
Mage X Orc: Book One: Vows

In a world seeped in magic, where humans live behind a curtain of mountains and hope to avoid the prowling beasts, a ritual is taking place. The tithe, in which the fortress of Blightstone offers a selection of their own people to the visiting orcs in order to bind their people closer together. But this tithe is special. This time Nickolas, a War Mage of rare talent, and the son of the Warden of Blightstone herself is taking part. As is Necun, the orc Hunter who fell for the Mage at first sight. And in the darkness, the two shall share their vows. Join the pair as they venture into the unknown dangers of the world, relying on each other as they face beast and politics, horror and adventure. And see if their vows are strong enough to survive in this harsh world. Greetings, I am Alexander, your Cyborg Storyteller. This is my first full length writing project, so feel free to be critical, and have a lovely day.

CyborgStoryteller · Fantasy
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Mage X Orc Chapter 24-C: Unusual Request (NSFW)

The day after they moved in together Nickolas woke to find his arms pinned behind him. After a brief moment of raw panic he felt the familiar sensation of tusks running up his back. Relaxing onto the remarkably soft mattress the Mage examined his circumstances.

He was pinned, his arms held in a firm grasp. Flexing them a bit was allowed, Necun didn't want him too uncomfortable, but her grip was still firm. Nickolas didn't attempt to break free, he was certain this wasn't that sort of game. His orcish lover was amusing herself by tracing patterns in his skin with her tusks. Light was shining into the room, indicating the day was far along already, their home only started to get good light when noon was approaching. Neither of them had anywhere to be until the evening, when they would be meeting with one of Necun's old friends.

Which meant all he needed to do was shuck his sleeping robe for this game to be more interesting.

The loose garment was already down past his shoulders, allowing his wife access to his back.

Wiggling resumed, this time he tested if he legs were trapped. They were, loosely, between Necun's thighs. His movement also got a soft growl out of his wife, and earned him a firm hand pressing against his bare shoulder, forcing him further into the mattress. The Hunter's nails just barely indented against his skin. Nickolas shivered.

It was an exciting position to say the least, and he was already impatient for more.

"Back home there's a tradition for newly...bonded couples." Nickolas said in his sultriest voice.

Necun's ministrations didn't pause, but she grunted for him to continue.

"One morning, within a few days of moving in together, you're meant to whisper into my ear a fantasy you have." he said, wigging again. "Something you would be embarrassed to tell even your closest friend. Something you've always wanted to try. And if I like the sound of it..."

A complete lie, but Nickolas was feeling adventurous. As well as curious. What precisely, he wondered, did a woman like Necun think about in her wildest fantasies?

His first reward was a long pause, the tusks stopping against the back of his neck.

For a moment he was left listening to his thudding heartbeat, and his lover's soft breathing. Her mouth moved, one tusk caressing his ear. The air became hard to breath as Nickolas's body coiled with the tension. His wrists twisted in the orc's grip.

"I've always wanted..." Necun paused to swallow dryly. "I want to...pose you."

"Pose me?" Nickolas asked, voice husky as he tried to imagine what his lover intended.

"Standing. Without your robe." she clarified, rallying. "And letting me, feel your body move."

Nickolas hummed as he turned the thought over in his mind. It was a strange request, but well within his boundaries.

"In that case." he said. "I think this robe will have to go."

With a sudden tug the cloth was pulled back, tightening against his flesh and driving the air from his lungs. Before he could protest he was rolled onto his back, the sleeping robe stretching to it's limit as his lover tore it off of him.

The small part of the Mage's mind which grieved for the garment was drowned by his lust as he delighted in his lover's enthusiasm.

Necun's body shone in the sparkling beams of light from the window. The bruises had faded slightly, looking more natural on her skin. Muscles of steel coiled and flexed as she bent back to strip his legs. Her breasts bounced ever so slightly as she moved. The wild tangle of her red hair framed a face clouded by both embarrassment and a lust to mirror his own.

Nickolas caught his wife's eye and winked. The robe was tossed against the wall a heartbeat later.

Offering up his arms he looked deep into Necun's dark eyes.

"Pose me." he begged.

Without hesitation or mercy he was pulled to his feet. For every errant movement, or attempt to adjust his balance his wife responded with lightning fast hands, pushing him nearly off his feet. He hit the wall, and before the Mage could use it to steady himself his arms were pinned above his head.

"You're going to stand how I like." Necun said, voice quivering every so slightly. "And you're not going to move not matter what. Even when your muscles ache. Understood?"

"I understand." Nickolas whispered back, mouth gone dry.

Strong hands pulled him away from the wall, then began to shape his stance like clay. His arms were placed above his head, wrists flicked out, hands cupped. His torso was twisted ever so slightly, his chest and stomach left in tension, a dull burn began. His legs were parted, pushed into a forward lunge, and stopped halfway. His manhood, stiff and hot, uncovered.

It was a deeply vulnerable position, and Nickolas's ears burned as he felt a sunbeam warm his thigh. He wasn't quite certain which component of this game flared his lover's lust, but he found his own burning desire in feeling his wife's roaming eyes inspect his body.

Watching Necun's body in turn was a treat as well. He enjoyed how his Hunter moved, stalking silently as she examined him.

Nearly every muscle was aching now, a few burning in protest, yet he had made his promise. Both sets of limbs began to tremble.

"You're so beautiful." Necun whispered.

She pulled him up and the Mage gasped from the sudden relief. Leaving him standing straight the orc paced around in a circle, her fingers never leaving his skin as she toyed with his body.

