
Magic Concept Academy

Morgan Du Pryce is the sole son of the Marquis Pryce, on the eastern border of the country of Athelaya. Soon the attend the largest academy in the country, Morgan prepares as much as he can, but will it be enough? Suddenly thrust into a mess of socially inept noble children and magical mishaps, Morgan realizes his preparations would never have been enough for his new environment. He will need to navigate the figurative (and possibly literal) war-zone of the academy, while maintaining his grades and hopefully making friends along the way. All while getting stronger so that he can go home with enough strength to defend it from a coming storm. ======================================= Hi I'm Clam, and I'm new here. Please bear with me while I figure everything out. Hope you enjoy and stick around.

Claiomh · Fantasy
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26 Chs

First Day p6

"Time flies when you're having fun." Professor Zeal says with a hint of disappointment.

After I sat back down, he spent the rest of the period rambling about motivation and perseverance. I didn't pay any attention to him.

As if on cue the bell rings once more, signaling the end of class.

Much like the previous class, I stand up quickly and escape the classroom. Even though I passed the Princess, I didn't pay her any mind as I was only focused on my exit.

Where to next. Ah yes, 'Practical Magic Application'. I'm just gonna chop off that application there at the end.

Practical Magic should be near the Theory class, so I head back the way I came. Once again the Princess is following close behind me, and at this point I'm not surprised. If I'm disturbed every time this happens I might just lose my mind.

Practical Magic really is close to Theory, in fact it's only two doors down. Entering the class with the Princess in tow, I notice that this one is quite a bit different from the others. The room is almost completely empty, not even a desk for the teacher who seems to be absent. The only defining feature is a door in the back of the class that has a sign on it that I can't read from here.

Wandering inside and inspecting the room devoid of decoration, I'm struck by a sudden and powerful headache. It's as if someone dropped several bags of bricks on my head. I clutch at my forehead in pain.

"This room has a larger concentration of Magical Energy than the rest of the school, so your discomfort is reasonable. You'll get used to it with time." A voice sounds from the door behind me.

"W-wuh?" I turn back to identify the speaker. A middle-aged man with messy brown hair and a short scraggly beard stands just behind the Princess and the short girl, who I guess followed us to class as well.

"Oh man you've been hit hard, let me go get you something to help." The man says, before quickly disappearing out the door. I try to gather myself before he returns a minute later with a cup in hand.

"Here drink this." He hands me the cup. I do as he says, since he said this would help.

"Ack!" I cough as the liquid reaches my tongue, but still attempt to drink it down. It's way too thick and tastes like garbage.

"Ah sorry I should have mentioned it tastes terrible. Honestly I'd take the headache over that any day, but it definitely helps."

I look up to him, but as I do I notice that the headache is completely gone.

"What even was that?" I ask.

"That's something the Headmistress made. Not sure what it is, but it helps with Magic related pains." He shrugs.

"I see." I guess I just have to accept that answer. I pause for a moment before continuing.

"And who are you?"

"Ah I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the teacher for this class, Professor Hrosthk. My surname is difficult so you can just call me Professor Jackson." He smiles as he introduces himself.

"Okay, hi Professor Jackson. Where is everyone? I thought the class would be in session by now."

"Oh you didn't hear. This class technically doesn't exist until tomorrow, despite what your schedule says. You didn't need to come here today, and neither did you two." He points to the Princess and the short girl.

The short girl quickly nods and escapes the room at record speed, but the Princess seems completely out of it.

"Um. Marcie, are you alright?" It seems that he hadn't noticed her condition until just now.

"Kid do you have any more of that potion?" He turns back to me and glances down at the cup in my hand.

"Yeah, I couldn't get more than a sip down. Also what did you just call the Princess?" I ask as I hand it to him. He takes the cup and walks over to the Princess before pinching her nose, pushing her head back and pouring the potion into her open mouth.

The Princess squirms but otherwise doesn't move from the spot, then he answers.

"Just a nickname, don't worry I won't get into trouble." He says, grinning widely.

Vague but okay. This scene is incredibly strange but somehow I'm not very affected. Maybe the potion has some side effects. I only had a sip so it must be very potent.

The Professor steps back from the Princess as if admiring his handiwork.

"Awake now?" He asks her.

"Yes." She is quick to answer with a slight glare.

"Good. Well you two can go now, you're not really allowed in here." He begins ushering us out.

"Ah wait how did you know we were in here? Or was it a coincidence that you walked in moments after we did." I ask frantically as he pushes my back.

"Pure coincidence. But that door also has an alarm on it that would have alerted me at my desk. This room is very dangerous to inexperienced mages that don't have supervision, so it would be bad if one got in here and passed out from the pressure." He speaks without stopping the pushing.

He continues before I can answer.

"You did very well staying conscious earlier, I can't wait to test you tomorrow, you and that girl who ran away earlier. I'll see you then!" He finishes as he pushes us out the door then closes it at our backs.

A soft click rings out from behind me, so I assume we won't be back in there until tomorrow whether we want to or not. I look to the Princess standing next to me. She seems to have recovered even faster than I did. Likely because she drank so much more of the potion, albeit unwillingly.

"Do you know him?" I ask. They seemed to have some sort of relationship for him to be so comfortable around her.

"He is a royal tutor." She answers with a hint of annoyance clear in her voice.

"Ah that makes sense." I guess that clears it up. She must have a lot of experience with his odd personality.

"What's your next class?" Maybe we'll have the same one again and I don't have to walk with her several feet behind me again. It's a lot more uncomfortable than if she just walked next to me.

"Advanced Battle Tactics."

"I see. I do as well, so we should get walking. The bell should ring soon." Something in me hoped that we wouldn't be going in the same direction, but the rest of me knew that wouldn't be happening.

Off to the next class.

Sorry about no updates past few days. Lots going on, but should be back on schedule now.

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