
Magic and Magician(M.M.)

The world magic, magical or mythology or supernatural beings exist but hidden around normal human. A young man named akira Sen a high school student who don't have any ideal about magic were granted by one. he got introduced in mythology or magical world. He have face many problems and have to fight with them even it can take his life away. but he will be try his best to face them. because it is a fun for him. let see how he and his friends deal with them.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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9 Chs


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the academy grounds, Mia, now officially appointed as the leader of the Shadow Reapers, gathered her team for their first training session. With Raphael's guidance, they embarked on a series of rigorous exercises designed to hone their skills and strengthen their bonds as a team.

"Mia, are you sure you're up to the task of leading us?" Akira asked, his voice laced with uncertainty as he glanced at his new leader.

Mia flashed him a confident smile, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Of course, Akira. I am older than you and I've got plenty of experience under my belt," she replied, her tone brimming with confidence.

Raphael nodded in agreement, his expression grave yet supportive. "Mia may be young, but she possesses the leadership qualities necessary to guide the Shadow Reapers to victory. Trust in her judgment, and you will not be disappointed."

With Raphael's words of encouragement ringing in their ears, the team set to work, their movements synchronized as they practiced various combat techniques and strategic maneuvers. Rin, with her powerful blood magic, proved to be a formidable asset, while Rina's devilish abilities added a touch of unpredictability to their training sessions.

As they sparred and strategized late into the night, a sense of camaraderie began to form among the members of the Shadow Reapers. Despite their differences in background and abilities, they shared a common goal: to protect the academy and uphold the peace of the supernatural world.

Amidst the flurry of activity, Akira couldn't help but steal glances at Rin, the enigmatic vampire whose presence both intrigued and unsettled him. Despite the incident during their previous encounter, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered whenever she was near.

"Rin, are you alright?" Akira asked, his voice tinged with concern as he approached the vampire, who seemed lost in thought.

Rin's crimson eyes met his, a flicker of vulnerability shining through their depths. "I'm fine, Akira. Just lost in thought," she replied, her voice soft yet tinged with sadness.

Akira frowned, sensing that there was more to Rin's mood than she was letting on. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he offered, his tone gentle and sincere.

Rin hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. "No, it's nothing. Just... memories from my past," she murmured, her gaze drifting to the distant horizon.

Before Akira could press her further, Raphael's commanding voice cut through the night air, signaling the end of their training session. As the team dispersed, exhausted yet exhilarated by their progress, Akira found himself lingering behind, a nagging sense of concern gnawing at him.

"Rin, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you," Akira offered, his voice filled with sincerity.

Rin's lips curled into a grateful smile, her eyes reflecting the warmth of his gesture. "Thank you, Akira. That means more to me than you know," she replied, her tone tinged with gratitude.

With a final nod of understanding, Akira bid Rin farewell and made his way back to his dormitory, his mind swirling with thoughts of the enigmatic vampire and the bond that seemed to be forming between them.

The following day, as the members of the Shadow Reapers reconvened for another training session, tensions ran high as they prepared to put their skills to the test. Under Raphael's watchful eye, they sparred and strategized with renewed vigor, pushing themselves to their limits in pursuit of mastery.

As the training session drew to a close, Rin stepped forward, a determined glint in her crimson eyes. "Raphael, I would like to demonstrate a new blood magic spell I've been working on," she announced, her voice steady despite the nervous energy that crackled around her.

Raphael regarded her with a knowing look, his expression a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Very well, Rin. Proceed with caution, and remember to stay focused," he instructed, his voice echoing through the training grounds.

With a deep breath, Rin closed her eyes and began to channel her magic, her hands glowing with an ethereal crimson light. As the energy coalesced around her, she unleashed the spell with a flick of her wrist, summoning forth a powerful burst of energy that rippled through the air like a shockwave.

The spell, known as "Blood Magic: Blood Nova," enveloped the training grounds in a swirling vortex of crimson energy, its raw power leaving the members of the Shadow Reapers in awe. But as the spell reached its zenith, Rin's strength wavered, and she stumbled forward, her breathing labored and her face pale.

"Rin!" Akira cried out, rushing forward to catch her before she fell.

But as he reached out to steady her, Rin's eyes fluttered open, her gaze locking onto his with a hunger that sent a chill down his spine. Before he could react, she sank her fangs into his neck, drawing forth his blood with a ferocity that took him by surprise.

"Rin, what are you doing?!" Akira exclaimed, his voice tinged with shock and disbelief as he tried to push her away.

But Rin's hold on him was unyielding, her hunger driving her to consume his blood with a voracious intensity. As Akira's vision began to blur and his strength waned, he felt a sense of panic rising within him.

"Raphael, help!" he cried out, his voice echoing through the training grounds.

