
Mage's life on Earth

The mage wandered on the blue star unintentionally, and the blue star's intelligent life could not leverage the dark matter through will to affect reality, and the mage lost the ability to cast spells. In order to restore the ability to cast spells, the mage had to take out various black technologies to obtain resources. Metaverse, brain-computer fusion, and bio-computers have brought tremendous changes to Blue Star's technology. MTL

Asura1997 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 1 Clark, the Mage Wandering on Earth

  In October, the summer heat in Jiangcheng has not completely dissipated, and every outsider who lives in it can't help but sigh that Jiangcheng is indeed a famous furnace.

  In a large classroom in the fifth teaching building of Jiangcheng University, the teacher was lecturing on the top, and the students were whispering in the bottom.

  "By the way, why did you think of taking this course? The students at the same level in our school have never heard of anyone who took a public elective course in advance.

  The girl who is slightly immature but not concealing her good looks raised her eyebrows and said:

  "My sister was also in Jiangcheng before. For undergraduates in college, "Mental Health of College Students" is a typical public elective course with more credits and better grades. Basically, as long as you don't come to the roll call, you can get more than 90 points, and the teacher will not deliberately block your grades. Point, when I choose the course, I go to choose the first time and grab it. "

  Jiangcheng University implements the credit system. Except for Hongyi Academy, undergraduates need to complete 150 credits to graduate. These 150 credits are divided into major compulsory, professional elective, public compulsory and public elective, such as English and physical education. The "Mental Health of College Students" that Li and Li Miaomiao are listening to now is a public elective.

  Freshmen generally only take professional and public compulsory courses.

  "What do you mean by grade points? "Also just entered the university, Zheng Li felt that the other party knew more than himself.

  Li Miaomiao said in a low voice: "The card grade point is that some teachers only give 20% of the students more than 90 points, even if you take the exam When you reach 90 points, the teacher will only give you 89 points, which is called the card grade point. GPA is very useful after you graduate, take the postgraduate entrance examination, or go abroad. Of course, it mainly depends on your professional grade point. The GPA of public elective courses can be used as a reference at best. "

  "But if you want to apply to top prestigious schools, or if you want to keep Tsinghua University and Peking University in graduate school, the grade points of public electives can also come in handy." "

  Your mathematics school is okay. There are few people studying mathematics and the competition is not fierce. The school of economics and management has a large number of people, and everyone is the king of exams. Every credit is very important. I don't want to be like my sister who is still studying for grades in her third year." point. "

  "Did you know that if you perform well in your sophomore and junior year, you still have the opportunity to go to the Hongyi class. The Hongyi class in the college of mathematics has two public-funded places to go to Penn State University every year. Although Penn State is not as good as Penn University, it is a direct Ph.D."

  Li Miaomiao loves chatting very much. In the short three days she met Zheng Li through a one-week couple activity, she felt that the other party was a very good listener, and the replies she gave were just right.

  Zheng Li's concluding speeches often made her eyes shine. It was because of her harmony that she brought Zheng Li to attend public elective classes with her.

  Li Miaomiao stared straight ahead, pretending to be listening carefully, while the other side moved her mouth slightly and kept talking.

  "The welfare of several colleges is very good. The base class has almost half of the guaranteed research rate, plus those who go abroad to give up the guaranteed research. It can be said that as long as you don't fail the course, you can keep the research. But if you want to stay in this school and want to take the scientific research path, you should try your best. Don't choose professors who have been away from the front-line scientific research for a long time, pure stocking is very painful for those who want to do something."

  "If I really can't learn mathematics, I would like to study mathematics as an undergraduate, and then transfer to finance after graduate school."

  "However, I heard that some leaders of the Mathematics Institute will send their talented graduate students abroad. It is called Sino-foreign joint training, but in fact it is sending you out to let foreign professors choose topics for you and issue papers to them. Named."

  "Otherwise, how could it be possible to publish so many papers a year, and the professors in the School of Mathematics are not so productive."

  "However, this is also an internally tacit matter. It is reasonable, reasonable and legal, and no one will meddle in their own business. "

  Li Miaomiao chatted for a long time, the gossip she heard from her sister, Zheng Li would usually give him a thoughtful response. This time she finished talking about Zheng Li but ignored him for a long time.

  "Could it be that I talked about the unspoken rules of the School of Mathematics, and Zheng Li felt that it was difficult to say anything if he wanted to avoid suspicion. He doesn't seem to be such a pedantic person." Li Miaomiao thought to himself.

  She turned her head and saw that Zheng Li was already lying on the table, with his head buried between his arms, and the veins on his forehead that were not completely submerged between his arms were bulging, and sweat kept slipping down.

