
Mage Bizarre

A world where people can use magic, a place with demons, humans and Mages...And amazing tools When the two brothers loose both of their parents they decide to enter the world of magic..and the world of magic gives them more knowledge..now their goal is to achieve (THE SUPREME) Read the full story...

Aman_Saraswat_2282 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


CHAPTER-8-------------------STRANGE FEELING, CAVE EXPLORED ---------------------

Agetsu went with Arisa to alert the villagers.

Arisa: "what should we do to get the attention of the villagers?

Agetsu: "I have an idea!"

Agetsu takes his tool and uses it to make a beacon light as an attention grabber

Everyone starts looking at the light.

Villager 1: "what is that?"

Arisa : "everyone, at once please run towards the shore, Orukiri has come again, we have got two mages here ,please run as soon as possible!"

Villager: "Two mages?, they might be right, we must go and prepare to escape!"

Everyone rushed to their houses and run towards the shore Agetsu and Arisa go to Rishido

Agetsu: "Arisa go and help your grandpa, you both escape"

Arisa: "what about you two?"

Agetsu: "don't worry about us, we will be fine, we are powerfull J"

Agetsu rushes to Rishido

Rishido: "listen Agetsu the demon could be anywhere we must be alert, there is a way to find the demon , a fire technique used to attract demons

They both run to the top of the mountain. Rishido having a stressed face

Agetsu: "are you okay?"

Rishido: "yeah, but something about this island doesn't feel right, we must explore the cave more before taking any steps, we might find some clues"

Agetsu: "I-I actually didn't had a great feeling when we stepped on this island, there was this strange feeling I was having while we were here"

Rishido: "why dint you tell me?"

Agetsu: "I thought it was a small sickness so I was feeling uncomfortable, turns out , it was a kind of sense, this island was giving some bad aura

They both changed their direction and went to the cave. They reached the cave and started exploring it, as they went further in, there was nothing they could see, and soon it was pitch black, Rishido lights a fire with his tool, they saw a rock table near , and on that rock table there was a paper piece, and on that paper piece Agetsu's name was written…Rishido quickly figures out…

Rishido: "it's a mage paper, and look your name is written on it, the reason you were getting this uncomfortable feeling was because of this paper, the demon used this mage paper to attract us, the demon saw the future…

Agetsu: "FUTURE!"

Rishido: "yes some demons uses dark techniques to do things unimaginable to humans as well as mages!...

---------------------------------END OF CH-8---------------------------------------------

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