
The Glass City

The city of glass.

A monster flying across the skies, its cracked figure dancing in the shadowed night, as the full moon shined down. It spread its magic dust in all directions, all across Paris, turning the city to diamonds.


At the same exact time, a tall well-kept man in the all-white stood with his arms behind his back. He stood on a massive flying carpet that floated far above the city of glass, far above the marching parade of monsters.

"Are we ready?" (First-Class Captain Sorcerer, European Division 1, Mato)

He turned around to see his fifteen Second-Class Sorcerers all in perfect order, with their arms perfectly tucked behind their backs.

"Yes sir, we are ready. It's just like you predicted. The Monsters have come to attack." (Second-Class Lieutenant Sorcerer, Squad Mato, Ren Frayer)

"Let me correct you, Ren. This is not what I predicted. This is what Yua predicted. I am merely following her lead, for if I truly predicted this horrendous event, then I wouldn't have let Marry and her squad die." (Mato)

Ren bowed down accepting his mistake.

"Yes, I will never make that mistake again,n sir." (Ren)

Ren stepped back into the orderly group.

"Good, then we shall begin the ritual." (Mato)

"Yes captain!" (All Second-Class Sorcerers)

All the Fifteen Second-Class Sorcerers in unison pulled out daggers. They raised their weapons to the sky. All in unison. They slit their throats. One after the other. Blood pouring onto the flying carpet. One after the other. They fell forward. One dead ontop of the other.

Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.

They all died.

And lastly stood Ren. His face looking off with a grin, his dagger raised to the sky. He stabbed himself in the gut. Blood gushing out. He stood there with the same grin, the same smile.

"For humanity!" (Ren)

He fell forward dead.

"Yes, Ren. For humanity." (Mato)

Mato looked down on the marching parade of monsters. He looked at the three X-Class Monsters leading the charge.

He held out his right hand. His magic.

He pulled out a small red stone with his left hand.

The glowing moon. Its shine reflecting off the stone.

All the blood started mixing together, flowing into a lake of death.

Mato ate the red stone.

He pointed right hand. He pointed at the parade, at the monsters, the three X-Class monsters.


The Three X-Class Monsters looked up at the storm of red magic and light flashing across the sky.

"Volcan, what is that? Is this what those humans call the sun?" (Pan)

Volcan looked up to the shining beam of red light that reflected off the city of glass.

"No that is not the sun. That is magic." (Volcan)

"Magic? Human Magic?" (Eurus)

Volcan looked closer. It looked to the flying carpet that hovered far above the dark horizon high in the sky. It looked past the expanding red, past the small crystal absorbing blood. It looked to the source of the power. The man in the center of it all. The man in white.

"It's them!" (Volcan)

Volcan stepped up. It turned to its forces of monsters. It's hundreds of thousands, destroying the city in its wake. It looked to the city of glass.

"Eurus, Pan! Get Theia here now! We are abandoning the search for the Competitor. Our new objective... Kill all the humans!" (Volcan)

Volcan started to float. Its heat and plasma body propelling it higher and higher into the sky. It held out its hands.

Lasers and plasma in directional beams, shooting across the sky. All aimed at the bright beam of red.

It hit!



"You filthy monsters are too late." (Mato)

The red crystal popped. The magic released.

"Red Shine!" (Mato)


The red overpowered the plasma beams. It's wave of power shooting across the dark sky, turning the once burning world into a deeper, scarier, eviler pit of hell.

A scarlet red sky. The blood flowing like tentacles, lowering into the world below, searching for their prey.


Ten seconds later and the glass city turned a dark deep blood red. Coated in a thick layer of slimy gore. All the monsters, X-Class, A-Class, B-Class, C-Class, and D-Class, were all dead. All squished, pulled apart, singed, the blood curtain turning the landscape into a hell unlike anything seen before.

Mato fell back on his flying carpet in exhaustion. He couldn't move a single finger.

"My job here is done. I can now rest in pea-" (Mato)

"Rest is for the wicked." (Volcan)

Mato turned his stiff tired body a full one-eighty. He saw a singed being of burning skin and flaming meat, he watched as it held out its hand, standing over the dead bodies of his Second-Class Sorcerers.

"You are not him. Where is he?" (Volcan)

"Who...?" (Mato)

"The one in white. The anomaly." (Volcan)

Mato thought to himself for a second. He thought about his situation. How he didn't have any more magic enhancing crystals. Or how his magic was almost depleted and he couldn't move. He thought about all the situations, all the ways he could go about this. He could jump off the carpet, he could try to reason with it, he could- He stopped himself. He stopped all his thinking. He came to one conclusion, one option.

Third Level Magic.

Mato closed his eyes.

"Answer my question human. Where is the anomaly?!" (Volcan)

He took in a deep breath.

"I will see you in Hell Ren." (Mato)

He held out his hand.

"Red Shine of a Thousand Corpses!" (Mato)

Mato disappeared. His body turned into a curtain of blood. A single tentacle that fell from the sky. It touched Volcan.

"Not agai-" (Volcan)

The tentacle was stronger than one from before. It was small but powerful. Not letting go and not holding back. It gripped Volcan tight.

"You tricky humans. Always so annoying!" (Volcan)

He swiped his beams of plasma across the sky. But nothing could cut it, nothing could scrape past it. The curtain fell. Blood soaked.


Jack and Red walked across the city of glass.

"Red, the sky!" (Jack)

Red stepped back stunned, she couldn't believe what had just happened.

"That...! No... Mato..." (Red)

She looked down sad.

"Jack that is the First-Class Captain, Mato's magic. It's super strong, creating a curtain of blood that soaks and slows any opponent it touches. It's almost invisible since it can't be stopped and will always find its mark. But the drawback is that it uses actual blood." (Red)

"So that's good, right? All those blood tentacle things." (Jack)

"No... That amount. He's talked about it with me before." (Red)

A tear rolled down her eye.

"Ren... The others... They're all dead... And now..." (Red)

She watched as beams of plasma and fire raged across the sky, as a single tentacle touched its mark on a flying carpet.

"Now he's dead." (Red)

"What...? How can you tell?" (Jack)

"That last one is different than the others. It's his Third Level Magic. It's too strong to escape or survive. it's a one-hit kill... And I can tell... Because... When I look at that curtain of blood. I feel him... Inside of it..." (Red)