
Magic, Guardians And Bad Luck In Another World

Ryuuji had a normal life, spending his days watching anime and playing video games, until in the middle of a trip, won in a contest, he was taken to another world full of dangers, chosen by the four guardians of both worlds. Still not knowing what to do, he must live adventures with his companions that will lead him to discover the truth about who he is and why he is important to that world.

Jeff_Najera · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

We were almost to the city, we had in sight great stone walls that protected it, but a monster was chasing us while we were running.

-Why is that thing so close to the city! – Sayuri shouted.

-Don't ask me!! It's my first time here!! – I replied in annoyance.

The monster chasing us looked like a brown rhinoceros with 3 horns and a lot of hair, besides that, its paws looked like a cat's and its claws were very big.

-Just keep running, I can't take care of that thing even with fire magic! – Sayuri shouted in despair.

-I don't know what you mean, but it's okay!! – I replied just as scared.

I ran using all the strength I had, giving everything I had to run away.

-Don't leave me behind, wait for me! – she shouted. 

Sayuri had fallen behind, I could only slow down, grab her hand and run even faster than before while screaming.

The city wall was already close. There were two guards guarding one of its gates. Seeing us they closed one of the gates and were motioning for us to run faster.

Somehow my legs moved faster as I began to drag Sayuri along. We ran through the gates and the guards closed it behind us. There was a loud bang but the doors didn't budge.

I was on my knees on the floor trying to recover, my chest felt like it was going to explode from the effort and my legs had gone limp.

-What is a killer Rhinoceros doing so close to the city? That's very strange – said one of the guards.

-Killer Rhino? What an original name – I thought when I heard the monster's name.

-Yes, they were lucky to get out alive – said the other guard.

-It's... thanks to... him. If I hadn't... run... so fast... while it was holding me... it would have caught up with us – Sayuri was still having trouble breathing, but she still spoke.

-You'd better not go out again until a more experienced adventurer takes care of that thing – said one of the guards.

-Yes... for the moment... we'll just go to the guild – said Sayuri, it was obvious she was tired.

She got up, thanked the guards and started walking. I followed her as best I could.

-How come you can run like that? You moved much faster than when we fought the goblins – she asked still a little shaken.

-I don't know... I guess I didn't want to die – I answered her trying to think of an excuse.

I wasn't proud of my ability to escape from something, but this time it had helped me a lot.

-That's all right. We'll go to the guild for the time being. There I'll ask for my reward for the mission and for killing the goblins. You take the opportunity to register and then ask for a reward for the four goblins you killed and a place in the stables to sleep – she said as she continued walking.

-Okay, but how will they know I really killed four goblins? – I asked confused.

-Well... they'd better explain it to you. After that we'll go get something to eat, okay? – He said that with another smile.

-Yes – I said trying to keep up with him.

We walked a few minutes when I could see a big two-story building, it didn't seem to be a church but it was equal or bigger than one. Its doors were big and open, I could hear many voices coming from inside plus some music.

Inside there were many people, all wearing some kind of armor, some were light and some were full body. They were all carrying some kind of weapon, some were carrying swords, spears, bows, axes, maces and more strange ones. I felt silly wearing these clothes, a backpack and the dagger Sayuri had given me.

-If this is a dream... it must be because of so many isekai anime... although maybe it's not really a dream... – I thought worriedly.

The place seemed to be much bigger on the inside than on the outside. It was separated into 3 sections. On one side, the largest, there were very long tables and chairs, perhaps a restaurant or bar. In a small space there was a big board with a lot of papers stuck on it that I couldn't read. And finally there was the second floor, but I couldn't see what it was.

The moment they saw us enter, everyone went quiet. A second later they started whispering among themselves.

-It's the crimson witch.

-Did she ruin another mission again?

-Who is that guy coming with her? It's strange.

Things like that could be heard. I turned to look at Sayuri, she seemed to be angry but tried to hide it.

We arrived at what seemed to be a line of wooden counters lined up in a row, inside there were several girls, maybe they manned the counters like I had seen in some anime.

