
Magic and….gaming?

Reincarnation is a unique concept where one’s soul is sent to an unfamiliar world where heaven and hell is ignored and a journey for a new land awaits them. Reasons for a being to be summoned are when oneself is given a second chance or when one’s world is on a path to ruin, but the latter is chosen for five of the hero’s that will be sent to the magic filled Eden and their former occupation of these newfound heroes are…….gamers? Honestly didn’t expect that. These gamers are long time friends and have each their own game genres they experience the most that will define their abilities and items they will obtain like guns, nukes, advanced tech, and etc , but this world contains magic which in some cases where the bullet is not as powerful as it seems if strong enough magic can make the bullet yield. Now what magical and amazing adventures await these gamers and how will Eden react to the ummmmm “unique” creativity these people will bring. 1000/1500 on average per chapter *Disclaimer: any franchise referenced or mentioned in this novel does not belong to me and belongs to their respectful owners/companies/authors

Gamer_Hero · Fantasy
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The power ranks and adventurer ranks

There are 13 Ranks in total and are known in this world. These 13 Ranks are classed into 6 Realms: Beginner Realm, Interdiamate Realm, Master Realm, Grandmaster Realm, Archmaster Realm, and Demigod Realm. To explain it more clearly, it's like this: ➡ Beginner Realm (Rank 1 – Rank 2) ➡ Interdiamate Realm (Rank 3 – Rank 4) ➡ Master Realm (Rank 5 – Rank 6) ➡ Grandmaster Realm (Rank 7 – Rank 8) ➡ Archmaster Realm (Rank 9 – Rank 10) ➡ Demigod Realm (Rank 11 – Rank 13)

▶Rank 1: Beginner Realm (Lv.1-10) -There are pretty much Three stages of Rank 1 which most of which have the level of Homo Sapiens from Earth or Earth Humans.

•Average Human Stage (Lv.0-2) -They have the physical power and characteristics only comparable to that of regular humans, such as teenagers or unathletic adults.

•Athlete Stage (Lv.3-6) -In this level, they have the physical power and characteristics comparable to that of more athletic humans, such as trained fighters or generally physically fit individuals.

•Peak Human Stage (Lv.7-10)-Then lastly, unlike the other two, this level gives the person bodily functions at the maximum limit of human condition. It means that the person is way stronger, has more endurance, and is faster than even other extremely athletic people could achieve. They are the highest level of Earth humans could achieve. They can be so strong that they could break something that is made out of metal, punch hard enough to seriously injure and even kill a human, pick up hundreds of kilograms, run a few times faster than a normal athlete, outrun a bike or a wild animal, attack so fast that an average human can't react, survive hits that could seriously harm a normal man (Like being hit by baseball bats in weak areas.), endure falling high enough to break a bone, withstand being stabbed in fatal areas and still be able to fight, and lastly capable of defeating a Bear with just their bare hands alone. ==================================

▶Rank 2: Beginner Realm (Lv.11-20)-People on this level have physical strength and speed that exceed the levels of Earth Humans and are more powerful than any records on earth which means their speed, strength, and senses, are far more than ours, their abilities could do we could ever dream on like breaking stones with our bare hands, bending steel with so much ease, lifting several tons with one hand, traveling more than 100km/h, and enhance senses which someone could see far distances, hearing incoming dangers, smell greatly like a beast, etc. Some of the strongest in this Rank could react and survive from normal sidearms.

▶Rank 3: Interdiamate Realm (Lv.21-30)

▶Rank 4: Interdiamate Realm (Lv.31-40) -Unlike the people at the level of Rank 2, people in Interdiamate Realm are 10 times stronger than them. While they aren't very strong compared to the levels above them, it is still so strong at a monstrous level compared to regular humans, just one Rank 4 alone could face an army of a hundred Rank 2s. Most of them could manage to react and dodge dozens of machine guns with ease and strong Rank 4s could easily destroy a Flame Dragon or a heavily armored Tank in one hit. ==================================

▶Rank 5: Master Realm (Lv.41-50)

