
Mage X Orc: Book One: Vows

In a world seeped in magic, where humans live behind a curtain of mountains and hope to avoid the prowling beasts, a ritual is taking place. The tithe, in which the fortress of Blightstone offers a selection of their own people to the visiting orcs in order to bind their people closer together. But this tithe is special. This time Nickolas, a War Mage of rare talent, and the son of the Warden of Blightstone herself is taking part. As is Necun, the orc Hunter who fell for the Mage at first sight. And in the darkness, the two shall share their vows. Join the pair as they venture into the unknown dangers of the world, relying on each other as they face beast and politics, horror and adventure. And see if their vows are strong enough to survive in this harsh world. Greetings, I am Alexander, your Cyborg Storyteller. This is my first full length writing project, so feel free to be critical, and have a lovely day.

CyborgStoryteller · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Mage X Orc Chapter 10-A: Lonesome Camp (NSFW)

It took roughly half a heartbeat for Necun to remember that Nickolas's body wasn't in the best shape. Four days of hard living had taken their toll. Yet, as she gently stripped the Mage of his robe, and her eyes soaked in his body she found it didn't matter in the slightest.

Bending over she ran her tusks up her bond's chest, delighting in the sensation, before repeating the act with her tongue. Nickolas giggled softly, and she felt his hand gently brush her hair. She returned her mouth to his stomach for a bit of nibbling, as the light faded her fingers pulled down his remaining underclothes.

When her bond gasped she knew his manhood was free, and her fingers slowly traced up his thigh to find it. She grasped him, elicited another gasp, and a second hand was placed on her head, holding on for support. She stroked his shaft gently, head resting on his stomach as she listened to her lover breathe. Soon he was stiff, and her gentle pumping increased it's pace.

"Wait." Nickolas gasped. "Stop. I'm too dirty. I need."

Necun hummed in amusement, but slowed her pace.

"Let's get you dirty first." she hummed. "Then clean. Then dirty again."

Her bond sighed deeply, and she took that as permission to continue. Stopping her motion briefly, her thumb gently rubbed against his tip, eliciting a stronger gasp than normal.

"Do you like that?" Necun asked with a growing confidence. "Do you like when I touch you here?"

"Ah, yes." Nickolas moaned out, grasping Necun's hair. "Feels good. Not too much! It's sensitive!"

Necun's head was pushed up as her bond arched his back. A smile bloomed on her face.

"Too much! too much!" Nickolas spat out.

Immediately Necun released her grip, mild panic flooding her chest like icy water. Nickolas relaxed, falling back onto to the stone.

"Sorry sorry!" she said, bringing up her head to look Nickolas in the eye. "I didn't-"

"Shh." Nickolas shushed, putting a finger to her lips as he breathed heavily on the stone. "It's alright. Nothings wrong, it was just too much all at once. We can keep going."

Necun nodded slowly, and her hand crept back to her bond's special place.

"You can be firm, just start slow." Nickolas panted out, leaning his head back as she touched him again. "You're doing a good job Necun. I promise."

The Hunter's face flushed at the praise, and she gripped her lover's shaft as tight as she dared. Soon after the air was filled with her lover's moans. Necun herself watching her own hand in fascination, examining her lover's lower body in the dying light. Her own lust sat in her lower belly, warming her like a fire.

An impulse took over, and Necun leaned forward to kiss her bond's sensitive tip.

Immediately Nickolas jolted, his hands pushing her away as he scooted back.

An apology was forming again on Necun's lips when he grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Wait wait wait wait wait." Nickolas panted out, face red. "Hold on. I wasn't expecting that."

"I-" the Mage stopped to clear his throat. "Let's clean up first, if we're going to...be putting mouths in places."

Necun nodded her agreement, throat suddenly dry. Standing up she offered a hand to Nickolas.

"I'll start down here." he said with a grin. "Go ahead, get comfortable."

As her bond's hand flashed with color Necun started to strip off her armor. A moment after she stepped out of the pile of battered leather she felt warm water embrace her shin. Nickolas slowly guided the bubble of water up her leg. The sensation caused a shiver to go up Necun's spine, and she ended up biting her lip to keep herself from making noise.

It was a strangely vulnerable position to be in, despite her pride in her Hunter's physique. Her fellow Hunter's had seen her nude dozen's of times, yet to be under the eyes of her bond was simultaneously mortifying, and utterly exhilarating.

