
:( jail

so my sister moved my bed! "SIS!" I screamed this time on my holy lungs. We had to get out of here somehow… I looked for and empty space and I remembered there was a window behind the cupboard. I pushed the cupboard and suzy was scared. I saw a thorny bush down us. "alex, you already have gotten accident!" she screamed at me. "THIS IS THE ONLY WAY! I never thought this would happen! Okay!" I shouted. she had a long skirt and she took it off. I turned away fast as soon as I got to know she was removing it. "hey, I'm not an idiot, okay? I wont allow a pervert like you see me" she said. she was wearing 2/4 shorts. She tore the skirt and made it into a rope! She tied it to the bed and she held it and slid down. the skirt wasn't going to lift my weight so I just jumped down. I got on my legs exact. Suzy rolled her eyes and tore the skirt that nobody goes up. I saw some guy at the door and I asked him if he wanted any help. "hey, I'm ren. And I'm supposed to be meeting a girl" he said. "Ren!" I heard my sister. she ran out the door and hugged him. "heyyyy" ren said to my sister. "who is this girl and the guy?" ren asked and looked at me and suzy. "I'm suzy and this is alex, nice to meet you ren" suzy said and wanted to bow but I didn't let. "suzy lets go" I said. suzy smiled and we ran inside. my mom scolded for running in the corridors. I ran and fixed my bed that nobody locks us up again. we went inside the room and as I said I have clothes inside that big tunnel. Suzy took a super short crop top that comes only under her chest and a super short skirt and a black 2/4 shorts under it. I wore normal outside clothes and suzy turned and we looked at each other. "you look hot" she said. "you look cute" I said slowly. I had jewelries and everything too! so I took a watch which was at least a billion, and 1 side earring which was made up of diamonds. I gave suzy a necklace which was crystal, a small bracelet watch and a set of earring. She wore both the earrings and the others too. she remembered something and she ran outside the room. she searched in her bag and got two bracelets. She tied one to my right hand and tied the other on her right hand too. she took a bag and we walked out the room…. okay I'm not going to lie but… my parents are billionaires and I am a millionaire! So don't think I'm a thief or stuff! I bought my bike out and put my helmet on and I said suzy to jump on. she did and her skirt was a bit too short. I had a black coat and I gave her. she tied it around her waist and jumped on. I drove fast suddenly and suzy hugged me. "go slow" suzy yelled. "come on!" I shouted and drove faster. She hugged me tight and was mad at me. I am professional rider of bike, I've learnt all the tricks with bike. I made a sudden turn and I turned and stopped. suzy got off. she hit my hand. "alex! I told you to go slow!" she screamed at me. I smiled. "wanna learn?" I asked. "if you go slow" she said. "okay, okay" I said. she came front of me and it was night and not even a single car nor a bike was there. I taught her and she went on her own. We stopped at a coffee shop and ran inside laughing. I had reserved a seat before and we ran inside. we sat and suzy got a text from her elder brother. "oh no" she said. her brother was doing video call! I called some maids and some guys and made them sit on our table. I said them to act and suzy answered her brother's call. suzy smiled and her brother asked what was she doing this late night outside. "just hanging around with my friend and whoever they are" suzy said and faced the camera to us. obviously her elder brother recognized me. "hey bro!" he said. "hey" I said and held the phone. I let the maids and the guys go. we cut the call and we ordered 2 cappuccino. I went to wash my hands and I hogged the bathroom for 10 min. I made my hair proper and got out. I saw a bunch of guys sitting next to suzy. "where Is your date? Huh?" they asked her and troubled her. the guy who was sitting in my place touched her neck and went up for her cheeks. I held the guy's hand before he goes any further. "alex" suzy said and stood behind me. "welcome back alex" the guy said and got up. I knew these guys very well, before I was going to get hit by the truck I was a gangster and this guy's team and himself chased me, if I stopped I would get hit, if I didn't I would get hit by the truck. "hey, erin" I said his name. "guess I should make you ashamed right in front of your date" he said. "dream on dude, I love alex to death… when I become 23 I'm marring him, we got plans already " suzy said behind me. she had a knife in her hand. I grabbed it from her hand and threw it. I lifted her and ran fast. I put her on my bike and I rode fast as I could. those guys chased us with their bikes. I saw ren and my sister on the bike riding. "Brother?" my sister said. "THAT GIRL IS ALEX'S SISTER! CATCH THEM!" those guys shouted and started to chase ren and my sister too. "bro step on the gas and go!" I screamed at ren. He did and I followed them. the police came after us. "turn left and turn to left at the same timing!" I shouted. "opposite!" I shouted. ren did it and those guys crashed to the ground. We went fast and the police stopped us by coming in front of us. we were riding fast and we were going to crash to polices. i grabbed suzy and we jumped off. we rolled on the road and my chest hurted. suzy was over me and she got up and helped me. the police held their guns at us. we put our hands in the air. they took us to their office and locked me and ren up and let girls free. so yeah that's cruel of them! I sat and they bought those chasers in our lockers (the one which me and ren were in )… me and ren were sooo mad at them that we started to hit them so much! I kicked the leader and we made it into a mad house! All of started to fight and the cop had lost the key for coming inside. a guy came inside the office and all of us stopped. I was holding the leaders shirt and was pushing him on his knees. All of us looked at the guy and the guy looked at us. "alex?!" the guy shouted.