▶Rank 6: Master Realm (Lv.51-60) -Anyone at Master Realm were far more powerful than the Interdiamate realm, most Master Realm individuals were able to outrun the fastest fighter jet with ease and some strongest of them were able to destroy a few largest skyscrapers in a matter of seconds without breaking a sweat. If on a rampage, they are capable of destroying large cities alone, unequipped, and without the use of magic in less than an hour. ==================================

▶Rank 7: Grandmaster Realm (Lv.61-70)

▶Rank 8: Grandmaster Realm (Lv.71-80) -A person in the Grandmaster Realm alone could potentially threaten and cause widespread damage to one large region or more in an Asia size Continent. In terms of speed, they could travel a total of thousands of kilometers at Mach 3-4. ==================================

▶Rank 9: Archmaster Realm (Lv.81-90)

▶Rank 10: Archmaster Realm (Lv.91-100) -Archmaster Realm Magic Casters are at the level of an Archmage and could master Super tier Magic, however, it will not be simple and will take a long time to fully activate it. With Warrior or Assassin class, their speed and agility stats are far higher, faster that could reach up to the speed of Mach 5-10, their strength stronger could lift nearly 1000-4000 meter mountains, they are also known as High Humans. The ranks are also known as the full limits of known beings in the world. Valentine for example was on a peak of it and Rank 10 mages are powerful enough to decimate large mountains and practitioners were able to kill thousands upon thousands of men single-handedly without rest. Only less than 0.0079% of Eden are on these levels. ==================================

In The Demigod Realm, there were only more than 200 of these powerful beings in Fordalt. They are so powerful that even if thirty strong individuals at the Realm of Archmasters, fully geared, fully prepared, and forewarned of the battle ahead, did battle with one weak Demigod, the outcome of the fight would still be in doubt. People in the Demigod Realm are the most powerful individuals admired and feared by many people worldwide. ================================== Rank 11: Demigod Realm (Transcendence)

▶S-rank – Lv.101-125 -The Transcension is the first stage of a mortal who becomes an early stage of a god known as Demigod. It is still the early stage of becoming a full demigod, but they are still monsters in power, they could go up to the speed of Mach 11-80. One of the demigods is the Grand Mage of Atira for example. ================================== Rank 12: Demigod Realm (Sainthood) ▶SS-rank – Lv.126-150 -The Sainthoods are also known as SS-rank Demigods could topple a world or more. All of the inhabitants of Fordalt only can so far achieve reaching that level. Unlike the Transcension-level Demigods, Sainthood-level Demigods could go to the speed of Mach 81-350 and could cast Super Tier magic spells with so much ease as if they were casting normal spells.

Rank 13: Demigod Realm (Apotheosis)

▶SSS-rank – Lv.151-200 -Then there is a level beyond among them all, it is also known as Apotheosis, an SSS-rank, a level above the two stages of Demigod Realm, it is a rank where a Mortal reaches the power rivaling the Gods themselves. They have a speed of FTL+, both combat, movement, and reaction speed and they could live more than 10,000 years. Given their rule-bending powers, in addition to the slim chance of reaching that level, a person who is lucky or talented enough to reach that level could easily shake the world's balance and laws. They are like living World-class Items or far beyond that. Someone in this level could survive dozens of Super Tier Magic without sustaining any damage, even if they are fully naked.

Adventurer Rankings:

Adventurers are primarily classified by the rank given to them officially by Adventurer's Guild. The naming of one's rank is followed by the large Capital Letters in the adventurer's licensed plate legally (used as identification). Moreover, a dog tag-like plate is given to all who register at an adventurer guild.

▶G-rank Adventurers (Lv.2 – Lv.10)

<G–> ➡ (Lv.2 – Lv.4)

<G> ➡ (Lv.5 – Lv.7)

<G+> ➡ (Lv.8 – Lv.10) -G-rank Adventurers are the lowest-ranked guild members. Those with the G badge are either new to adventuring or unskilled in their work. Certified to take basic contracts, often simple things like unskilled labor or low-urgency investigations. G-rank Adventurers are all Rank 1 Individuals.

▶F-rank Adventurers (Lv.11 – Lv.25) <F–> ➡ (Lv.11 – Lv.15)

<F> ➡ (Lv.16 – Lv.20)

<F+> ➡ (Lv.21 – Lv.25) -F-rank adventurers have been on a few jobs and are comfortable with the guild's workings. They are the core of the guild, with almost 40% of all members being counted among their number. You would expect anywhere between 20 - 100 of the adventurers associated with a particular guild branch to be of this level, dependent on the size of the branch's host city.

