
Mage Bizarre

A world where people can use magic, a place with demons, humans and Mages...And amazing tools When the two brothers loose both of their parents they decide to enter the world of magic..and the world of magic gives them more knowledge..now their goal is to achieve (THE SUPREME) Read the full story...

Aman_Saraswat_2282 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


CHAPTER-26-------------------WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW----------------------------

The monster was reaching close to the shore…the time was less it has been 5 minutes more, 17 minutes left

Rishido: "17 minutes left FIRE STYLE! FLAMING FIST!"

Rishido's attack didn't work…Agetsu got an idea

Agetsu: "listen! The demon is in the water, and water is a good conductor of electricity, maybe we should try electrocuting the water once

Rishido: "understood!"

Rishido/Agetsu together: "LIGHTNING STYLE! ARROW OF LIGHT!"

There was smoke all around but when the smoke fade away they saw the monster was floating on the water

Agetsu: "did we stop it?"

Rishido: "seems like we did"

Brooke: "no….we didn't"

Rishido: "Mr. Brooke!"

Brooke: "the demon has not stopped yet…it is temporarily paralyzed…you just got some extra time we need to think of something more power full. The demon of this size…he is definitely an ancient demon"

Agetsu: "well, how do we defeat an ancient demon"

Brooke: "there is a way, you see these ancient demons cannot be destroyed by external attacks…instead the demon should be attacked from the inside…so we need to use…the Air element to defeat this demon"

Rishido: "where can we find a mage with Air element now!"

Brooke: "RIGHT HERE!"…..LISTEN BOYS! we have got a total of 30 minutes again"

Brooke pulls out a Head band

Brooke: "this is my mage tool…this head band allows me to use the element of Air"

Agetsu: "but Mr. Brooke you said you couldn't do magic again?"

Brooke: "it's all about my spark…"

Agetsu: "ALRIGHT!"

Brooke: "I need you to take me as close as possible to the demon"

Agetsu: "understood!"

Brooke explains the whole plan to both of them, all of a sudden the demon woke again and started to swim again towards the island…


A huge road of ice as formed… the three of them ran towards to demon…

-----------------------------------END OF CH-26-----------------------------------------

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