
Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition

The second version. Agriculture is a very interesting activity. Like the sale of products. Not to mention the cooking, healing cooking. The development of tourism. All this will be in this novel. Perhaps the continuation of the first novel, but not a fact. What is the story about? The story of a graduate student who decided to become a farmer. He sold his apartment and started to run his business with the money he received. Farm, online shop, farm shop. Decided to sell organic food. Who is this guy? Former student of the Faculty of History. His relatives are historians and artisans, scientists. Great-grandfather Farmer. Grandfather - oriental sweets manufacturer. His ancestor ... Dara is the hero of another novel "'Jiang' Magic Coin" ... What happens to him? He finds magic coins that have already become a magic entity, he has an all-powerful system. The main character does not immediately use it ... Why should I care? It is interesting. But not at once. Not from the first pages, there is interesting historical information, there is an understanding of everyday life, traditions, oriental subtleties of doing business. Almost reality but in a fantastic wrapper. Pros - good content, many different historical facts about the Silk Road, Eastern Trade, Household reflections on politics and economics, there are interesting ideas for organizing your own business in tourism and farming. Cons - bad form, that is, the text of the novel is rough, grammar and syntax is lame. There are mistakes. Overall assessment of the story if to be objective: Writing Quality - 2 stars Stability of Updates - 4 stars (3-4 times per week from 500 to 3000 words for one chapter) Story Development - 4 stars Character Design - 3 stars World Background - 3 stars Overall result: Who wants to learn new things about farming and about the world after the Cold War, who is interested in the first place content, can be sure that he/she will not waste his/her time in vain. Whoever likes the good form of the syllable, he/she can immediately leave, having pulled his hat, striking his/her horse sideways with spurs, plunge into the depths of the prairie. Tags - Farming, Cooking, Health, Folk Medicine, Magic, History ----------------------------- This is a work of art. Any resemblance to real people or real events is purely coincidental.

Gourmet_DAO · Realistic
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205 Chs

Talk cafe and it seems Dara is becoming a farmer again

Rejoice Dara, the construction of a cafe will always take two days! Fast, modern, easy! True, you will have a smaller staff lounge!

I already came up with a design, three tables, 4 places each! Rack with a refrigerator lying. and two shelves. Shir Ali.

How many? Dara

Within the agreed amount and another three thousand dollars remains! Open the day after the day! The uncle with the documents will decide everything, he has a friend! Shir Ali.

Not bad! What will you sell? Dara

Baking 8-9 grades of 30 pieces each, a few cookies of two types, well, three types of cakes for the first time, and also sell cakes for making this "Sacher". And one more extra product! Shir Ali.

Wow! After all, it will be necessary to soak them in apricot syrup for six months ... Dara.

Well, it's worth it! We have banned alcohol! Drinking it is considered a sin! Shir Ali.

Yes! Dara

I will sell the finished cordy for 40 dollars! Easy to take! But to spend 6 months is a lot, and a month will fall. Anyway, we have a real "Sacher" few have seen! And those who saw will buy from us since it is very similar to that special taste and without alcohol! Shir Ali.

What kind of pastries will you cook? Dara

Which one? The simpler, the better, yeast buns with cherries, apples, pumpkins, apricots, puffs of apple, cottage cheese, raisins and nuts, potatoes! I will find recipes later! Shir Ali.

Yes! What is the price? Dara

Cost of $ 1.5 + top "cap" of $ 2! Take with a bang! Shir Ali.

Cakes will be with cream and strawberries, chocolate and fruit will sell mini-cakes for $ 2 each.

Well, a special extra product - apple with protein marshmallows. Preparing quickly, leaving with a bang. The price is $ 30 per package. Cost of 5 dollars. Shir Ali.

It's good for you, you're doing two and money ?! with a whispered uttered Dara.

Well, that's my job! What about you? Shir Ali.

I'm more a businessman than a farmer, yes, but without money, it's hard for farmers. The more easy money I make, the easier it will be for me later! During default, smart people become rich and honest beggars! Dara

I didn't know that you were such a cynic ?! ShirAli remarked in surprise.

I'm not a cynic, I just don't like to starve, I don't like to wear cast-offs and I want to buy a car, get on my feet and help all of you! Dara

Well, on the other hand, a rich and generous relative, that's good too! Smiling, ShirAli noticed.

Of course good! If he is not a bastard insensitive! But I'm not like that! Drink it yourself and let another get drunk! Our unspoken motto! Dara

Well, when are you going to start a farm? Shir Ali.

Now I can only be a manager. Manage the farm from the office. I now have a smart farm, everything is automated, drones are planting, fertilizer sprinkling, electronic maps themselves. And I sit only oolong milk tea I drink, but I enter commands at the program level. Dara

Do you know to program, C ++, Delphi? Shir Ali asked in surprise.

Not! I do not know! I am just a user of programs! Nothing more.

Dara has not yet ventured to tell his cousin that he is now the possessor of a magical gift and can revive machines and control them with mental commands. It's hard to get used to it the first time. And the leak of information did not lead to anything good. Dostachtono that Fang knew about it.

In the meantime, it was really time to take care of the farm, to see how things were going on in the field, what was planted, what still needed to be done? For a long time, Dara did not look at the field ...