
Magic God:Techno-Dystopia

After myriad tribulations, the path to the peak is vast... what's next? is there any joy to witness anymore? But once the peak is reached, in order to attain this step, sacrifice is necessary, was it worth it? Through his sacred veil and his ten wings, he held his staff... Morpheus regarded the mortals that thrived, suffered, enjoyed, loved. Above him were the heavens, the God that pushed him through this path. Morpheus is such an individual, but God didn't count on the fact that in order to reach such a goal, a primal twist of the individual's mind is needed. "My son... you have reached the peak, but your soul might have perished along the way. Allow me to imbue your existence with joy and purpose." After reaching the peak, Morpheus felt devoided of amusement and life, forsaking all of his secular needs and desires, sacrificing himself for his family, his clan, his country, his continent... always a sacrifice. He was fated to go through the path of solitude and power. "Father... I don't want to go." Those were the words he said to the god that insisted to push him away from this world, after everything he sacrificed to reach the peak, he is to be sent away?! For what reason?! Magic is the peak of nature, the peak of human evolution, but in the vast existence there are worlds that don't believe such, worlds that believe in the path of machines. "My son, there are several worlds that might do with a touch of your grace, a touch of your knowledge... I shall now send you there as the saviour that will take those worlds back to the righteous path, you that dominate magic and life, who could possibly be better?" "But father... I... I worked so hard to reach here, how can you do this to me?!" "You don't understand this yet, my son, but this is for your own sake... go there and live, conquer, form, thrive, fight... I shall allow you to retain your memories, but the vitality of those worlds is swiftly decaying and thus, your divinity is limited... I trust you shall manage to not only save those words as you did this one but also, to finally live... don't sacrifice your desires again... follow your desires, my son." And just like that, with a living body but a dying soul, Morpheus was sent on his way with a lot of reluctance. The one that had reached the peak of nature, the peak of magic, shall face against those insolent ones that believe technology is the way, and destroy themselves in the process. Enjoy the story of a traditional magic protagonist, journeying through a dark cyberpunk world. #Gore, #Romance, #Harem, #Action, #OverpoweredMC, #Sci-fi, #DarkThemes, #Technology, #Magic, #AIs, #Robots ************* My discord server is noted beneath; please join and find support and copyright-free guideline illustrations related to this book as well as its future! Also, support me on Patreon if you consider my content to be quality! patreon.com/photosphere https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7

Photosphere · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Disciplining the Weak Willed II

The moment Rachel moved inside her room, it was immediate, both Sarah and the man lunged together at Morpheus, but it was just as hopeless.

For a while, he just blocked her fist and his knife, the two of them weren't able to push him back at all.


His palm clashed against the knife and much to the surprise of the two of them, it was the heat knife that was deteriorating!


That surprise caused a flaw that was more than enough for Morpheus to take advantage of... not that he needed to.

He kicked the man's chest precisely when he was aligned between the open door and him, sending him flying straight out of the house and crashing on the streets.

"Ashton!!" Sarah yelled to her boyfriend only to notice how a palm was straight in front of her face.


This slap... it was the real deal.

It crashed her body harshly against the floor, leaving her there for a good few minutes, dizzy.

The time that Morpheus took to go out of the house and beat the crap out of Ashton.






While struggling to stand up, Sarah could only hear the noise of mechanical parts breaking, grunts of pain and finally a hard crash.

Morpheus undusted his palms after he threw Ashton away like a piece of trash, he likely crashed against a building and possibly phased through the walls, but he didn't care.

The boy might as well be dead now since he dared to take out a knife, he must also be ready to lay down his own life.

By the time Sarah stood up, he was already in front of her.



She crashed harshly against the ground again, and this time, that wasn't all.


He kicked her stomach and blasted her away, crashing against the wall heavily.

Perhaps not able to restrain his anger, Rachel had cleaned the house before leaving... and now everything is a disaster.

"You're going to clean this shit, understood?"

"..." Now she knew he was the real deal.


She spat some blood, that kick from before, he didn't hold back like before.

"I'm just going to fuck off and leave the house, bastard... I don't care..." She uttered, not truly intending to follow with this threat, she's just seventeen years old, where is she going to go?

But at this age, youngsters are anything if not headstrong.

"If you're not going to clean this place for yesterday, then 'fuck off' and don't come back." He didn't care, however... after what she did today, it's better if she just leaves.

Just as the two of them remained in a lock, Rachel came out of the room, sobbing.


"..." The two of them regarded her even as Sarah felt her heart clutching slightly.

"What? now you care...?" He mocked, why is she showing this expression after all the shit she has done?

"Shut up... just shut up... you don't get anything..." She grit her teeth and stumbled on her feet, as expected that good for nothing didn't accomplish anything, he didn't even last two exchanges.

"... Sarah... clean the house." Rachel clenched her hands and uttered those words straight at her granddaughter's

"..." The girl lowered her gaze and didn't say or did anything.


