
Magic God:Techno-Dystopia

After myriad tribulations, the path to the peak is vast... what's next? is there any joy to witness anymore? But once the peak is reached, in order to attain this step, sacrifice is necessary, was it worth it? Through his sacred veil and his ten wings, he held his staff... Morpheus regarded the mortals that thrived, suffered, enjoyed, loved. Above him were the heavens, the God that pushed him through this path. Morpheus is such an individual, but God didn't count on the fact that in order to reach such a goal, a primal twist of the individual's mind is needed. "My son... you have reached the peak, but your soul might have perished along the way. Allow me to imbue your existence with joy and purpose." After reaching the peak, Morpheus felt devoided of amusement and life, forsaking all of his secular needs and desires, sacrificing himself for his family, his clan, his country, his continent... always a sacrifice. He was fated to go through the path of solitude and power. "Father... I don't want to go." Those were the words he said to the god that insisted to push him away from this world, after everything he sacrificed to reach the peak, he is to be sent away?! For what reason?! Magic is the peak of nature, the peak of human evolution, but in the vast existence there are worlds that don't believe such, worlds that believe in the path of machines. "My son, there are several worlds that might do with a touch of your grace, a touch of your knowledge... I shall now send you there as the saviour that will take those worlds back to the righteous path, you that dominate magic and life, who could possibly be better?" "But father... I... I worked so hard to reach here, how can you do this to me?!" "You don't understand this yet, my son, but this is for your own sake... go there and live, conquer, form, thrive, fight... I shall allow you to retain your memories, but the vitality of those worlds is swiftly decaying and thus, your divinity is limited... I trust you shall manage to not only save those words as you did this one but also, to finally live... don't sacrifice your desires again... follow your desires, my son." And just like that, with a living body but a dying soul, Morpheus was sent on his way with a lot of reluctance. The one that had reached the peak of nature, the peak of magic, shall face against those insolent ones that believe technology is the way, and destroy themselves in the process. Enjoy the story of a traditional magic protagonist, journeying through a dark cyberpunk world. #Gore, #Romance, #Harem, #Action, #OverpoweredMC, #Sci-fi, #DarkThemes, #Technology, #Magic, #AIs, #Robots ************* My discord server is noted beneath; please join and find support and copyright-free guideline illustrations related to this book as well as its future! Also, support me on Patreon if you consider my content to be quality! patreon.com/photosphere https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7

Photosphere · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Disciplining the Weak Willed I

"Do you have anywhere to sleep, Morpheous? Where have you been sleeping all this time?" With the god eating the last of his dish, she prepared to take the stall back to her house.

"Hmn, you don't need to worry, Rachel, I'll sleep on top of some building or anything." In truth he wouldn't even sleep, he could if he wanted, but he didn't need to.

"How can that be acceptable!? Come to my house, I have a room available!" If he had all that money surely he can go and pay for a hotel room... but... if he does that she won't be able to watch out for him...

"But..." If she's so insistent, he won't be able to reject... his next objective is just to try and analyse those chips.

"No buts! you're coming with me, come on, I can't allow you to sleep in the streets... don't worry, only I and my granddaughter live in the house, come come, help me take the stall... I won't accept a no for an answer!" She took the stall and took one of his hands.

'I already know your weakness boy... you can't stop yourself from helping people!' She giggled inwardly, believing she just found a gem.

That's right, he's just an extremely good person... how can she let such a person roam free in this corrupted god-forsaken world!

Well, she isn't wrong, but what she doesn't know is that Morpheus is not stupid, he knows who to help and who not to.

In the end, just as she expected, he helped her, in fact, he moved the stall himself leaving her a little bewildered as that thing is not light at all... and he doesn't have any enhancements.

'Right... he doesn't have a chip, that means he doesn't have any enhancements...'

Such individuals are one in a million.



When they reached her house, as expected it was humble... but not small, just compared to the other houses it lacked the 'modernism'.

"I inherited this house from my family, it is a lot cheaper to maintain..." She said offhandedly and he simply nodded, unaware of how housing laws work in this world.

They left her stall locked in the entrance and when Morpheus was about to squeeze himself out of there, she grasped his hand.

"Where do you think you're going...?" The granny glared at the youngster who could only sigh.

"... Sit down in there, leave your shoes in the entrance... I'll prepare some tea... you... you're not hungry are you...?"

After eating five of her meals, if he's still hungry she will be beyond shocked.

"No... not at all..." In truth, the food only decomposed itself inside of him and transformed in energy... so no matter how much he ate he could never be filled, but it would replenish his divinity core a little, just a little.

She hummed lightly while he sat on the main couch.

For several minutes there was peace.


"I'm back!"

"..." His eyes that had been closed, opened at that moment to regard the person that just walked... no, burst through the door.

It was a girl, a young woman.

She dressed in what looked to be a shiny pink school uniform that wasn't anywhere near tidy, wearing pantysocks and shining sneakers.

Her shirt struggled to hold the big chest that she had behind in there and what surprised him the most were the jaws...

Yes, she seemed to have something that resembled shiny red jaws on her mouth, her long raven hair was covered with a hoody that had two cat ears.

