
Magi Fanfiction: Takes you on an Adventure who knows what's next

The adventure begins when you're sent to another world. The world of magi and more. This is a fanfiction based on the magi manga and animation.

Cassatrophic · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: On a boat to Sindria! Part 2

Aladdin was already excited to go and meet you. "Can I go talk to him Uncle Sinbad?" Aladdin asked with a smile. He already seemed to have forgotten the little battle you two had.

Sinbad nods "You can but go with Alibaba as a precaution" Sinbad said. With that Alibaba and Aladdin left to the lower level where you were. Alibaba was smart and grabbed a feather ink pen, some ink and some parchment paper with him.


You sat on the bed wondering how long you had to stay in here. It's been two hours since the purple haired and white haired guy left. You were tempted to leave the room and wander the ship but you knew it could cause another issue so you stayed put. You got out of bed and started walking around in circles to at least keep yourself moving. After you circled the room about four times, there was a knock on the door. With that you immediately threw yourself back onto the bed and pulled the covers over your head. The door opened and in walked the shorty you had recently fought with and next to him was the guy who started an uprising with the king of Balbadd. Alibaba on the other hand was taller than you so you couldnt nick name him shorty.

You peeked from under the covers and saw the both of them proceeding forward until they stopped by the bed. Alibaba went to get the chair at the round wooden table and pulled it up near the bed. Aladdin on the other hand, sat down beside you while you were still hiding underneath the covers. Why was this chibi sitting next to you after what you had done to him? As you trailed off into your innermost thoughts, Aladdin pulls the sheet up and glances down at you with a soft smile. He then poked you on the forehead which brought you back to this reality. You immediately sat up and looked at the both of them quietly.

Alibaba also brought the table up close and on top of it laid the parchment paper, ink and pen. It looks like they were going to try to communicate with you through the means of drawing and symbols. While Alibaba was drawing something down Aladdin took your hand so that your attention would fall on him. He then pointed to himself and said something. "M-e Ala-dd-in" the chibi said slowly. It took you a short time to realize that he was trying to introduce himself.

"Aladdin" you repeated but not as slowly as Aladdin had said it. You were familiar with that name so it flowed naturally. Aladdin smiled proudly when he heard you say his name. He then went over to Alibaba to see what he was writing then he tapped his shoulder. "Alibaba kun~ go introduce yourself. He picks up names quickly." Aladdin said with delight. Seriously did this dude forget you almost killed him or...? You had a slight confused look on your face but recalled the talk with Ugo. Perhaps that's why Aladdin wasn't so angry or perhaps that was just his personality. In the end it works out because you won't have to fight Aladdin again.

Alibaba finally put the pen down, got up from the chair and then sat on the bed. He then introduces himself similar to how Aladdin introduced himself.

"My name is Ali-ba-ba" he said slowly. You then repeat after him and say his name. "Alibaba" you said as you looked at him. Now that you know their names it was time for you to introduce yourself to them. You then suddenly looked slightly confused...What was your name again? You never really had a name because the author was too lazy to come up with one. Perhaps Alibaba and Aladdin can come up with one for you.

"Alibaba, I don't think he has a name. He looks awfully confused." Aladdin said. "I know we can come up with one!" Aladdin cheered.

Alibaba nodded. "Since this is your idea Aladdin, you come up with some," Alibaba said to Aladdin. Aladdin was already thinking of what you should be called. He observed you closely and then began saying some names that came to mind. "Here are the names I came up with, Qadir, Qusay, Rohan, Aakash, and Sahmi. Which one do you like, Alibaba?" Aladdin asked. Alibaba thought for a moment before saying anything. He looked at you for a moment then finally picked the name he thought was fitting.

"Rohan seems to fit him perfectly and it isn't a hard name to pronounce." Alibaba said. Aladdin smiled at his answer. "I was thinking the same thing Alibaba kun!" he said then he looked back at you. "From this day forth you'll be called Rohan" Aladdin said then he pointed at you. "You...Ro-Han" he said more slowly so you could understand. You tilted your head a little. "Rohan?" you questioned. Then Aladdin nodded his head. "You Ro-han" he repeated slowly and continued to point at you. Your eye twitches slightly. Did they just come up with a name for you? You knew your name was most definitely not Rohan but since you couldn't remember your own name you just went with it.

