
1.mizukan junior high

It was a normal monday afternoon I was walking down the streets after we were dismissed from school, The streets were as noisy as ever but still I enjoyed the sounds of

children playing.

" kai. " I heard my name being shouted from afar, when I turned back it was my friend Aioro

she ran towards me and grabbed my hand, I was really shocked about what just happened.

" what is it Aioro ". I said in shock, it took me about two minutes before I realized that expression on her face . " let me guess, you want us to walk home together ". I said with a smile on my face.

" Nope ". she said while panting.

" what do u mean no ". I said with so much anger in my heart and embarrassment.

" i wanted to ask u some questions about that lecture that took in class, teacher Mai said that devil Lance couldn't be destroyed ". she said with a concerning look on her face .

" devil Lance?, well yes he couldn't but the mages took care of it but I admit it was a bit concerning, the mages are the strongest people I have heard about but they still couldn't seal him away ". I said this stroking my chin like a genius.

" yes that's right ". Aioro had been thinking about this for a long time and this was not the first time she asked this question.

After thinking about this for a long time I gave up. " well I guess something's aren't meant to be questioned if u don't mind I'm going home and stop thinking about this it's not good for u". I walked down the street and from there I entered my house, I greeted my dad, went upstairs to my room, freshened up and ate dinner.

in the Conner of my room I saw a letter I opened it and read it out loud "congratulations you have been chosen as one of the students to be able to participate in the mizukan entrance exam and enter mizukan high ".

mizukan high is a prestigious school in which students with great elemental abilities can learn to control their powers and become powerful students only few can get accepted

into the school.

I threw the letter back to the corner of my bed, I wasn't surprised about this because I was bound to enter mizukan high because of my elemental magic and I also knew those who would enter.

it would only be a matter of time before the entrance exam and when I pass I would be the most powerful being stronger than the. mages. " shit ". I slapped myself in the face so hard that my brain reseted, how can I think that way when the mages son was entering the exam but obviously I was proud of my strength and power . I couldn't wait for the exam and I slept off.