He reached her upper thigh before flicking the filthy water away, and resuming the process on the other leg. Necun flexed her clean leg slightly, enjoying the sensation as her skin rapidly dried in the warm forest air. Then Nickolas completed the second leg, and started on her hips. Necun had to bite her finger to keep from moaning as he passed the water over her hungry slit. What embarrassment remained was drowned under a deluge of lust.

When she suddenly felt her lover's kiss on her clit it shocked her more than his lightning spell had. Necun's hands flew to her bond's head, pulling him back as she gasped.

"Sorry. Sorry." Nickolas said, snickering. "Couldn't resist returning the favor."

Necun let out a long breath as he moved the water up to her waist.

"Well I didn't say stop." she said before she could stop herself.

Internally she berated herself for trying to be clever, but before she could play the comment off as a joke she felt her lover's lips touch her clit again. A moment later a tongue followed, hesitantly playing with her bud.

Necun gasped, nearly doubling over from the shock of sensation as she took a tight grip on Nickolas's hair.

Her bond in return took a firm grip on her hips to hold himself steady as his tongue worked it's way downwards. Slowly Necun relaxed her grip, the surprise passing. Hesitantly, she parted her legs further before pushing her hips out. In response her lover grew bold, and a heartbeat later she felt his tongue slip inside her. Necun bit down on her finger again to keep from moaning as her bond worked. The raging fire of lust felt like it was melting her insides. Her hand shifted from petting her lover's head to pushing him into her slit to feel his tongue deeper. Nickolas obliged, his tongue lapping, and exploring her, looking for the most sensitive spots he could reach.

Even biting her knuckle failed to keep the throaty moans from escaping Necun's lips. Moments after her lust filled groans filled the air another shock hit her as Nickolas gently pinched her clit. Necun's breath hitched, and she felt herself teeter on the edge. In a panic Necun tried to pull herself back, lust fighting embarrassment at cumming so early. Nickolas took her wiggling as encouragement, and pulled out just enough to lap at the Hunter's clit.

This proved to be the final straw as Necun's breathing halted and shuddered, her legs snapping closed. The orc's mind went blank, and Nickolas found himself holding her arm to keep her upright as she climaxed.

While shivering and panting Necun had just enough presence of mind to be thankful that her bond was gently stroking her slit with his fingers instead of continuing his oral ministrations. Eventually, with Nickolas's support, she melted down to the ground, and lay against the warm stone.

Another sensation crept in slowly, and Necun realized Nickolas had resumed cleaning her. The warm water working it's way up her body helped bring the world into focus as the last of her orgasm settled into the low rumble of lust that permeated her body. Under Nickolas's soothing fingers Necun's body relaxed, until her mind finally recovered enough to speak.

"I...sorry." she muttered, eyes flicking to her bond's face.

"Sorry for what?" Nickolas asked gently as he flicked more water away. "The hair pulling? It's fine. It was exciting actually. Just be a bit more gentle next time."

"No I...." Necun trailed off, unsure how to breach the subject.

"You'rrrrre?" Nickolas prodded while working the water up her arm.

"I was too fast?" Necun half admitted, breaking eye contact to stare off into the trees.

Nickolas snorted as he worked up to her wrist. The Mage flicked the water away before starting a through clean of the orc's hand. The moment dragged on, Necun squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment.

"Oh, you're serious." Nickolas said, breaking the tension. "Necun, my darling wife, I don't know if you noticed, but that was the goal I was aiming for down there."

"I...I'm not usually." Necun said, trying to turn her head even further from her bond.

"A quick shot." the human snorted. "It's been days since...well you know. I assure you it won't take much for me to join you once I'm cleaned off."

"Not the same for men." the Hunter whined. "You don't...have expectations for performing."

Nickolas released her hand as he fell into harsh laughter.

"No expectations?" he gasped between breaths. "That's a good one. The moment I came of age I had servants sharing little secrets about how to please a woman in bed. Make my wife happy and content, keep her eye from wandering, and all that."

"You can thank Ivan, my washerman, by the way. If you ever see him." Nickolas added. "He has a wonderfully dirty mind, and was happy to share secret techniques when he found out I was to be tithed."

Necun felt a string of kisses go up her stomach and shivered.

"Finish me quick." she said decisively. "Then it's your turn."