"My name Rohan," you said in their language. You figured out the word 'my and name' since they kept saying it over and over. This made Aladdin even more cheerful. "Alibaba he knows how to say his name!" Aladdin said with a huge smile on his face. Alibaba smiles as well then grabs the sheet of parchment paper that he drew on and shows it to you. On it were sketches of people that were on the ship. Two of those sketches already stood out, Sinbad and Jafar. You pointed at Sinbad. "Ohh! You're familiar with Uncle Sinbad. He is named Sin-bad" Aladdin said.

"Sinbad.." you repeated. That name definitely sounded oddly familiar. If only you could remember where you heard it. As a matter of fact the only thing you can recall are your brothers. You couldn't remember much about the world you came from because Ugo tampered with your memory. "Sinbad, where have I heard that name before," you asked yourself. The more you thought about it, the more it began to trigger a sharp pain in your head. You ended up holding your head from the pain. This must be one of the side effects of trying to dig up something that has been wiped from your mind. Alibaba and Aladdin noticed you were straining yourself to remember something. Aladdin taps your shoulder and you look at him with your eyes partly squinted.

"Rohan it's okay, don't push yourself" Aladdin said trying to add gestures so that you could understand part of what he said. Aladdin took your mind off of what you were thinking about when he spoke to you and your head immediately stopped hurting. You then took a glance at the other person in the sketch and pointed to him. "That's Ja-far" Alibaba said. Your eyes began to narrow as you heard that name. You didn't like Jafar. He was always mean towards you. Next thing you knew your hand immediately went for the pen. You picked it up and started drawing Jafar but as a jackass (aka donkey) and then you drew a nice plate of dung right under Jafar's mouth. Aladdin being too innocent had no idea what you drew but Alibaba took the paper away quickly. Then he shook his finger which meant 'No you should not draw stuff like this.' He then looked at Aladdin.

"What was on that paper Alibaba?" Aladdin asked. "Something that should never fall into Jafar's hands," Alibaba said to Aladdin.

"Rohan seems to not like Jafar very much. I wonder why?" Aladdin said. He did not see what happened between you and Jafar nor did Alibaba. Alibaba then looked at the paper again and was about to tear it up but then Sinbad and Jafar came in. Knowing Sinbad he was probably outside the door the whole time listening. Alibaba quickly hides the piece of parchment paper but could he be more obvious about it?! Jeez they already saw that he was holding it.

Jafar cleared his throat and was about to say something but Sinbad spoke before he could.

"I came to check up on you guys. How's everything coming along?" Sinbad asked. He wasn't really curious about what was on the paper since he knew you couldn't write in their language.

Aladdin jumps up and walks over to Sinbad with a smile. "Things are going great Uncle Sinbad! He can say his name now." Aladdin said then he went back over to you and took your hand. It looked like he wanted you to stand in front of Sinbad. Once you stood before him he looked down at you as though he was waiting to hear something. Did they want you to introduce yourself to Sinbad? This situation was as if they were waiting for their child to say their first words. Even Jafar was waiting to hear you say who you were.

You let out a sigh and finally spoke. "M-My name Rohan," you said a bit shyly in their language. A slight blush began to appear on your face from the embarrassment of not knowing how to speak fluently. Suddenly a satisfied smile appeared across Sinbad's face. He seemed pleased with the amount you learned in just an hour. "Alibaba, Aladdin keep up the good work. I see that in a month or two he will get the basics down." Sinbad said. Jafar had a neutral look on his face. He wasn't as enthusiastic as the others were. He still didn't accept you even if you were a magi. Unlike Aladdin and Alibaba, Jafar was known to hold grudges to those who try to harm or get in Sinbad's way. While Aladdin and Sinbad continue chatting, Jafar swipes the paper from Alibaba's hand. Alibaba looked at him with a startled face as Jafar glanced at the pictures.

"They're just drawings," Jafar said with a furrowed brow. He figured that Alibaba didn't want to show him his drawing because he worried he might get criticized for it. "They aren't bad but why is there a donkey with a human head eating poo?" Jafar asked and held up the paper so that they all could see it. A smirk then appeared on your face. "Ja-f" you were about to blurt out but Alibaba covered your mouth with his hand.

"Ja? Who is that?" Jafar said with a slight frown on his face. He wasn't stupid and knew exactly what that meant. I mean Alibaba was doing a terrible job at hiding it. Sinbad was finding this amusing but he knew it wasn't a good idea to get on Jafar's bad side. Aladdin steps in and tries to calm the tension that was slowly building up.

"We were just teaching him names through Alibaba's drawings but then Rohan drew that plate of food. He must think you don't get enough to eat," Aladdin said innocently.

Jafar lets out a sigh hearing Aladdin's side. He couldn't get mad at him nor did he want to get mad over a silly drawing. He then looked at you with a slight cold look before looking at Sinbad.