-Go to the next counter to check in, I'll be here – said Sayuri as she stood in front of one of the counters, she was definitely angry.

I went to the other counter as Sayuri had said, a girl with brown hair and green eyes greeted me, by her appearance she seemed to be a little older than me but I wasn't sure.

-Good afternoon, what can I do for you? – asked the girl while smiling.

-I guess I'll have to go with the flow until I investigate all this, so I'll have to go on with Sayuri a little bit more... – I thought after listening to her.

-Good afternoon... actually... I'd like to become an adventurer – I said a bit nervous and feeling a bit awkward.

-Very well, then follow me. We'll have to go to the wizard in charge of the guild so he can register you and activate your stats – said the girl as she left the counter and started walking.

-Excuse me, could you explain to me about the statistics? – I said, trying to pretend I didn't know about it.

-They are, so to speak, the qualities you have. These stats are Physical Strength, Magic Power, Defense, Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance, Agility, Mana, Vitality, Intelligence and Luck.

-I think I understand a little bit already, but aren't Defense, Vitality and Resistance the same thing?

-Of course not. Defense refers to the magnitude of the blows you can take. Vitality is the amount of energy it has, in simple words, it means how active it can be. While endurance focuses more on how much damage it can take without being physically affected or how much resistance to magic it has – she said explaining it in a very simple way.

-I see – I said trying to look surprised.

We continued walking until we reached a separate room from the guild. The room was dark and was only illuminated by some old torches, in the center of the room there was a big chair where someone seemed to be sitting as if he was waiting for something.

-What do they want? – I heard the voice of an old man, he seemed to be angry.

-Excuse me master, I have brought someone who wants to become an adventurer – said the girl respectfully.

-All right, let him come closer – said the old man, still angry.

I did as he said, I walked until I could see him. He seemed to be really old, his hair, his eyebrows, his beard, everything was white, he was wearing a gray tunic and carried a cedar staff in his right hand.

-Is he imitating Gandalf the gray? – I thought at once when I saw him.

-Young man, take off your shirt and turn around – said the old man as I stood in front of him.

-Why do I have to do that? – I said starting to get nervous about his request.

-So that I can activate and see your stats. This might take a few minutes, so be patient – said the old man but this time he seemed to be calmer.

I did as he said. The moment I turned around he touched my back with his staff. A white light illuminated the whole room and I felt as if an electric current was running through my body, it reminded me of the time I had tried to fix a lamp in my room but ended up electrocuted, only this time it was much worse.

-This is definitely not a dream! This feels too real! – I thought as I felt the pain.

I didn't know how many minutes had passed when the pain stopped. My whole body was sweaty and it was hard to breathe. I turned to look at the old man, but something on his face made me think that something very strange was going on.

The old man had a small blue sphere in his hand, he placed something like a metal sheet on top of it and then put a string on it.

-With this you can see your stats and how they grow when you defeat a monster, also the guild employees can see how many monsters you have killed and know if you completed a mission, so take good care of it – said the old man when he gave me the sphere, but for some reason he seemed confused.

-Really? – I asked a little incredulous.

I saw the small sphere against the light. Small letters appeared in my vision, which then became larger.

Strength:10 Magic Power:10 Defense:10 Resistance:10 Resistance:8 Magic Resistance:7 Agility:10 Mana:10 Vitality:6 Intelligence:14 Luck:2

But there was something strange, the numbers of Physical Strength, Magic Power, Defense and Agility were moving every second. Sometimes they would go up to 20 and sometimes they would go down to 5.

-Hey, why are these numbers moving? – I asked more confused than before.

-I don't know, I've never seen that before. But leaving that aside, all the stats are within normal for a beginner, your intelligence and mana are higher than normal, but your luck is very bad – replied the old wizard

-That I could tell. But a few hours ago I killed 4 Goblins, shouldn't they appear? – I said when I noticed that it didn't show up.