Her lover hummed as he shifted to her other side to finish. The last step resulted in Nickolas running two fingers with a bead of water gently across her face.

"I don't think I have time for your hair." Nickolas said mournfully. "Give me a moment I'll be quick on myself."

Necun slowly maneuvered to her feet, by the time she was up the silhouette of Nickolas was covered in shifting liquid. After a few more seconds the Mage flicked his wrists and sent the water flowing away into the pooling darkness. With soft steps the Hunter approached, eyes drinking in her lover once more. She placed her hands on the Nickolas's cheeks, and for a moment just held him. In the moment of pristine stillness Necun stared down into her bond's wide eyes, and saw within the energetic calmness swirling behind them.

He's nervous too. she recognized. Just take things slow Necun. Keep things soft. We have the time.

She leaned forward, her right tusk tracing his cheek.

"Lie down." Necun whispered into his ear.

With a hum Nickolas complied, sinking down, and stretching out his body with a slight wiggle. His face maintained nonchalance. Necun solved that by tracing her fingers up his inner thigh, causing him to shiver. Listening to her lust Necun dipped forward to trace her tusks down his stomach until her lips met his rising manhood. After a brief moment of surprise she kissed the head gently.

"Take it slow please." Nickolas murmured, placing his hand on Necun's back.

In response Necun gently took him into her mouth. She found the sensation strange, but slowly started moving. The process was more awkward than the Hunter was prepared for, as she tried to replicate the motion her fingers had made earlier. Nothing felt quite right, and at first she focused on keeping her sharp teeth away from her lover's delicate shaft. However, even taking his shallowly caused her bond to squirm, and soon a low moan escaped his lips.

Nickolas's hips suddenly thrust forward, and Necun had to pull back slightly to keep from gagging.

"Sorry. Sorry." he whispered. "It felt. Too good."

Necun resumed her work, humming in delight. Below, her hand resumed tracing his thigh, feeling the soft skin. The little motions increased as she continued her work, followed by the increasingly desperate moans. A trickle of wetness down her thigh brought Necun's own fiery lust to the forefront of her mind, and she clenched her legs.

I need him inside me. her mind growled with hunger.

Popping her mouth free she swung her leg to straddle her golden haired lover. Their eyes met, and Necun saw her hunger reflected in her bond's wanting gaze.

Necun dropped her hips, and her breath caught as she was filled.

Nickolas's cock completed her perfectly. She rolled her head back to release a moan, followed soon after by Nickolas's own. Keeping her hips steady Necun leaned back to rest on her palms, luxuriating in the feeling of connection between her and her bond. She could almost feel him throbbing deep inside her. Nickolas's hands found her thighs, and the sensation prodded her need for more.

She raised her hips slowly, focusing on the feeling of her lover. Then slammed back down. Below her Nickolas gasped. Again she raised her hips, only to be surprised when Nickolas's grip tightened on her thighs as he bucked his hips to slide back inside her. They began to hump against each other without grace, fueled by raw passion.

Something changed as Nickolas moved his hands to her hips, and began moaning her name. Necun shifted her weight, pressing him to the stone as she leaned forward. She bounced on his shaft as fast as she could manage, her cheeks smacking against his hips in quick rhythm. Their eyes met briefly before Nickolas threw his head back, and gasped dramatically, mouth wide, gaze distant. Necun pressed down on him, her heart raced as she felt her lovely bond empty himself inside her. Reaching forward, she pulled him up into a hug, pressing him between her breasts as they both panted. Their sweat mingled as they lay there, their breathing starting to match.

Necun knew he was finished when she felt him playfully nibble at her chest. In response she rolled her hips, eliciting another gasp from her mate. She released Nickolas from the hug, allowing him to rest his back on the ground for a while.

"Think you can go again?" the Hunter asked hopefully.

While she waited for a response she ran her nails lightly down his chest. The light was gone now, and the Green was waking around them.

"Need a moment." Nickolas gasped out, eyes squeezed shut. "Takes a bit to recover, but I can go again I think."

Necun hummed in response. In a swift motion she pulled up enough to swing her legs around, reversing her position on Nickolas without his manhood leaving her. With her insides still splattered with his cum she slowly began to lift, and drop herself on his softening shaft.


Breathing hard, Nickolas tried to focus on anything other than his oversensitive cock. He was grateful that his wife's body was cloaked in shadow as she rode him, it was the only reason he had lasted as long as he had. Necun's body was that of a trained warrior, or Hunter in her case. It had taken excessive will to keep from feeling those taut muscles with his fingers while he cleaned her body.

