
Magi Fanfiction: Takes you on an Adventure who knows what's next

The adventure begins when you're sent to another world. The world of magi and more. This is a fanfiction based on the magi manga and animation.

Cassatrophic · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: On a boat to Sindria! Part 1~

The ship had finally departed from the docks and was sailing over the vast blue sea. Now it was time to act fast because you knew it was a likelihood you would get caught if you stayed above the ship, so you had to make your way down to the cargo area where all the supplies were being kept. Your movements were discreet as to not draw any unnecessary attention. Once you entered the cargo room you slowly and quietly closed the door. Inside it was really cramped and not the best place to get comfortable but at least there were windows to look out of. It was not as dark as it was when you were trapped in the cellar.

You rest your head against one of the crates and wondered how long it would be before you were on land again. You also had not eaten in three days and it was making you anxious and weak. You look around to see if any of the barrels may have any food. Your eyes sparkle when you spot a barrel with red juicy apples. You greedily start to stuff your face with them and before you knew the ground was covered in apple cores and your belly was full. You then rubbed your tummy and dozed off a little.

Masrur was walking through the hall of the ship and was headed back to where they were keeping Alibaba. He needed to change Alibaba's bandages from the injuries he had received in Balbadd. He stopped at the door after picking up an unfamiliar scent. There was an intruder on board. He'd go to the main deck and approached Sinbad who was enjoying some grape wine and speaking with Aladdin and Morgiana.

"There is an intruder on board Sinbad. May I take care of them?" Masrur whispered to Sinbad. Sinbad stood up.

"Give me one second Morgiana, Aladdin. I need to go take care of something," Sinbad said and followed Masrur. Jafar also went with them.

You wake up immediately after hearing footsteps coming towards the cargo area. You went into panic mode and hid behind one of the crates that were located in a corner away from the door. Then you remembered that you left the apple cores on the ground. Yep they're going to find out there is a rat on board or maybe they won't. It all depends how lucky you are. You now heard the door open and would hold your breathe.

"Looks like you are right Masrur and they left a big mess too" Sinbad sighed but looked awfully calm. Jafar looked at Sinbad and scolded him

"How can you be so calm Sinbad?! What if it's the enemy?" Jafar said to him.

"Calm down Jafar if that were the case then they would be attacking already," Sinbad replied and looked to Masrur.

Masrur was already looking around for the intruder. The closer he got to the corner the stronger your scent was to him. You had to do something before you got caught! After panicking for a few seconds, you facepalmed after remembering you could transform! You quickly mustered up some magoi and then literally transformed into a rat.

Masrur looked behind the crate and pulled out a rat. Sinbad started to laugh.

"Masrur this is so unlike you. Maybe you need to get some rest." Sinbad teased a little.

Jafar held the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He felt embarrassed that he too was also ready to attack a rat. Masrur didn't say anything and played it cool. You on the other hand was hoping to be let free as you were being held upside down by the tail.

"Should I throw it overboard" Masrur asked finally. He knew something was up because there was no way a small rat could eat all them apples. Sinbad had finally calmed down and observed the rat. He sensed a lot of magoi coming from it. Sinbad smiled a little.

"There is no need to. In fact I feel like keeping it as a pet," Sinbad said. Jafar's jaw dropped.

"Sinbad you are joking right?" Jafar asked but knew the answer already.

"Come now Jafar, does it not look cute to you?" Sinbad said and then took the rat from Masrur.

Jafar was at a loss for words and left shaking his head.

You had no idea what was going on. Wait do they eat rats?! You thought and then imagined being rat roast or rat stew. You tried to wiggle to your freedom but Sinbad was not going to let you go. He carried you to his room and put you in a small cage.

"You are staying right here little one," Sinbad said softly and then he left the room. You were chomping on the bars, furious now.

"How the hell am I always getting locked up in cages," you squeaked!

Seems like luck was not on your side but at least you did not have to fight against the three of them all at once.

Hours went by since Sinbad left you. You were running out of magoi and becoming hungry again. You weren't going to last much longer but you tried to stay in transformation. All you needed was something to eat! Your thoughts were interrupted suddenly as the door flung open.

You let out a panicked squeak. It was that Sinbad guy again and he brought a dish of food with him! You wondered if that food was yours that chicken leg looked hella good right now. Sinbad pulls up a chair and sits down right in front of you after placing the food on the small round wooden table. He opens the cage and picks you up. You had no energy left to try and break free from his grip but you still had the willpower to stay in transformation. That was until Sinbad did something to nullify your ability. It happened so quick and now you were sitting right on Sinbad's lap. He had transformed you back into your true magi form.

"Ahh Shiit!…". You said while still on his lap but then you jumped up and tried to make it out of the door only to be stopped by Sinbad once more. He knew something was up with the rat but he definitely did not know it would be you looks like luck was on Sinbad's side.

"It's you again. Tell me why have you come here?" Sinbad asked. You finally turned and looked at him when he spoke. You still could not understand the language so you pointed at the food and then your mouth. Sinbad remembered what Alibaba said and began to lighten up. He did not see you as a threat for right now.