With a flick of his wrist, Raphael unleashed a bolt of lightning magic, striking Rin and sending her sprawling to the ground. As the electrical energy coursed through her body, she convulsed in pain, releasing her hold on Akira and collapsing in a heap on the ground.

As the members of the Shadow Reapers rushed to Akira's side, Yumi stepped forward, her hands glowing with a soft golden light. With a gentle touch, she healed Akira's wounds, stemming the flow of blood and restoring his strength.

"Are you alright, Akira?" Yumi asked, her voice filled with concern as she examined him for any lingering injuries.

Akira nodded weakly, his mind reeling from the shock of Rin's attack. "I think so. Thank you, Yumi," he replied, his voice trembling slightly.

Rin stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open as she struggled to sit up. "I-I'm sorry, Akira. I don't know what came over me," she murmured, her voice filled with remorse.

Akira regarded her with a mixture of confusion and concern, his mind racing to make sense of what had just transpired. "It's alright, Rin. Just... please don't do that again," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Rin nodded, her expression contrite as she offered him a reassuring smile. "I promise, Akira. I won't let it happen again," she vowed, her tone sincere.

With the immediate crisis resolved, Raphael stepped forward, his expression grave yet resolute. "We must remain vigilant, my students. The darkness within us is always lurking, waiting for an opportunity to strike. We must learn to control it, lest it consume us from

As the members of the Shadow Reapers made their way to the club for a well-deserved night of relaxation, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Despite the events of the previous training session, they were determined to put aside their worries and enjoy a moment of respite from their duties.

As they approached the entrance, Mia couldn't help but notice a familiar figure lurking in the shadows, his presence sending a shiver down her spine. Tall and imposing, with dark wings unfurled and piercing blue eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness, he exuded an aura of power and authority that demanded attention.

"Mia, do you see that?" Akira whispered, his voice tinged with apprehension as he caught sight of the mysterious figure.

Mia nodded, her brow furrowing in concern. "I see him, Akira. But who is he, and what does he want with us?" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Before they could react, the figure stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Akira with an intensity that sent a chill down Mia's spine. "So, you are my rival," he declared, his voice echoing through the night air with a weighty authority.

Akira froze in place, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "Rival? What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

The figure stepped closer, his features illuminated by the dim glow of the streetlights. He had a striking appearance, with a mix of Indian and Japanese features that hinted at a rich cultural heritage. His dark hair framed his face in unruly waves, while his piercing eyes held a hint of mystery that was impossible to ignore.

"My name is Ryo Vrishaketu, and I challenge you to a duel," he declared, his voice resonating with an unwavering determination.

Mia's eyes widened in shock as she exchanged a worried glance with Akira. "A duel? But why?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with concern.

Ryo regarded her with a cool indifference, his gaze unwavering as he focused on Akira. "Because I seek to test my strength against worthy opponents, and you, Akira Sen, have piqued my interest," he explained, his tone measured yet authoritative.

Before Mia could respond, another figure emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding attention as he approached the group with a sense of purpose. Tall and imposing, with dark wings unfurled behind him and silver hair that gleamed in the moonlight, he exuded an air of power and authority that left Mia feeling small by comparison.

"Who are you?" Mia demanded, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and defiance as she confronted the newcomer.

The figure regarded her with a cool detachment, his piercing blue eyes boring into hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "My name is Kaito Akatsuki, and I am a member of the Twelve Hollows," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of arrogance.

Mia's eyes widened in recognition as she realized the gravity of the situation. The Twelve Hollows were a powerful group of entities that wielded immense influence over the supernatural world, their motives and allegiances shrouded in mystery.

"What do you want with us?" Mia demanded, her voice trembling slightly as she faced off against the imposing figure.

Kaito's lips curled into a wry smile, as if amused by her defiance. "I have been sent to test your strength, Shadow Reapers. And from what I've seen so far, you leave much to be desired," he replied, his tone dripping with disdain.

Mia bristled at his words, her resolve hardening as she met his gaze head-on. "We may not be the strongest, but we will not back down from a challenge," she declared, her voice ringing out with determination.

With a flick of his wrist, Kaito unleashed a wave of shadow magic, enveloping the area in darkness and cutting off any chance of escape. "Then let the battle begin," he declared, his voice echoing through the night air with a chilling finality.

As the members of the Shadow Reapers prepared to face their formidable adversaries, a sense of trepidation washed over them. But amidst the uncertainty and fear, they found strength in their unity and resolve to protect one another at all costs.

With their fate hanging in the balance, they braced themselves for the coming confrontation, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest for victory. Little did they know, their greatest trials were yet to come, and the bonds that united them would be tested in ways they never could have imagined.

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