
Mage Bizarre

A world where people can use magic, a place with demons, humans and Mages...And amazing tools When the two brothers loose both of their parents they decide to enter the world of magic..and the world of magic gives them more knowledge..now their goal is to achieve (THE SUPREME) Read the full story...

Aman_Saraswat_2282 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


CHAPTER-24----------------------BROOKE THE MAGE------------------------------------

They both set to their journey to the next village, Rishido hands a paper to Agetsu.

Agetsu: "what is this?"

Rishido: "it is a list of nearby villages within one day's walk, where we are going is the steam village…the village known for its steaming volcano"

Agetsu: "sounds interesting"

After two hours of walk they sit down for a break

Rishido: "want some bread?"

Agetsu: "Yes please!"

Later they again continue their journey to steam village after three hours of walk they finally reach the village of steam.

Rishido: "hello…um can I meet Mr. Brooke?"

Villager: "yes sure, he is in there"

They both go in, there they see a long line of patients standing

Agetsu: "Big brother, it's gonna take forever to reach to him!"

Rishido: "that explains why he took four days to return"

Rishido and Agetsu stand in line for five hours straight and after a total of five hours they were able to meet Brooke.

Brooke: "yes? What is your problem?"

Agetsu: "we don't have a problem"

Brooke: "NEXT!"

Rishido: "whaa-"

They both got thrown out of the line-

Later they booked another hotel to stay tonight and when they were about to eat a knock came on the door Agetsu opened the door. It was Brooke

Brooke with a smile: "may I join you"

Rishido: "SURE!"

Brooke: "so, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

Rishido: "uh…Mr. Brooke can—(gulp) can… we have your journal?

Brooke: "is that what you wanted?"

Rishido: "yes!"

Brooke: "here…"


Brooke: "then?"

Agetsu: "we are mages and we are after THE SUPREME"


Brooke stood up….

----------------------------------------END OF CH-24------------------------------------

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