-They appear, but you can't see them. Besides, your stats were not affected by that. Now go, claim the reward for the goblins and keep fighting – said the old man as he raised his staff.

The old man practically threw us out of there. The girl took me back to a counter and handed me 16 bronze coins.

-Each goblin has a price of 4 bronze coins, they are low level monsters, so they are not very valuable and killing them only helps a few farmers. If you need a place to sleep you can look for a place in the stables – said the girl in the same cheerful tone as before.

-All right, thanks – I said as I started walking around the guild.

I looked all over the place for Sayuri, she was sitting at one of the tables and looked annoyed.

-Hello, what's wrong? – I asked worried about her mood.

-You took too long and this place is not my favorite. Let's get out of here – she said still a little upset.

She got up and started walking without waiting for my answer, I had no choice but to follow her. We walked for a few minutes until we reached a small restaurant.

Inside there were about 10 small white wooden tables with gray wooden benches and what appeared to be a bar to one side. Everything seemed to be a bit dark as it was only lit by strange torches. Sayuri ordered the food and something to drink. She seemed to still be upset, so she had to say something.

-I know you're going to be upset, but are you like this because of what those guys said? They called you "Crimson Witch" – I said remembering what I heard when I entered the guild.

-Yes, those guys are idiots. I work as hard as I can, but in the end everything goes wrong... I can't take it anymore – she said, I could tell she was frustrated.

I could see how she was clenching her hands tightly as she spoke, she must be very angry though not only because of the other people's words.

-Whenever I try to find partners to help me, they run away after the first mission – she said, but her tone was getting worse and worse. She was not only annoyed, I could see some sadness and loneliness in her face – I even messed up simple missions. I'm sure even you wouldn't like to be my partner – she said while she bowed her head.

-You're wrong – I said immediately upon hearing her words.

She raised her face and looked at me. I could only smile a little.

-I think I've seen enough to be able to trust you. Besides, you gave me this dagger and gave me the confidence to fight when I had never done it before – I said trying to convince her.

-But... – she said, but I interrupted her, I took her by the shoulders and pulled her closer to me, she blushed a little.

-I will tell you where I come from and who I am. If I want to be your partner I can't keep deceiving you – I said whispering to try not to let anyone else hear us.

-I guess this is another world after all... at least I can be her companion – I thought at the thought of living in a fantasy world, with a companion like Sayuri.

I told Sayuri a few things, it was a little summary of what had happened to me, of course I didn't know if she would believe me or not.

-What?! You came from another...?! – she shouted in surprise. The only thing I could do was to cover her mouth with one hand to prevent her from saying anything else.

-Don't shout, this is a secret! – I said trying to speak as low as I could, but some people turned to look at us – Maybe this is not the place to talk about it, it's better... Haaa!! – I tried to explain something else, but I felt a pain in my hand, Sayuri had bit me to make me let her talk.

-Do... don't do that again! Besides I don't think that's true! – she said angrily.

-I will tell you everything that happened, but not here – I said trying to make her lower her voice.

She sighed deeply.

-I know a place – she said a little tired, maybe she really doubted my story.

We left some money on the table and left. Sayuri started to walk faster and faster, until she stopped in front of the wall and looked like she was going to climb it.

-Wait until I'm upstairs so you can climb up. Don't even think about looking up while I'm doing it! – she said as she threatened me with her sword, and then put it back in its sheath.

With that threat I turned around and looked towards the city. It seemed to be very peaceful for being surrounded by monsters, the dim lights hanging outside the houses gave it an ancient and wonderful atmosphere, I could stay up all night watching it if I didn't have something else to do.

-Go up now, while no one is around – Sayuri said from the top of the wall.

I started to climb it, but it was harder than it looked, I had no idea how Sayuri had done it so fast and wearing a dress.

-No one will be able to hear us here, so start talking – she said with her arms crossed.

She seemed to be calm, but she had a serious expression on her face. I took a deep breath to try to control my nerves.

-First my name... my real name is Ryuuji Cliford. Although Cliford is the last name of the family that adopted me. I found out that my real last name is Mizushina – I said starting to explain.

