

I hit the ground after being yanked out of sleep by the blaring sounds of an unseen alarm, lazily switching my gaze towards Daemon.

He laid on the ground, snoring as loud as ever. I guess he didn't hear the alarm from all his snoring.

"All students are to report to their classrooms before eight thirty this morning", Sage announced.

I walked up to Daemon and gave him a few taps on his shoulder, before pulling him up.

He grunted.

"I'm awake dude", he said, yanking himself out of my grip.

He sprang up from the ground and was about to make for the bathroom when suddenly, he froze.

So did I.

Though I was still standing at a spot, I experienced that feeling of teleportation, where you're being plummeted into a void of nothingness.

Being unable to move or even talk, I managed to shoot a gaze at Daemon, who was still frozen - he was probably in the same situation as me.

Suddenly, I could hear Sage's voice in my head.

Student name: Daryn Coldwater

Category: Unknown

Energy level: zero

Combat Xp: zero points

Stamina Xp: zero points

Spell Xp: zero points

Intellectual Xp: two points

Weapon armoury: zero points

Total Xps: two points.


I became able to move and speak again, after receiving the piece of info from Sage. It was such a weird way to pass an important info like that.

"Did you feel it too?", I asked Daemon after noticing he was relieved.

"Yeah...weird right?"

"Totally...um, we better get ready for class or we'll be late"


A while later, we both stood in the middle of the academy's enormous hallway. My face was contorted into a slight frown as I scanned the whole place for our class.

Eventually, my sight fell upon a diamond crested clock which was fixed on the top right corner of the hallway.

My eyebrows furrowed into a more deeper frown as I shifted my gaze from the clock.

Turning to Daemon, I complained;

"This is bullshit...we're almost running late on our first day"

"We should ask someone", he suggested.

Soon enough, I was hit by the lovely scent of someone who walked past us with a small pile of books in her hands.

She wore a silver uniform, and had a long shimmering silver hair. The golden crest impressed on her uniform revealed that she was a sophomore student.

"We should ask her", I suggested.

I noticed how Daemon's eyes trailed along with the girl as she walked further away from us; a slight shoulder bump from me shook him back to reality.

"Dude". I shot at him with a slight frown.


He began pacing towards her while I strolled behind him, until we got close enough to her. Just about when she turned around to see who was following her, Daemon bumped into her...

Thud! The pile of books were plunged to the ground, causing Daemon to bend down and pick them up.

"Um...I'm really sorry", he apologized as she also bent down to assist him.

"No...it's fine", her voice was calm and sweet, accompanied by a smile.

He hurriedly picked up a a book and handed it over to her with a nervous smile.

I couldn't help but smirk.

"Thanks...um, I'm Daemon and he's Daryn...we're both searching for our classes", he said while gesturing at me for a second.

She adjusted the pile of books in her hand, before nodding with a warm smile which depicted her depicted her kindness.

"Oh, I see...you're freshmen"

"What are your categories?", she asked.

"Werewolf and Phoenix", he responded.

I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you should be having basic meditation class right now...so, your class is five steps after taking your immediate left turn"

"You guys will be taking the basic meditation class together", she added.

"Thanks", we chorused.

She chuckled.

"You're welcome..."

"Oh, and I'm sorry for being so rude; I'm Kira, a sophomore student...I hope to see you guys around"

A brilliant smile lit up her face before she finally turned to take her leave.

"Please wait!"

I pulled my face into a slightly confused frown on hearing Daemon's words, and couldn't help but wonder why he called her attention again.

Her long shimmering hair flung sideways as she turned back at us, beaming another warm smile...


"Um...em....", Daemon stuttered.

An almost silent sigh escaped my mouth and I shook my head, while watching him struggle to make an actual sentence, until...

"I was just thinking...would you, um...like us to hang out sometime...just you and me?", he asked with a chuckle, while stroking his nape.

I noticed how red her cheeks became while she stared at him for almost a minute, until she came to her senses again.

"Um...sure, I look forward to it", she finally responded before taking a swift leave.


A smile crawled upon my face as I walked up to him and gave him a slight shoulder bump.

"She's nice", he said, still staring at the path she took, even though she was now far off.

"I know...but we gotta go"

I yanked his hand, and we began trailing towards the path she had directed us to follow.

We approached our classroom a few minutes later, taking a few deep breaths before we finally barged in.