"Ah… You have no idea what I am saying, huh?" Sinbad said and let go of your arm. Sinbad then moved out of your way and made a gesture which meant you may go ahead and eat. You kept your eyes on Sinbad as you approached the round wooden table. Then you sat down still looking at him for a while. Sinbad stood there watching you. At this point it was like some staring contest going on between you two until you finally gave up and began to eat.

After you cleaned the plate, Sinbad came and took it away. It seems the purple headed guy meant no harm to you so you weren't as tense as before. Something about him did seem familiar like you two have met somewhere before. You tried to remember but you were too tired. What an exhausting few days you had. You saw that cozy looking bed and flopped down on it and fell asleep. Sinbad came back in to see you sleeping in his bed. Sinbad lets out a sigh and lets you stay there for tonight. He left and slept in one of the vacant rooms.

It was finally the next day and you woke up from a nice dream. You dreamt about being with your brothers. "Ah..That certainly brings back memories. I wonder how my brothers are doing. I bet they think I am dead and gone now." you thought to yourself. You looked out the window that was next to the bed and saw the beautiful sunrise.

Ja-far had awoken early to go check up on Sinbad and had to make sure he did not oversleep like last time. Little did he know Sinbad was sleeping in another room.

A few minutes later you heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming your way. You turned your head and saw that assassin coming towards you. He grabbed you by the shirt and held a dagger to your neck. At first you were startled but started to calm down.

"What have you done to Sinbad!?," Ja-far said angrily. He remembered who you were too and saw you as a threat. "You're the little shit that attacked one of our comrades and many others." Ja-far shouted. As Ja-far was shouting things you honestly did not understand you decide to ignore him but Ja-far kept shaking you so you would pay attention to him. That was until Sinbad made an entrance.

"Ja-far that is enough!" Sinbad said. Ja-far let go of you and your head sank into the pillow. You pulled the covers over your head and ignored those two. Ja-far apologized to his king and then left. Sinbad sat at the edge of the bed and began trying to communicate with you even though he knew it was going to be tough.

"I was not actually there to see what happened between you and Aladdin. Care to tell me?" Sinbad asked. You sat up and just stared at the purple haired guy for a long time.

You clasped your hands together. "Ah ha! I remember you now," You said to Sinbad. Your eyes began to water after remembering how he dressed the first time you met him. You broke out laughing.

"Oh . Never thought I would see you again macho-man!" you said. Sinbad cocked his head sideways. He did not understand you at all. He remembered that he met you before and you were both kind of in the same situation except he wasn't about to get beat up.

"I have no choice but to you to let you stay in Sindria for the time being and have Yamraiha teach you our language. You don't seem to be a threat just someone confused but as a precaution you are not to leave this room and it will be heavily guarded." Sinbad said slowly with hand gestures so you could at least understand some of what he was saying. You could tell he did not want you roaming freely, especially after how violent the white haired guy was towards you. You complied and would stay put. Sinbad then takes his leave to speak with Ja-far.

Ja-far had waited outside the door, his arms were crossed and he gave Sinbad that irritated look when he got out of there.

"Sin! I can't believe you are letting that mad boy come to Sindria!" Ja-far scowled.

"Ja-far don't you think you might have some sort of misunderstanding with him" Sinbad said in a calm voice.

"Misunderstanding? You may have not seen him when he got into that fight with Aladdin but I'm sure you did see him, actually we all saw him try to impersonate the previous King of Balbadd," Ja-far reminded Sinbad.

"I know he's caused a lot of trouble for us but I have a feeling he means no harm. If he did, he wouldn't have played with Judal's hair like that. Just think of him as a newborn that needs to be taught the way of this world" Sinbad said.

Ja-far's eye twitched. "Very well Sin but if he so as much slips up I will kill him" Ja-far said.

Sinbad pats Ja-far on his back. "It would be best if we had this kid as our ally rather than an enemy," Sinbad said

"Why?" Ja-far said ever so quickly.

"We don't want another Judal case now do we? This boy is a magi," Sinbad told him.

Ja-far's mouth dropped. "A-A Another magi? Just like Aladdin? How could there be a 5th magi? That's impossible," Ja-far said full of surprise and wonder.

"You saw what he was capable of Ja-far. There is even a possibility he could even out match both Aladdin and Judal if he wanted too. The fact that he can also change his form is dangerous. We must train him to use his powers for good." Sinbad said.

Ja-far nods his head finally agreeing to what Sinbad was saying. "You're right Sinbad. Having Judal as an enemy is already annoying enough," Ja-far replied with a sigh.

They continued to talk about how they would deal with you and lead you to the right path. Moments later they both leave the hall of the ship and go back to the deck of the ship. There waited Aladdin, Morgiana, Alibaba, and Masrur. Sinbad had to explain to them in full detail of the situation they were in.

Aladdin rubbed the back of his head. "Haha so that guy was another magi. Isn't that great Alibaba?"

Alibaba was not sure if that was a good or a bad thing but he gives a slight nod to Aladdin.

Morgiana shook her head remembering that embarrassing encounter with you. Masrur stood beside Morg looking between her and Sinbad but said nothing.

"It might be too much to ask but I would like for you all to teach him. I was going to let Yamraiha teach him but I don't want her to have to be burdened with even more tasks to do. Also, from what I have gathered about him it seems like he's suffering from amnesia or is from a distant country and has yet to learn the language here," Sinbad concluded he never guessed him to be from another world.