-Why are you telling me that? Go to the most important thing – she said starting to get annoyed.

-That is important. My name and my real last name are very strange from the country where I come from – I said trying to explain.

I started to tell him a little bit about my life, although it was very little because I had to tell him how I got here.

I told him about the trip to Japan, about what I had heard in Kiyomizu-dera, about the people who were chasing me, about the voices I heard in my head and how I had jumped from the temple.

-... And when I realized I was on the ground screaming, that's where you found me. The rest you already know – I said a little tired from telling so many things.

-It's a bit of a long story and I'm not sure I believe it. But that necklace and the bracelets appeared when you finished telling your story – they said while pointing at me.

-Necklace? Bracelets? – I asked confused.

I looked at my hands and on each of them was a leather bracelet. The one on my left hand was white and had a tiger charm. The one on my right hand was blue and had an oriental dragon charm. My hands went to my neck and I felt a thin chain hanging, it was silver and had two charms, one was of a brown colored turtle and the other of a red colored bird.

-I don't remember how I got them – I said confused.

I remembered the animals I had seen before drinking the water from the fountain, they were the same color as the charms I had.

-I don't know much about the world you come from, but I'm sure they also know about the guardians, about Seiryu, Byakko, Suzaku and Genbu right? – Sayuri asked.

-Yes, I told you that they were in that temple looking for someone who would receive Seiryu's blessing, but no one... – I said trying to remember with more details.

-You were the one who received it. And, for some reason, they brought you here. I want to check something, but it will have to be until tomorrow. For now I just want to digest this – Sayuri said, she seemed to be exhausted and I couldn't blame her, even I found it hard to believe my own story.

-Yes, let's go. I still have to find a place in the stables – I said trying to change the subject.

-If you don't find one, I have a very wide space in the back of the stable, they always leave me far away so my luck doesn't affect the others – said Sayuri as she started to walk.

-Okay... – I said a little nervously as I followed her.

-Although I couldn't sleep if I'm so close... – I thought at the idea of sleeping close to her.

We went down the wall and Sayuri was leading me to the stables. In an alley we saw a group of people walking and behind them was someone smaller with a slightly torn brown robe covering her completely.

-Master... please... – It was a girl's voice, she seemed to be very weak.

-I thought that buying a slave would make things easier for me, but I didn't ask for one as useless as you! – The one who shouted was a smartly dressed man. He walked up to his slave and kicked him, being so small he flew off until he hit a wall.

-You bastard! – I said reluctantly, that made me furious, I was about to run and hit him but Sayuri stopped me holding my arm.

-He is a nobleman, I don't know his name but his level is way above ours. If you go now he will beat you to a pulp and then he will ask for your execution – she said in a low tone, maybe so they wouldn't hear us.

What she was saying was very serious, so I had to stand there and be quiet.

-But master... I... – said the girl dressed in the tunic, she got up again and walked slowly to her master.

-Shut up at once! – the same man shouted again and met her with an even harder blow, this time the slave did not get up.

-If you can't stand that, you're no good to me! Do what you want! – he said as he turned around.

The nobleman, along with the other people, walked away, leaving the slave on the ground. When we saw that they could not see us, we ran to help him.

-Hey, hold on! – I said, trying to get her to listen to me.

I lifted her off the ground and her robe opened. She really was a girl, she was very thin and had a cut on her forehead. She looked like a normal 13 year old girl, except for the cat ears sticking out of her white hair and a tail of the same color.

-She's a half-human... now I understand why so much aggressiveness – said Sayuri annoyed.

-I don't care about that now. Let's take her to the stable and try to cure her – I said worried about the girl.

Hello, how are you?

This is the first weekly chapter of this story! I was thinking of uploading it until Sunday like my stories in Spanish, but since I had some free time I took the opportunity to upload it.

I hope you are liking it and if so, you can save it in your library and share it.

And without more to say...

Thanks for reading!

Jeff_Najeracreators' thoughts