
Mage X Orc: Book One: Vows

In a world seeped in magic, where humans live behind a curtain of mountains and hope to avoid the prowling beasts, a ritual is taking place. The tithe, in which the fortress of Blightstone offers a selection of their own people to the visiting orcs in order to bind their people closer together. But this tithe is special. This time Nickolas, a War Mage of rare talent, and the son of the Warden of Blightstone herself is taking part. As is Necun, the orc Hunter who fell for the Mage at first sight. And in the darkness, the two shall share their vows. Join the pair as they venture into the unknown dangers of the world, relying on each other as they face beast and politics, horror and adventure. And see if their vows are strong enough to survive in this harsh world. Greetings, I am Alexander, your Cyborg Storyteller. This is my first full length writing project, so feel free to be critical, and have a lovely day.

CyborgStoryteller · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Mage X Orc Interlude Chapter 8-B: Pod Leader Bycia

Bycia was having a terrible day.

At first she had been enthused about her pod taking over the protection of the caravan. Even if it was just a temporary measure. The beast they had encountered wasn't particularly dangerous, even if was a tad disgusting to look at. Hardly something a rotten wave veteran would blink twice at.

The swarm had complicated things.

One might even say it screwed everything up.

Carefully hopping around several twitching bodies she climbed a root cluster to survey the workers. They were milling around the wrecked carts, salvaging as much of the wood as they could manage. Luckily the vast majority of the goods they carried were undamaged. The swarm creatures were notoriously stupid, and naturally avoided tall wooden structures like the carts, only picking at the edges. This left the carts themselves thoroughly chewed, but their contents unmolested.

Save for the odd bag that had fallen out, devoured by the swarm.

Ironically it seemed the only cart that was completely destroyed was the iron hauler, the ingots scatted in the dark soil and pressed down by thousands of clicking feet. In some places even the iron itself was dented. In other circumstances such light losses to a swarm would be cause for celebration.

Except they had lost the Warden's son.

Stupid of me. Bycia thought with a grimace. He's a scared War Mage. A sea of monsters was assaulting his wife. Of course he did what came naturally. Why couldn't he at least use that lightning he had so much fun with on the tower? He could have fried them out of their shells until his brave little heart was content. Would have been a nice break instead of this mess. At least he's with Necun. The brat would be tearing my head off right now if another Hunter had saved him.

Bycia closed her eyes and let out a long breath.

I hope those kids made it through. she thought grimly. They're beyond my reach now. I'm going to get a lashing for this anyway. Losing a tithe man, and the RazorRiver's pride in the same stroke. Rotting luck all day. It'll be a stomach bug next. Or a fight over something stupid. I need a drink.

The caravan workers were moving fast, they were already behind schedule, and were not looking forward to marching at night. Saws, panes, and hammers were produced. Roots were cut, and shaped. Nails, hinges, and anything else of use was scavenged from the broken carts for the construction of new devices.

Aura's burned steadily as the orc women worked. Their limbs moved faster. The swinging hammers never missed, never required a second strike. Work was devoured before their intense glares. Carts taking form with practiced ease. The green wood bending into place before being nailed into the iron joints.

Bycia noted, not for the first time, that a worker's aura was a dangerous thing. Her Hunters were barely recovered from the battle when the caravan workers completed the final cart. Most of the women didn't even appear winded.

Behind her Bycia noted the heavy footfalls of the Knight. The human woman had been a snag, but hardly worth complaining about. She had held her place in the line. Even if she was covered by proper Hunters. That alone made her worthy of esteem. Even if the fellow warrior grated on Bycia's nerves.

"Why aren't they back yet?" the small woman demanded. "The swarm is long gone, shouldn't they be back?"

"Calm yourself human." Bycia sighed. "They'll be fine. Necun is a capable Hunter. More than enough to care for your Prince for a few days."

"DAYS?" Molly shouted.

Bycia's hand drew her axe in a smooth motion as she scanned the nearby trees. The move shocked Molly to silence for a moment of stillness as every orc watched carefully.

"Quiet your tongue." Bycia hissed. "You'll get us all killed making a racket like that."

"Where. Is. He." the Knight hissed back.

"I told you Necun will care for him until we meet up back at camp." Bycia explained in a low voice. "That will let her take a more direct route, and hopefully avoid any beasts that might follow the caravan. It also reduces the risk of her getting lost."

"Lost?" Molly hissed, face going red with rage.

"The Green is hard to navigate girl." Bycia replied dismissively. "If you think it's so easy feel free to try. Should be good for a laugh before you get eaten. She'll make it to one of the next few campsites. They're easy enough to find."

"And if she's not?" Molly asked.

"Then I hope their deaths were quick." Bycia answered bluntly.

The Knight appeared to be at a loss for words after that, and eventually stomped off to join the human men. Bycia spared a glance at the group, and was pleased to see the Medicine Man was still working. He seemed to have a concoction for just about everything. Including broken bones which was a surprise. It wasn't perfect. Many of the strange potions the boy carried with him were far less effective than a ritual healing spell, and painful on top of it all. The speed at which the potions worked was the true boon. Bycia was already planning out how to recruit the man to supply vials for the Hunters. If he could produce a steady supply for the more common wounds it would allow far longer deployments.

And save some lives. she thought grimly. Even just buying time for the real healers to do their work, or a salve to be applied would do it. And he's not even married.

The orc considered that for a moment.

My daughters aren't the right age. she mused. Otherwise it would be a perfect match. Maybe one of the other seniors has a sweet girl? Hm. No. Not sure what he likes, too much of a risk. Some family is going to make a move though. Wait. That's the ticket. All I have to do is intercept. Keep him a free agent until he finds a woman he likes. That's the way.

Once she and her house had fended off the first wave of scavengers it would be simple to pull the boy into the more general orbit of the Hunters. Bycia didn't need to control him herself. He just needed to be grateful to the Hunters as a whole. Easily done.

Kella landed beside her with a soft rustle of leather.

"We'll be ready to move soon." the younger Hunter said quietly. "The final carts are getting checked. Nearly everything is loaded up. I sent a few of the others above to make sure the immediate path is clear.

"Thank you Kella." Bycia rumbled. "Are you angling to be my second for this hunt?"

"I suspect I'm the best choice." Kella admitted. "I took the opportunity. Won't matter in a few days anyway. Might as well get the notch on my belt while we're short on more impressive Hunters."

Bycia snorted.

"You're selling yourself short." she replied. "A good head on your shoulders will get you further than a slightly better axe arm, or a big strong aura."

"If you say so." Kella grumbled. "Those things don't hurt either. A level head never won a tournament."

"Your seniors are watching girl." Bycia said with a smile. "They know what to look for. The bragging, and strength are just one measure."

"Oooh. Spooky." Kella replied. "They measuring my aura next? Maybe seeing how a handle Peter."

"Shut up, and scout ahead brat." Bycia said, snorting.

"Sure sure." Kella muttered.

As the younger woman lept into the branches with a pulse of her aura Bycia looked on.

Poor thing. Bycia thought. Command is going to tear your heart in half.

A moment later a sign flashed through the caravan, repeated by every orc who saw it.


Bycia grinned, her aura hummed beneath her skin. Urges rose within her. To hunt. To protect. This caravan needed to be herded. Shepherded to safety, and she was the one to do it.

With a flash she jumped into the branches above. The remaining Hunters followed her, the pod forming up around their leader. Her hands flashed as she signed.



Caravan close.

Below the carts creaked into place. Rooks were harnessed. Bags and crates lashed down.

They were moving again.

Onwards til nightfall.

As always you can read ahead on patreon for only 3 dollars.


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