows… All members are here."

Jellal's deep voice came out: "Now it's your turn to play, come on."

Watching the three of them leave, Jellal looked at the pieces marked with the sun on the chessboard and muttered to himself, "Lu Chenxi…is the sun? Hehe, the sun is also a celestial body after all, so who of us is stronger…"

"I'm looking forward to it."

On the other side, Lu Chenxi and others were walking in the corridor. After entering the Tower of Heaven, they found no one, which made Lu Chenxi's plan to catch a person and directly set Jellal's position in vain.

Lu Chenxi also asked Xio and others, but the answer they got was that they didn't know either. After all, it was already close to the high-level, and this was the place where Jellal prohibited them from entering.

Now the only way to go is to follow the road to the top.

"By the way, the figures around here are quite scary." Lucy walked in the middle and looked at the portraits on the surrounding walls.

"Is there?" Natsu poked the portrait on the wall curiously.

Suddenly the eyes of the figure in front of Natsu began to glow red, and then the eyes of the figures in this corridor all lit up.

"Hey!!" Natsu stepped back in surprise: "I didn't do it, right." Natsu kept waving his hands to indicate that I didn't do it.

"We saw it." "Happy" confessed Natsu very honestly.

"Okay, don't be noisy, let's see what happens?" Lu Chenxi motioned to Natsu and the others to be quiet.

"Welcome to the Tower of Heaven, I'm Jellal, the ruler of this tower, the pieces of both sides have arrived." Jellal's voice sounded from all around.

"Jellal…" Erza gritted her silver teeth. .

"This is, Jellal." Simon said solemnly, "He wants everyone in this tower to hear his voice."

The voices around are still echoing: "It's almost time to start, Paradise Game."

"What's the game??" Natsu yelled at a figure.

Jellal ignored Natsu's self-consciousness and said, "The rules of the game are very simple. I will use Erza as a living sacrifice and perform a ritual to bring Zeref back to life."

"In other words, if the door to Paradise is opened by me, then I have won."

"If you have a way to prevent this from happening, even if you win, but this game is too monotonous, so I arranged three warriors, how about it? It's funny, hahaha." Jellal's laughter spread all over the place Tower of Heaven.

"Finally, I would add that the council will cast the magic power here to destroy it."

"What… Mage Power?" Erza said in horror.

Jellal's unwavering voice sounded again: "The remaining time is unknown, but as long as the magic spirit power is activated, it means 'destruction', that is, no one wins."

"What the hell is he thinking?" Lucy didn't understand such a guy.

"Then, enjoy yourself." The red light on the portrait gradually disappeared.

"A game…" Lu Chenxi touched his chin, he didn't intend to abide by the rules of the game, then…

"Damn it, Jellal…" Hugh punched the floor, and at this moment he truly believed that he had been deceived by Jellal.

What he believed in for eight years turned out to be a lie from Jellal.

"Sister…I won't let Jellal hurt my sister…Jellal will be defeated by me!!" With such a roar, Hugh buried his head and ran forward alone.

"Hugh~ you're no match for Jellal," Erza yelled.

But at this moment, the figure of Xio has disappeared from the curve ahead.

Upon seeing this, Simon and the others hurriedly went to retire.

Erza raised his forehead, then looked at Lu Chenxi and said, "Let's go too."

After a little thought, Lu Chenxi said: "I think Jellal is very likely to be at the top. You and Gray and the others will go to Simon, and Natsu and I will use "Happy" to go directly to the top to see."

Then he looked at "Happy" and asked, ""Happy", no problem, fly twice in a row."

"Aisha, don't worry Chenxi, we are also Fairy Tail's mages." "Happy" said confidently.

"Okay, "Happy", let's go first, Chenxi, you'll be here later." After speaking, Natsu hurriedly flew out with "Happy".

Looking at Lu Chenxi burst into shame, "Why are you panicking?"

Outside, Natsu was grabbed by "Happy" and the clothes on the back flew up quickly. Natsu laughed and said, "Haha, "Happy", luckily we came out quickly, if the morning light went up first, I would have nothing to do with me. 0 .."


Suddenly, something in the distant sky seemed to be approaching rapidly.


"What is that?" Natsu looked suspiciously at the place where the voice came from not far away.

"So fast, it looks like a person?" "Happy" seemed to see clearly, but at this moment the figure was approaching Natsu and "Happy".

"Eagle's head??" After seeing the figure, Natsu was even more puzzled, a species he had never seen before.

The person who came was Xiao Xiao, one of the three crows.

Owl's speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, Owl with the rocket launcher came behind Natsu and slammed it down heavily…

"Then let's go first, Chenxi, be careful." Erza said.

Lu Chenxi nodded and suddenly there was a scream of Natsu outside. Lu Chenxi couldn't help but turn his head and saw that Natsu and "Happy", who had just flew out at a very fast speed, were now falling down at a faster speed.

A figure followed behind and grabbed Natsu.

"I know your weakness, you are afraid of transportation." Xiao laughed softly, and flew towards a big hole with Natsu, who was already half dizzy.

"Happy", who managed to stabilize his figure, hurriedly asked Lu Chenxi and others for help.

Lu Chenxi helped his forehead helplessly, "This guy." Then he looked at Gray and said, "Gray, I have to trouble you to rescue Natsu. He seems to be dizzy now, and it is estimated that he is struggling to fight."

"Really." Gray complained, but ran towards where Natsu fell.

Lu Chenxi looked at "Happy" and said, ""Happy", how can you still fly?"

"Happy" nodded, "I'm fine, but Natsu…" "Happy" looked down with worried eyes.

Lu Chenxi said, "Gray has already gone to save him. The place where Natsu fell is not far from here. Gray is probably almost there. You take me to the top floor first."

"Yeah." "Happy" said and took the 2.0 Lu Chenxi and flew towards the top floor.

The speed of "Happy" is still very fast, and the place itself is not far from the top floor, so Lu Chenxi and "Happy" did not take long to reach the top floor.

"Okay, thank you "Happy", you can go down first." Lu Chenxi and "Happy" thanked and then ran inside.

"Dawn, come on!" After shouting "Happy", he turned and flew to Natsu's place.

In the main hall on the top floor, Jellal placed the eagle pawn in his hand on the Fire Dragon's pawn "The encounter has begun, can you hunt dragons?"

Suddenly the front door was kicked open by a giant force.

Lu Chenxi's voice came in: "Jellal, you really are here."

Looking at the figure in front of him, Jellal squinted his eyes, looking a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

"Jellal, your boring game is coming to an end." Lu Chenxi's hand flashed with light, and the flowing blade appeared in his hand.

The flames began to spread on Lu Chenxi's body, leaving a flame footprint on the ground without taking a step, as if… even the ground started to burn.