
Magic and memories

In the world of Eridoria, where magic and nobility reign supreme, a young boy named Kaidus is born with a mysterious past. Reincarnated from a world called Earth, Kaidus brings with him knowledge and experiences that set him apart from his noble family and the people of Eridoria. As he navigates this new world, Kaidus must confront his own identity and the secrets of his past, all while uncovering the truth about his magical powers and the strange occurrences that surround him.

Rovin_Sequeira_4362 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Shadows in the dark

Kaidus and Aria stood frozen, their hearts racing, as the darkness seemed to swallow them whole. Suddenly, a faint light flickered to life, illuminating the chamber. Aria's eyes still shone with an ethereal glow, and Kaidus realized she was the source of the light.

As they turned to leave, a figure emerged from the shadows. His face was obscured by a hood, and his presence seemed to fill the room. "You shouldn't have come here," he growled, his voice like thunder.

Aria stepped forward, her light intensifying. "We mean no harm," she said, her voice steady.

The figure snarled, his hand conjuring a dark blade. Kaidus instinctively pushed Aria behind him, his own magic stirring. The air was charged with tension as the two powers clashed.

In the chaos, the mysterious figure vanished, leaving Kaidus and Aria breathless. They knew they had to uncover the secrets of the mansion and Aria's connection to the magic within.

Back at the castle, Kaidus and Aria recounted their tale to Lord Arin and Lady Lirien. The noble couple exchanged a knowing glance, and Lord Arin began to reveal a long-hidden truth.

"The mansion was once home to a powerful sorceress, Lyra. She was said to wield magic unlike any other, but her obsession with power consumed her. We thought her legacy was lost, but it seems Aria has inherited her gift."

Aria's eyes widened as Lady Lirien took her hand. "We'll help you master your powers, child. But first, we must uncover the secrets of Lyra's mansion and the forces seeking to claim her magic."

With newfound determination, Kaidus, Aria, and their companions embarked on a perilous quest to unravel the mysteries of the ancient mansion and Aria's destiny.

To be continue

d in Chapter 5...