
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 119

Chapter 119 The Battle Begins

"Simon, do you know what you're talking about? Do you want to betray Jellal, like a sister?" Hugh looked at Simon in disbelief.

Facing Hugh's shouting, Simon explained to himself: "Actually, I have been investigating privately for the past few years, who Jellal wants to resurrect."

Said this, Simon's face was dignified: "Dark Mage Zeref, who is known as the most ferocious and evil Black Mage Zeref in the history of the magic world…"

"Wait a minute, that's Zeref?" Gray couldn't believe it.

"I remember that Larabai and Dai Lyonra we met were also demons from the Book of Zeref," Lucy recalled.

Simon nodded: "To revive such a terrifying guy will only bring disaster to the world that is absolutely unimaginable."

Simon looked at Lu Chenxi and said, "So I've been waiting, waiting for the moment when all of you powerful mages gather, so that there is a chance to destroy the Tower of Heaven."

"Are you crazy?" Hugh yelled at Simon: "This is something we spent three years building, and you want to destroy him?"

Xio looked at Simon with a trace of resentment: "Sure enough, you want to betray us like your sister, right?"

"Hugh, everyone has been deceived by Jellal. In order to wait for the time to come, I have been pretending to be deceived." Simon patted Hugh's shoulder and said softly.

Turning to look at Erza: "Actually, I have always believed in Erza. It is impossible for 820 to betray his companions."

"But didn't my sister escape by herself back then? Isn't this betrayal!!" Xio shouted frantically.

Lu Chenxi narrowed his eyes and seemed to want to do something but was stopped by Erza.

"Let me tell you." Erza said while looking at Lu Chenxi.

Then Erza started her narration. During this period, Simon kept adding some things that Erza didn't know, so everyone could hear the ins and outs of the whole thing.

The former Erza and Hugh were both slaves who were captured in the Tower of Heaven and suffered various kinds of oppression all day long.

At last the oppressed people rebelled, Erza was the one who led the rebellion, and these people who were deprived of their liberty started a rebellion to fight for their freedom.

During this period, as Erza awakened magic, the situation began to shift towards Erza's side, and when it was about to succeed, Jellal suddenly seemed to be a different person.

They wanted to continue building the Tower of Heaven, which was a nightmare for them.

Then Erza was expelled, and with the lives of Hugh and others, he threatened Erza not to take a step closer to the Tower of Heaven, and blew up all other ships, planting the blame on the expelled Erza, which roused the people who did not escape. people's hatred.

Then Jellal used the anger of the crowd to publicize his twisted dream that only by resurrecting Zeref would they be truly free.

But people who have reached a dead end have no choice but to desperately seize this weak hope in an attempt to gain true freedom.

Speaking of which, Erza looked at these former companions and whispered, "Actually, I haven't been able to save you all, I'm really sorry…"

"But Erza did it for them, but they…" Lucy said indignantly.

"Okay, Lucy, stop talking." Erza shook her head.

"Little Elle…" As the truth came out, Millianna also knew that she and others had been misunderstanding Erza, and she was full of regrets and didn't know where to start.

"Why… how could this be? This is completely different from what Jellal said… Damn it!!" At this moment, Xio was like a believer whose belief had collapsed.

The things that he had believed in for eight years were all overthrown at this moment, and Xio, who couldn't understand all of this, fell to his knees and slammed his fists on the ground.

"What is the truth? In the end I should believe which side is right…"

Looking at Xio who was about to collapse, Erza walked up to Xio: "It's not easy for you to accept these facts now."

"It's all my fault, I'm so weak, I'm sorry for you…"

Erza turned around to look at his companions, and Lu Chenxi made up his mind and said, "This time, I won't be running away, I'm going to Tower of Heaven to find Jellal and make a break!"

Looking at Erza, who was no longer afraid, Lu Chenxi said, "You're not alone." Lu Chenxi looked at Natsu and the others behind and said, "Companion Fairy Tail is in trouble, what should we do?"

"Hehe, of course, it's all about kicking the opponent away." Natsu's fists burst into flames, showing high fighting spirit.

Gray took off his clothes without knowing when: "How can I not participate in this kind of thing without Gray?"

"Ah!! Lord Gray's body!!" Juvia looked at Gray with peach blossoms in her eyes.

"By the way, can you put your clothes on? There are many people here…" Lucy complained helplessly.

"You…" Erza smiled.

Lu Chenxi (acca) smiled and said, "If that's the case, then it's not too late. Let's set off as soon as possible, solve it as soon as possible, and return to the guild as soon as possible!"

On the endless sea, Lu Chenxi and others were drifting in a small boat.

"Why don't you swim over?" Natsu hung his mouth weakly on the side of the boat, tears flashing from the corners of his eyes.

"What are you kidding? The daylilies are cold after swimming." Lucy raised his forehead.

Lu Chenxi shook his head and helped Natsu up and said, "In that case, let me help you."

"Really? Thank you so much, Chen Xi." Natsu seemed to have found a savior: "How are you going to help me?"

Lu Chenxi nodded wordlessly, and then punched Natsu in the stomach, making a muffled sound, and Natsu responded.

The people watching on the side were in a cold sweat. Simon seemed to feel the same way and touched his abdomen, where the wound started to hurt again.

And in the Tower of Heaven on the other side.

A hooded man sat on a throne on the top floor.

"Lord Jellal, I received the news that Erza has been successfully captured, and is on the way back." A man in a white robe with long hair and a refined aura came over, facing the man on the throne slightly Ju body.

"But why do you have to capture that traitor?" The long-haired man was obviously a little puzzled by Jellal's decision.

"With your powerful magic, you should be able to get rid of her at any time."

"Hehe, how can that be done? The world would be so boring then." Jellal chuckled.

He changed his sitting position and continued: "But… Since the Tower of Heaven has been completed, then I can't let her live. In order to realize my dream, you should be the victim, Erza…"

"Is that the Tower of Heaven? What a strange shape." Lu Chenxi said from the bow of the boat, looking at the tower opposite.

"It's where, as for why it's so strange, we don't know, it was built according to their requirements." Simon also came over.

"That's it, forget it, no matter what shape he is, he will just go up after a while and be done with it." Lu Chenxi said indifferently.

Simon silently shed a drop of cold sweat: "Sure enough, powerful mages think in a completely different way from those of us."

Lu Chenxi turned to look at Erza, and since getting closer to this place, Erza's face became heavier and heavier.

He secretly sighed, "It seems that the shadow must be completely burnt so that there are no ashes left."

Soon the boat came to the shore.

Looking at this towering tower standing on the island, there are many masked soldiers patrolling nearby.

"Am I still back here, where the nightmare started." Erza was silent while looking at the tower.

"Come on, this nightmare will end today." Lu Chenxi touched Erza's hair.

"Well, let's go." Erza nodded slightly, and everyone got off the boat.

At this time, a pair of soldiers found the situation here and quickly came over: "Is it an escort?" The soldier leader asked Simon, who had just disembarked.

"Of course not, it's here to kill you." Before Simon could speak, Natsu's fists burst out with flames.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist~" the fist wrapped in flames hit the leader of the soldier's face fiercely, and also heralded the start of the battle.

"There are invasions, there are invasions, hurry up and destroy…" Similar voices kept coming out, and the soldiers patrolling around kept pouring in.

"Really, it looks like a big fight." Lu Chenxi swapped out his knife.