His wife was being less subtle with her desires as she groped his legs. Each time she traced him with her sharp nails he shivered in anticipation. Some deep part of his mind delighting in being under the predator's power. Every time she moved her wide hips he felt her fiery insides clench around him and stifled a groan. If the orc kept this up he knew he wouldn't last long during the second round. The Mage required an edge.

Why am I thinking of this like a fight? he wondered to himself.

He delivered a powerful slap to Necun's rear.

The woman's silhouette went ridged, then shifted as she looked over her shoulder at him.

"To much?" Nickolas asked innocently.

She shifted her hips around, and he clenched his teeth to stifle a moan. His cock was already rising back to attention.

"Try again." Necun purred.

Grinning, Nickolas delivered two hard slaps to her cheeks. It left his hands stinging, but the slight gasps from his wife were well worth the pain. Then she swung her legs to turn herself around, and he was left breathless as his cock was shoved as deep as it could go in her tight depths.

"Are you feeling assertive?" his wife asked in a husky voice. "Do you want to get a bit rougher?"

This woman's going to kill me. Nickolas thought dramatically.

"Lie down." he said, keeping his voice steady.

The weight was suddenly off his hips as Necun pulled herself back. Nickolas gasped as his cock was suddenly freed. Pulling himself up was a struggle, his legs shook, and refused to hold his weight, but he managed to get to his knees. Necun was lying before him, even her silhouette was inviting as he moved between her legs.

Her powerful thighs wrapped around his hips, and squeezed him slightly. A moment later Nickolas felt her fingers trace his cheek.

"Come inside me." his wife ordered.

He complied, sliding into her with a grunt. Even with Necun's legs wrapped around him tightly Nickolas had enough room to thrust into the woman's tight entrance. This time he didn't even attempt to suppress his moans.

As his hips thrust forward again, and again he lost himself in the pleasure. His orgasm rose within, his breaths came in gasps. Before he realized what was happening Necun had pulled him forward, nestling his face between her soft breasts as they came together.

Emptying into his wife's tight folds again, Nickolas whimpered a string of nonsensical words. He was aware of Necun clutching his body, but despite the iron grip he felt a deep sense of comfort and safety. When his cock finally stopped twitching his mind returned with a lurch.

He took in deep breaths of sweat scented air as he lay atop his lover's warm body. Necun had recovered first, and was whispering soft words he couldn't process as she stroked his hair. Peaking his head up he saw that her head was lying back against the stone, clearly as drained as he felt.

To get her attention he nibbled a bit at her breast again. He found he had to bite her nipple fairly hard to get the reaction he wanted.

"Hey!" Necun gasped, as she pulled back on his hair.

Nickolas inhaled deeply at the sensation, and bit his lip. Despite the pitch darkness he widened his eyes to look as innocent as possible.

"Could you let my hips go?" he asked sweetly. "I want to clean up again."

"I'm perfectly comfortable like this." Necun responded, tightening her embrace. "Even with a little sweat."

"The sweat isn't what I'm worried about." Nickolas admitted. "I'll only clean up a bit if you really feel that way. Then we can cuddle properly."

"Then you won't be-" the orc cut herself off.

"Inside you?" the human said rolling his eyes. "Yes I know, but I'll be soft in a moment anyway. This will be much less fun then, I assure you."

Necun grumbled, but opened her legs to let the Mage out. A quick bit of water magic, and a fair amount of embarrassment for both lovers later, Nickolas flopped back down beside his wife.

The warm air caressed his body, and he shivered slightly before Necun pulled him to her chest. He wasted no time, and kissed her deeply, the hard tusks pressing into his cheeks were a soft comfort. The warmth of Necun's tongue pressed hesitantly to his lips.

"Not yet I think." Nickolas whispered, pulling back.

Before she could respond he resumed the kiss, his body pressing closer to hers as he enjoyed the comfort of her arms. His mind was racing, but the aches of his body pulled him towards sleep. It took him a few attempts to wiggle into a position he was comfortable with, but in time he drifted off, his head laying on the Hunter's chest. His last thought was that their heartbeats sounded like they were beating as one.

Ooh. Sexy times.

If you're interested in the story you can read ahead up to 5 chapters on patreon.


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