  Li Miaomiao looked at the two vertical air conditioners at the front and back of the classroom with some panic. The humming blower sound from the air conditioners proved that they were not lazy, and her body feeling also told her that the indoor temperature should not exceed 26 degrees at most.

  There are many people in the large classrooms, and there are many young people. They like to turn the temperature of the air conditioner very low.

  But why Zheng Lihui was sweating profusely, and his body was still shaking from time to time, it shouldn't be hot.

  "Eh? Are you okay? If you feel unwell, we can sneak out from the back, and the public elective teacher won't care about it."

  The wind was very quiet this day, and the acquaintance with Zheng Li was just like meeting a new friend. Life's episodes can't change the dullness and mundaneness of the day.

  On such an ordinary day, in this classroom, Zheng Li was replaced by Clark, a mage from an unknown plane.

  Clark is the Dharma God of the Holy Mage Union. When he was contributing to the research topic of his friend who has been promoted to Dharma God for many years - how to make a black hole, they successfully created a black hole in the latest experiment.

  However, the huge gravitational field in the black hole made it impossible for them to escape, and the previously prepared measures did not come in handy.

  Clark was lucky to keep his soul immortal. The soul was wrapped in memory and came to the body of an ordinary student on an unknown planet.

  Thousands of years of memory and a completely qualitatively changed soul have to match the human body, just like the Windows 10 system needs to go back to match an IBM computer with a Pentium processor, and the computer will freeze.

  While sorting out Zheng Li's memory, Clark got used to this body. Fortunately, he was young enough. If it was a 40-year-old body, it would inevitably not collapse.

  The strength of his soul allowed him to master the language system first. Hearing the concern from his side, the brand-new Zheng Li stretched out a hand from below and waved it, "I'm fine, take a rest."

  Li Miaomiao saw the other party After answering himself, it might just be a little uncomfortable, so he didn't say much, but was ready to raise his hand to ask for leave at any time:

  "If you need to see a doctor, tell me."

  The teacher on the stage saw that everyone was not in class, so he talked about topics that everyone was interested in:

  "When I saw you, it was like seeing myself when I was in college many years ago. Fantasy, thinking that my college life will be full of wind and clouds, but in the end, I just finished my college life in a mediocre way, and then

  I went to stay in this school to get a Ph. Many students in the audience were talking secretly, many of them were couples, other teachers may not have much experience, I have the most experience in two points, the first point is what is delicious around Jiangcheng University, I know this very well."

  "From Go out from the main entrance and walk under the viaduct, and there is a good cold pot fish across the road."

  "The second point is to fall in love. This experience is very rich, whether it is actual combat experience or theoretical experience. The teacher can also give you a little bit today. A little experience from the seniors." The middle-aged professor in his forties seemed to be full of memories and stories.

  Li Miaomiao pricked up her ears when she heard it, not only her, but most of the students in the classroom also pricked up their ears. The students who were watching the live broadcast of Mouyu put down their mobile phones and looked up at the teacher.

  "When you choose a partner in a relationship, you mainly look at three attributes. The first is biological attributes, such as your appearance and body shape. These are biological attributes."

  "The second is sociological attributes, such as your occupation and family background. , social relations, contacts, etc., these belong to your sociological attributes."

  "The third is spiritual attributes, such as the three views, personality, and even the political spectrum, all of which belong to spiritual attributes."

  "Such as IQ, EQ, etc., both It can belong to biological attributes, and it can also belong to sociological attributes."

  "At your age, you may pay more attention to biological attributes. Whether this person is handsome or not is the first factor in your mate selection. Of course, I believe that our Jiangcheng University Students will not be so superficial, but it is also an important factor."

  "When you leave school and enter the society, you may pay more attention to sociological attributes, but it is spiritual attributes that can really determine whether you spend a lifetime with the other party smoothly or not."

  Li Miaomiao felt that what the teacher said was too reasonable. It was secondary that she would be willing to have more contact with Zheng Li. The most important thing was that Zheng Li was handsome. Courtyard, that is simply handsome. She believed that the other party was willing to chat with her for similar reasons, and Li Miaomiao couldn't be more confident in her appearance.

  In the School of Economics and Management, where there are so many beauties, Li Miaomiao's appearance can also be remembered at a glance.

  "Biological attributes decay the fastest, and relying on various resources can delay its aging at most. Sociological attributes are like a logarithmic function. When it reaches a certain degree, its growth will play a role in the growth of your happiness index. It is getting smaller and smaller, and the mental attribute is like an exponential function, or a linear function."

  "Of course, if you have never been in a relationship, you still need more contact, and you will know what kind of person you are looking for.

  " After finishing this passage, the face of the middle-aged professor had a flash of wisdom, which is actually an old driver. When the students in the audience expected him to talk more, the professor changed his style: "Okay, let's go back to The standard boundaries of mental health come up."