
Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition

The second version. Agriculture is a very interesting activity. Like the sale of products. Not to mention the cooking, healing cooking. The development of tourism. All this will be in this novel. Perhaps the continuation of the first novel, but not a fact. What is the story about? The story of a graduate student who decided to become a farmer. He sold his apartment and started to run his business with the money he received. Farm, online shop, farm shop. Decided to sell organic food. Who is this guy? Former student of the Faculty of History. His relatives are historians and artisans, scientists. Great-grandfather Farmer. Grandfather - oriental sweets manufacturer. His ancestor ... Dara is the hero of another novel "'Jiang' Magic Coin" ... What happens to him? He finds magic coins that have already become a magic entity, he has an all-powerful system. The main character does not immediately use it ... Why should I care? It is interesting. But not at once. Not from the first pages, there is interesting historical information, there is an understanding of everyday life, traditions, oriental subtleties of doing business. Almost reality but in a fantastic wrapper. Pros - good content, many different historical facts about the Silk Road, Eastern Trade, Household reflections on politics and economics, there are interesting ideas for organizing your own business in tourism and farming. Cons - bad form, that is, the text of the novel is rough, grammar and syntax is lame. There are mistakes. Overall assessment of the story if to be objective: Writing Quality - 2 stars Stability of Updates - 4 stars (3-4 times per week from 500 to 3000 words for one chapter) Story Development - 4 stars Character Design - 3 stars World Background - 3 stars Overall result: Who wants to learn new things about farming and about the world after the Cold War, who is interested in the first place content, can be sure that he/she will not waste his/her time in vain. Whoever likes the good form of the syllable, he/she can immediately leave, having pulled his hat, striking his/her horse sideways with spurs, plunge into the depths of the prairie. Tags - Farming, Cooking, Health, Folk Medicine, Magic, History ----------------------------- This is a work of art. Any resemblance to real people or real events is purely coincidental.

Gourmet_DAO · Realistic
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We go to the Pistachio mountains

Road, road, road ... dust, all around. while descending down into the valley ... to the Pistachkov mountains still to go and go. Arash at the wheel began to fall asleep, because Dara also nodded. And who is sitting in the front seat next to the driver should not sleep!

In order not to get into an accident, and it's just, just turn the steering wheel to the left, and you will find yourself in a deep abyss. True, flying not far, a little, only 150-200 meters ...

In order not to fall asleep, Dara started a conversation with Arash, this is the best thing, to pass the road, reduce travel time, learn new things, share the old! So it was accepted in the East, such are the traditions of the East, on the Silk Road. The old people said they were advising.

"Eh," Dara said - "so, we still have to go 30 km ... first go down from the Light mountains and then to the foothill plain ... by the way, beneath it is the largest deposit of subroutine, fresh water in our country "!

- So what?

"And you know that in 1899 the Americans wanted to rent this territory for 99 years ... to use these waters for irrigation ..."

- Irrigation of what?


"Then the Americans, they had an idea, to monopolize the world cotton market, and if they succeeded this idea, they would be able to grow a lot of cotton!"

"But the matter did not grow together, then the Russians seized on this idea, and also wanted to monopolize the world cotton market, but they did not succeed either."

- Yeah, it didn't work out ?! They sowed all the irrigated lands with cotton, due to the cessation of planting of vegetables and grains. They brought them from other parts of the empire!

"And who remembers the old, he won't look out!"

"That was in the days of colonialism, the era of bygone days!"

"Then Russia helped us a lot in modernizing the country, science, technology, culture and art."

_ Yes, that was it was.

"Russia is a great country, it has great potential"!

- Of course, they have nuclear weapons, smart scientists and engineers, masters of subtle tactics!

"This is a force that many have to reckon with!"

"But enough of big politics, we still don't understand it, of all its intricacies, subtleties, and public information does not mean anything at all, all the relish is in non-public information, but ... we will never know about this information" !

"By the way, here on the right, here along this path ...".

Dara picked up a Chinese android, said - hello Alice!

And Alice answered in a pleasant voice - hello, what do you need?

- Alice, we need a road to the pistachio mountains, show on the map?

For a minute, I'm looking ... turn after 2 km to the right, then after 300 meters to the left ...

- Alice, telling information about the Pistashkov mountains ?!

- Alice! Alice!

- I do not hear the answer!

But Alice was silent ...

- Hey Alice! Alice! Alice!

- Silence ...

- Well, apparently, there is no connection ... in the regions there is not even everywhere mobile Internet coverage ...

- Well, let's wait until the connection appears ...

- for now, let's go ahead!