Suddenly she pulled him back, one hand coiling around to hold his chest as she embraced him. The sudden warmth of his lover's body was intense, and Nickolas bit his tongue as the shock rolled through his body.

Necun's other hand found his shaft, and Nickolas's moans grew far more pronounced.

"I want to watch you get close." the Hunter whispered in his ear. "You're not going to move a hair until you're so close you can't take it."

Nickolas's mind emptied as the pleasure consumed him. His hands flexed at his side, his toes curled as he felt his lover's hand move up and down his manhood. The aches of his body drove his lust to new heights, and the lack of control burned in his belly. It all felt like a dream, and could lead to only a single conclusion.

With a grunt he released into his wife's fingers, almost immediately sagging back into her grasp as his legs gave out. His mind was so lost to lust he didn't even realize he was falling until Necun caught his arm and lowered him to the cool floorboards.


Necun's hands were shaking as she stared down at her insensate lover. Waking with the first ray of light, and stirring before her bond she had decided to try something risky.

With her body healed enough to try more strenuous activity the Hunter attempted to wake Nickolas with a sexy position. Nothing too demanding or pushy. If her lover wasn't in the mood it could be brushed off as a slightly awkward loving gesture. Otherwise it could lead to an intense morning of lovemaking.

She hadn't expected her bond to escalate.

That was perhaps an unfair thought. It was more accurate to say her lover pointed to an unstable tree limb and dared her to see how far she could go. Necun herself had chosen a fantasy she had long thought buried.

Something she had not thought about in a long time, certainly not a form of lovemaking she thought she would practice with Nickolas. Yet when her bond had asked, in that voice daring her to indulge in a fantasy she would struggle to even explain, posing was the first thing to come to her frazzled mind.

It had been worth whatever embarrassment had flowed through her as she pinned her lover to the wall. The feeling of pressing him down. How small and delicate he had felt in her grasp. Knowing that he had utterly surrendered himself to her.

Then she had made him prove it, posing him in an awkward stance meant to push his body to it's quivering limit. Whatever hesitation that was left in her ended up discarded as she watched her lover gasp and quake, his whole body shivering as she watched.

Feeling his soft skin as he debased himself for her. And he never disobeyed, not willingly. The sensation of power was so strong Necun felt like she had been drinking.

The final moment came when she saw her bond about to slip. She had acted on pure instinct, pulling the Mage to her chest and grasping his shaft. She had not idea what words she spoke as she stroked her lover to completion, only that they felt right in the moment.

Then Nickolas collapsed from what Necun desperately hoped was an overload of pleasure and the stress of the situation came crashing down on her shoulders all at once. Her previous actions, then viewed through the foggy lens of a lust filled mind were mortifying.

She had posed her bond, just to see how his body moved when strained. That was strange. So strange that Necun hadn't heard of such a thing in even the raunchiest of campside stories.

And he agreed without question. Why. Necun wondered, mind racing. Was he just faking so I would be happy? Did he think it was strange and not actually enjoy it at all?

The line of thought began to creep into their previous sexual excursions. If he had been able to fool her so easily here, then what was guaranteed about her previous performance.

Necun was shocked from her thoughts by a finger tracing her leg.

"I think it's your turn." her bond sighed. "But you'll have to come down here I'm afraid. I'm too lazy to get up right now. Just kneel down and I'll get between your legs. Or we can wait a bit and you can ride me. Either way I get cuddled afterwards."

Necun smiled to hide her settling mind. Her nerves again. She had gotten too excited and came down too fast. This wasn't her bond tricking her, there was no test. Nickolas cared for her, and was trying to show it. She was safe.

Though her lust had been doused kneeling down and feeling her golden haired lover's tongue kindled it right back again. He was learning quickly, already lapping between her folds skillfully enough to make her toes curl. It felt both comfortable and heady to grip his hair, dragging his head to each side just to feel how he would react.

Sloppily as it turned out. The proud Mage didn't even try to resist her tugs, just pushing his tongue out for her to use. Yet more power he gave to her, all the more gratifying from her fiery outspoken bond. This was no nervous wreck meekly following her lead. This was her confident Nickolas who charged into a building full of traitors to find her, and braved the Green without fear.

Now he was submitting to her utterly, and it was better than she had ever imagined.

The ecstasy of power made her cum more than his tongue, but her thighs tightened on his head all the same. A hot flash of pleasure that took control as it rippled through her body. Her last conscious thought as the orgasm took her was to roll over to avoid falling on her lover's body.

Without her lover's head to worry about her thighs slammed closed. Dimly the orc felt her bond crawl up and embrace her from behind in a mirror of their earlier pose. As she rode the wave her lover pinched and fondled her breasts, pushing her orgasmic pleasure as far as her mind could process. Overwhelming every sense she had.

Nothing could last forever, no matter how strong the sensation was it inevitably faded. The Hunter mourned it's passing even as she gasped into a pillow. Nickolas must have placed it under her head when she was insensate.

"I'll assume those were good noises?" Nickolas asked playfully when she managed to make eye contact.

He was grinning down at her, elbow rested against the bed.

Necun groaned her response, squeezing her eyes shut as she started to flex her sore legs.

"That was the first of many I hope." the Mage said, kissing her forehead. "For my part, well, you saw how good it was for me. So thank you, for sharing with me. And...trusting me."

There was a spike of pride, even if Necun didn't think she did anything special. If anything her lover had been the incredible one. Letting her take control, utterly nonjudgmental about her request.

She couldn't find the words to tell him that. To explain how amazing he was, and internally she cursed her younger self for dodging the poetry lessons of her youth.

Instead she nestled close, trying to get as close to her lover as possible as they cuddled in the dancing light.