Morpheus closed the door of the house, getting both of their attentions.

"You're going to clean this house now since Rachel doesn't want you to go, then you can't go... you have two options, you either clean the house, or I'll beat the crap out of you worse than I did that fellow..."



"Go back in your room, Rachel... Good night." He sat on the main couch, disgusted by the smell in the entire house.

<Elemental Output: Wind>

"Grandma, go back... this is between him and me, you don't have to meddle." She finally straightened and took out her school jacket, remaining only on her shirt.

The two of them didn't even notice how the smell of the entire house cleared all too suddenly.

"Morpheus, please... don't be too hard on her... she's just... ugh... stubborn..." Rachel was already too emotionally tired to continue, she just went back in her room and this time she didn't eavesdrop, she cooked too much today and felt like she needed a rest.

When she closed the door the silence remained for a long time.

"Aren't you going to check on your boyfriend? he might be dying as we speak..." He wondered about this detail, not truly caring about the guys' safety, but since he's her dog, she might as well care for her dog a bit, not?

"I don't care... that weakling... I knew he wasn't going to do anything... I'm stronger than him, but I had to try."

Apparently not.

She encircled him and raised her guard, no matter how many times he beat her, she wouldn't surrender, she wouldn't bow down.

This is how you survive in the streets.

When she was behind him, the position that she considered would be harder for him to counter, she punched straight at his head...


He didn't move... he didn't do anything... but yet, it felt as if she just... she hit a steel wall surely.


"I-Impossible..." He didn't budge even a bit.

Morpheus stood up with a sigh, preparing to beat the shit out of this girl again until she finally became obedient.

He can see within her soul, she's not a bad girl... she has just been raised wrong.


Once again the slap was enough to take her down, he grasped her arm and threw her on the couch, then mounted her abdomen like before, she didn't even seem to resist as he pinned her hands above her head with a single one and slapped her again.


That fist just now destroyed any wisp of hope she had on winning.

She had used her entire strength and hit him square in the head, yet did nothing... if that's not despairing, what is?

"Are you going to clean the house or not?"



"Yes, or not?"


She sobbed, but once again, he slapped her.

"What are you crying for? was it hard? your childhood?"


She immediately raised her head to look at him when he mentioned that, she hadn't been expecting those words.

"What? Do you think I don't know? you were raised alone, surviving alone, doing everything by yourself... you think I don't know? your parents died early, your grandmother had to take care of you, but she's never in the house, you quickly drifted through the bad path... possibly bullying, you had to change, become merciless, secure yourself... you had it difficult... you used drugs to relieve your stress... you used sex to relieve your pain... you used the enhancements to become stronger... you became colder to secure your heart... do you think... I don't know?" His cold glare remained on her eyes, unleashing every fear her soul had, every apprehension.


Her sobs intensified right at that moment... that's exactly it.

But even then, he still slapped her again!




"You have suffered, but does that give you the freedom to destroy the only person that has supported you?"


"Your grandma is the only person that has sacrificed herself for you, more than those friends of yours, more than any boyfriend... and she's the person you're treating the worst... do you think because you suffered, that gives you the right to make others suffer! you're just a piece of disgusting being, you hate your own grandma! the person that has always protected you!"


At that moment those words seemed to pierce her heart.

"I'm sorry... I don't... I don't hate grandma!! don't say that I hate her! It's not the truth!!" She yelled right at his face, it's the truth, she doesn't hate her grandma... she has been trying to help this house as much as she can but... she has also messed up along the way.

"Then why do you insist on messing up over and over!?"

"I... I don't know!! I DON'T KNOW!! I JUST... DON'T WANT TO APPEAR WEAK..."


At that moment, as she sobbed, he stopped the slapping contest that he obviously won, and stood up from her abdomen.

The girl just placed her bionic hand above her eyes and sobbed, but as she sobbed her mind seemed to go through a period of realisation, perhaps... she has truly fucked up a lot... indeed, she has suffered, bullying, abuses... she had to become stronger, no one was there to protect her but... does that mean that she has to retaliate against the only person that has ever supported her?

Her grandmother was never there, but... was it her fault? it wasn't... she had been trying to provide for the house all along.

Those thoughts moved through her mind as she looked for the guilty one, only to realise that all along, the one that had been wrong is her.


He sat down on the other couch with his legs crossed, waiting...

And it took a good half an hour before Sarah eventually stood up, moved to the kitchen moistened a towel and started to clean the house... it was only at that moment that she noticed the smell of weed was gone as she had been intending to get rid of it.

It was two hours past midnight when she finished cleaning, she even passed the hoover through the carpet stairs...

"I'm finished..." She said and stood up in front of him, holding her elbow with one hand, staring at the ground.

"Good, are you hungry?" He asked and raised from the couch.

"... Yes."

"Okay... I'll cook something, wait at the table."