"Now that you got your answer shall we go eat breakfast?" Jafar said as he tossed the paper into the trash bin after crumpling it up into a ball. Sinbad had a grin on his face.

"Yes we can't let you starve now can we Jafar?" Sinbad said jokingly. Jafar shook his head then facepalmed. "How childish." Jafar muttered. He then let Sinbad go ahead first.

"Alibaba, Aladdin are you coming?" Jafar asked. Of course Aladdin couldn't say no to food and quickly went to catch up with Uncle Sinbad. Alibaba looked at Jafar then glanced at you. "Can Rohan come eat breakfast with us?" Alibaba asked him.

Jafar signaled Alibaba to come out so they could talk. You stood there while they left. "Ahhhh that was exhausting." you said as they finally left. After staring at the door for a few minutes you went to the chair and slouched back into it. You stared at the ceiling and started feeling a bit bored. You had so much fun causing mischief in Balbadd that you were considering doing that again. The question was what should you try this time. You had power and you were in the middle of the ocean. So far the ride has been smooth sailing. What if somehow you could make it more of a wild ride? A grin appeared on your face again. "I hope everyone is immuned to seasickness," you said to yourself then you stood back up and listened. Alibaba and Jafar were still talking outside.

"Alibaba we still are not sure what Rohan is capable of. That is why Sinbad doesn't want him to leave the room. Judging by how he acted in Balbadd everything he does is at random. There's no telling what he could do. Right now he is our prisoner" Jafar said with seriousness in his voice.

Alibaba thought about it for a second and pretty much came to agreement with what Jafar had said. He definitely wasn't going to forget the impersonation of his brother and how he made a fool out of them. In the end, they managed to take care of the issues in Balbadd but many lives were lost including Alibaba's dear friend Kassim.

"Alright let's go eat. I'll bring Rohan something after we're done with our meal," Alibaba said then he began walking to the upper level with Jafar.

It was now quiet with the exception of the sound of the waves and the creaking of the wooden ship as it swayed in the vast ocean. It's been a few minutes since they left. The more you had to wait for them to come back the more you felt like leaving the room to wander the ship. You were still considering causing some sort of mischief before you got off this ship. "I wonder if I can make it rain," you pondered. You began walking around in circles again as you thought about what your magic could currently do. "Perhaps I can? I can literally turn into anything I want and I can use magic," you said out loud. You then closed your eyes, took a deep breathe and began to focus on gathering magoi. Once you gathered enough and were glowing brightly you said "Hear my command and make it storm. Bring forth the lightning, wind and enormous waves!" After you said that you looked out the window by the bed and waited to see if something would happen. It was still sunny and not a single cloud in the sky.

"Yeah like that was going to work" you muttered and chuckled a little. You laid down on the bed once again and glanced at the ceiling. Moments later you felt your eyelids getting heavy and suddenly you dozed off into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile on the top of the deck of the ship, Aladdin, Alibaba, Sinbad, Jafar, Masrur and Morgiana were all eating breakfast and chatting except for Masrur, he was usually quiet.

"Aladdin how can you eat so much!? This is like your 10th serving," Alibaba exclaimed. It really amazed him how much such a small kid could eat. "He's a growing boy, He needs a lot to eat," Jafar said then he glanced at Sinbad who had finished his food. Sinbad appeared to be concerned about something. "Sin? Is there something wrong?" Jafar asked. Sinbad got up and began walking to the front part of the boat and looked beyond the horizon. He felt immense power just now. "There's a storm coming and not a mild storm. We need to prepare for the worst," Sinbad said. Jafar did not see a storm approaching it was bright and sunny and the sea was calm, perhaps a little too calm. Jafar however trusted Sinbad's judgement since when it came to this sort of thing he was right most of the time.

While Jafar and Sinbad continued their talk Alibaba started stacking some food on an empty plate for you. "I'm going to take this to Rohan," Alibaba said. Then he got up and headed back down to Sinbad's bedroom. While Alibaba did that Sinbad warns everyone about the storm they were approaching. Masrur and Morgiana helped bring the cargo on the deck down to the storage area. Jafar and Aladdin cleaned up the table of food so that Masrur could strap it down along with the seats so they wouldn't go overboard. Sinbad went to make sure that the sails of the ship would be able to withstand the strong winds by manipulating the magoi around him and casting protection over the sails. After that he immediately went to his room to face you again.

It takes me so long to write x.x

Cassatrophiccreators' thoughts