▶E-rank Adventurers (Lv.26 – Lv.40) <E–> ➡ (Lv.26 – Lv.30)

<E> ➡ (Lv.31 – Lv.35)

<E+> ➡ (Lv.36 – Lv.40) -These are hardened adventurers, who are anywhere from Rank 3 onwards. Unlike F-rank adventurers, they tend to have magical artifacts that greatly boost their prowess. Because of these special magical items, they are considered to be far above F-ranks. At the top of that group, teams of adventurers are equivalent to small armies and could affect disputes between nations. While the gear is one of the deciding factors for becoming an E-rank, once Rank 4 has been reached one could call oneself an E-rank regardless of the gear. E-rank adventurers tend to have more responsibility to defend and protect cities in the event of an attack, sometimes swearing an oath to do so.

▶D-rank Adventurers (Lv.41 – Lv.55) <D–> ➡ (Lv.41 – Lv.45)

<D> ➡ (Lv.46 – Lv.50)

<D+> ➡ (Lv.51 – Lv.55) -D-rank Adventurers can be sometimes a rare sight, not only due to the high amount of skill required to achieve such a rank but because of the mortality rate of those who reach such heights. D-rank adventurers have braved challenges that would retire those lower them. However, at the end of the day, compared to A-rank Adventurers, they are more like cannon fodders to them.

▶C-rank Adventurers (Lv.56 – Lv.70) <C–> ➡ (Lv.56 – Lv.60)

<C> ➡ (Lv.61 – Lv.65)

<C+> ➡ (Lv.66 – Lv.70) -C-rank Adventurers are very rare these days. Anyone who has achieved such a coveted rank has bested the hardest challenge that no one below C-rank could complete, they have the strength of a nation's Royal Guards. A C-rank Adventurer is reserved for threats posed to not just cities, but an entire nation.

▶B-rank Adventurers (Lv.71 – Lv.85) <B–> ➡ (Lv.71 – Lv.75)

<B> ➡ (Lv.76 – Lv.80)

<B+> ➡ (Lv.81 – Lv.85) -B-rank Adventurers are a force to be reckoned with. They could master Super Tier Magic and could stand as an army unto themselves and rising to this status is worthy of a great story. When they enter a town or city in their home kingdom, they are often known by name to all whom they encounter. Achieving B-rank is only possible after having reached the pinnacle of C-rank status, having saved many towns and cities such that your name is spread throughout the kingdom.

▶A-rank Adventurers (Lv.86 – Lv.100)

<A–> ➡ (Lv.86 – Lv.90)

<A> ➡ (Lv.91 – Lv.95)

<A+> ➡ (Lv.96 – Lv.100) -A-rank adventurers are living legends. They are, without exception, nature-defying paragons of power. To become an A-rank, an adventurer must complete all previous trials before further distinguishing themselves through the tireless pursuit of power, one of which is defeating a Nation destroying monster or even Dragon Lords. A-rank adventurers could shake mountains with their footsteps and are known throughout the realms for their astounding feats of prowess. An A-rank adventurer is greeted with nothing but respect by all, while they aren't strong as Demigods, they still are considered to be terrifying for the people, just one or a few can be an XK-class End of the World scenario by Earth standards. There are currently 300 or more A-rank adventurers that are registered with the guild and only a handful of them have ever been counted among the guild's number since its founding.

▶S/SS-rank Adventurers (Lv.101 – Lv.150) -These ranks are known to be at the Demigod Realm, and these Adventurers' strengths are known to be beyond the monstrous level in the entire Adventurer's world. Even if thirty A-rank Adventurers, were fully prepared and forewarned of the battle ahead, battling with one Demigod Adventurer, the outcome of the battle would still be in doubt. Unfortunately, most Demigods that exist in the world weren't accepted to be Adventurers by the nation's government itself as they are considered to be Weapons of Mass Destruction for many countries.

credit goes to TIMEMASTER101 on wattpad or Artemis099 on webnovel for these two ranking systems (they are the same person)