
Magi Of Thandor

The Selection. That incident was the beginning of it all. The planet earth was in a galaxy with not a single speck of magic at all. And when the high humans came through portals they had no means to resist. Each one of them were disasters by themselves. Earthquakes and floods, tornados and volcanic eruptions happened. But high humans controlled the disasters well. All of them chose isolated areas to show their powers. None died as a result. Sixteen high humans gave their message. "Mortals, you shall not fear, as long as you obey our commands you will prosper with us. We have been blessed by the goddess with magic and we will choose few talented people to be our apprentices." Needless to say, response was an huge uproar. Countless men and women got tested. Only the most talented ones would be chosen. High humans way to measure magic affinity and potential was simple. They would direct some of their mana to your hands and ask you to turn it in to a ball. A red transparent ball with a sparkle inside would mean affinity towards fire element, a blue one with converging water drops in it would mean water, a brown ball with miniscule black dot earth affinity and lastly a white ball vacuuming air constantly would mean air affinity. There were also other affinities but their rate were a thousand to one or less. When high humans chose their apprentices they disappeared into their portals. Humanity carried on with it's life. Those who tested knew their affinity now but what could they do with it ? Brag about it ? That was what most did actually. Cults and organizatons were formed. Many people gathered and tried to awaken their power. But what could they do in a world without a speck of mana ? Although a bit chaotic at the beginning, world returned to normal. Until the Gates opened.

Nordight · Fantasy
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3 Chs


A scream rang out. " MONSTERSSS HEELP PLEAWSE MAGICIAN CLOWNS ARE HERE " Cole woke up to hear that and shivered. He focused and felt the vibrations on the ground; seven or eight very light footed bipedal creatures. Most probably:

"Goblins." Cole said with a smirk. Goblins were about 1.2 meters tall and skinny creatures. Their skin was grayish green. Although crude, they would arm themselves with makeshift spears and bows. Normally they would not appear this far north. Being in nearly the bottom of the foodchain they were not well fed thus vulnerable to cold.


He was wriggling like a worm towards dirt shelter. That was all he could since he was cuffed both in feet and hands. Even if Cole rushed out and tried to help he would be late goblins had already surrounded him. Screams of the bandit came to an end rather quickly. After finishing him off goblins gazed the surroundings warily. After some eerie silence a goblin commanded them towards the shelter.

Goblins heeded the order and walked cautiously to it. Cole waited for some of them to surround the shelter. With a flick of fingers he made the shelter open up like a box.Goblins got surprised and shrieked. Two of them died and two more were severely injured by the falling walls and lost consciousness. Dirt walls were quite heavy and slammed on them with a big thud. Cole sent high speed earthen spears with combination of air and earth magic. He could take their breath away literally but this was a good target practice. In a few seconds all of them were dead.

Then something caught up Cole's eyes. Some sparks and red colored mana were dispersing where one of the goblins died. This goblin was a mutant, shaman, deviant... There were many names for them. Very rarily monsters developed mana cores and could cast magic. Ofcourse it was only affinity type magic and only four major ones at that. This deviant goblin probably tried to cast a spell but it failed because it was skewered with an earth spear. For Deviant monsters directing mana and casting spells were generally hard.

"So this little flame deviant kept his little family warm. How cute." Cole said.

After rummaging and cutting through the corpses he was satisfied with his findings. Three gold coins, some silver coins and a fire type mana core. Its class was probably D Rank. This concept of classifying was brought by his fellow Earthlings. E Rank was worse than D Rank and A Rank was best obviously. Better the core, more mana it would hold.

Two of the gold coins actually come from the goblins. According to rumors goblins knew humans liked gold coins so when they got into troublesome situations they tried to bribe their way out!

Cole checked the time on his watch; 05.19. His body had already got rid of most of the alcohol.

He checked the bandit's corpse once again. He was stabbed with the spears of goblins in many places. Goblins when they flocked together were vicious and fearsome.

Cole did not pity the bandit. He had lost his most precious friend to bandits. Though he did pity losing a watcher.

"You scared me bitch. How these cute things can be fucking clowns?" said Cole before tiding up the campsite.

He could bury the corpses in a few seconds but he simply did not care. All of them tried to kill him so why should he care ? It was a warning for other bandits and as for goblins however cute they were, they were cold blooded monsters.

Cole set off after taking a look back towards mountain range. He had been assigned on a mission to bring down a deviant ice troll's mana core and he succeeded.