'What the hell are youngsters these days thinking...?' He couldn't help but sigh and shake his head repeatedly, unaware that he looks like a teenager himself.

"Sarah..." Rachel shvered slightly and even spilt some of the tea she was serving, true... she forgot to cook.

"Grandma, I'll be in my room, bring the food..." The girl walked in further and said with a voice that sounded more like a 'demand' than a request.


When she glanced at the young handsome man sitting in the main room with his legs crossed, she stopped in her tracks for an entire minute.

'S-So handsome...' she almost stuttered only to shake her head repeatedly, she already has a boyfriend after all.

'He can't compare to this stud...' but it's a boyfriend nonetheless!

"Who are you?!" She growled out, a voice quite befitting the thing she had on her mouth.

"..." He didn't answer, instead he awaited something from her.

"He's a guest that's going to be staying here from now on..."

"Rachel..." This time he had to interject, he didn't plan to stay for longer than a day.

"From now on... until he gets well acquainted with this country's rules... he comes from the outside." Rachel insisted as he wanted to refuse again.

"Is that so? I don't care... get the food upstairs, grandma... I'll be in the VRworld" the girl shot him a last glare before moving upstairs with her backpack.

"... yes..." Rachel sighed and prepared to start cooking, but a hand stopped her.


Morpheus shook his head to her before taking the cup of tea and downing it in one go.

"Stay here, Rachel."


He walked calmly after downing the tea, he couldn't believe this degree of insolence.

When she said her granddaughter wasn't the best, he didn't expect it to be this bad.

Therefore, he walked with his hands on his back, going upstairs... where Sarah just went.

Hopefully, he wouldn't find her naked inside... that's what he thought before opening the door and almost getting blind by all the pink and purple lights inside.


The girl didn't even take out her school clothes, she had plopped on the bed and wore a helmet.

He moved up to her and took the helmet straight from her head!



He threw the helmet through the window of the house and it impacted a vehicle far away.

"..." Sarah couldn't believe what just happened, she glared at this handsome boy as if asking 'are you for real?'

"If you want food, go and cook it yourself... your grandmother just came back from a hard day of work and she doesn't have the strength to be preparing food for your nasty self, got it?"

After saying that, he departed the room, leaving an incredulous Sarah.

'What the fuck just happened?'

It had been so outrageous that she just couldn't believe it, could it be that she was still wearing the helmet?

Is it an update?



Downstairs Rachel fidgeted after hearing the faraway bang noise.

'Are they fighting!?'

But then she saw Morpheus come downstairs calmly and sit on the bed.

"Where is your room, Rachel?" He asked with a solemn gaze, his eyes even seemed to be shining.

"T-That one... I have to-"

"You're not going to prepare even a piece of bread... go and sleep Rachel, you must be tired."

"..." She wanted to ask about what happened upstairs, but it wasn't necessary, the thumps of Sarah's steps resonated on the ground she came downstairs!


"S-Sarah..." The woman was troubled, she never saw her granddaughter this enraged, just her normal rage is hideous enough but this...

"Go to your room, Rachel." His voice resonated once again without any care, this time, it was an order.

And for some reason, Morpheus looked even scarier than her granddaughter!

Therefore, she walked to her room.



Her words didn't finish, because no more words came out!

In fact, she couldn't even open her mouth!



Rachel bit her lips and continued going towards her room, "Morpheus, your room..."

"Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch."


"Okay, good night... sweetheart... thank you."

"Good night, Rachel."

Having said those words she closed the door of her room but straight away pushed her ear against the door, intending to see what would happen next!

As it was obvious, Sarah was able to open her mouth again, bewildered at what happened just now.

But even more, enraged after what took place before.

"You little piece of shit, I don't know what you did to my grandma, but you're going to pay my VR or we're going to have trouble, you hear me!?"

"... is that so? and what are you going to do?" He crossed his legs the other way in apparent mock, he couldn't take this ant even less serious.

For him, respect is everything... and this girl who didn't even acknowledge her grandma's efforts, is there anything she is if not shit?

The girl immediately lunged at him, as he sat, she had two robotic arm enhancements, if she wanted to strangle someone, it was an easy matter.


But what she received was a slap right at her cheek with so much strength that it flung her head away.

"..." Morpheus didn't say anything as the girl seemed to have lost all the air in her lungs even as she wasn't hit on her chest.

She stumbled and fell on one of the sofas with a red cheek, so red that it looked as if it was on fire.

"You hit me..."

"Go to your room, you disgust me..."

"..." Her eyes shivered slightly at the disdain within his words.

But even then, she tried to lunge on him again.


Another slap, right on the other side of her face, threw her directly to the ground... powerless and with moistened eyes.

"The next time... your head won't remain on your shoulders..."

When those cold words were said, she knew he said them seriously...

"I'll get my boyfriend... he will beat you up!"

"..." He couldn't care less.

Having said those words, the girl went upstairs, acknowledging her defeat for now and retreating.

On the other side of the room, Rachel sobbed... hoping that everything would end well... truthfully, she knows her granddaughter needs a 'wakeup call' but she was never willing to do it herself.

The lady never expected that the one to give it would be him.