
Mage's Fate [Discontinued]

[Discontinued] Discovering that he is a non-mage, Glin was very devastated. He was a genius and a magic nerd since he was younger, but his dream of becoming a remarkable mage suddenly turned impossible one day. Depressed, he secretly left the clan to escape from shaming himself and his 'father.' However, the clan still learned so his escape became pointless. He was brought back to the clan, as his father's request. After he returned, he soon experienced bullying from his cousin and got angry. But he also soon discovered the biggest secret in the entire world of magic. Because of his discovery, he found hope for his dream and he decided to embark on a journey to the most mysterious and most dangerous Great Woods...

Moon_Eater_Serpent · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Book of Magic Origin

After eating breakfast, Glin didn't leave the food house immediately. He only stayed for a while, sitting alone in front of a table he'd paid.

Now that he has sold out his eight months of harvest, what's next? He has earned quite a lot of money but he wasn't really too fond of getting rich; he only wanted more money because he needed it. And now that he's the richest kid in the city, what will he do? It took him a few minutes asking himself. Don't even think about magic, it was only a dream.

Suddenly, he remembered something he was missing not long ago. It was the black object inside his leather bag all this time. He shortly fiddled it in his fingers. It's been with him all these recent months but didn't really come into his interests until now that he learned a little about it.

Eight months ago…

It was dawn when Glin left the southern gate of Stonewill, totally devastated by reality. He only followed a random direction and crossed the wide grassland.

Two hours of traveling by foot left him sweating very much. But it was as if he'd been walking absent-mindedly that he failed to notice tiredness in himself: He would only blink or move his eyes a few times in an hour as he stared at unchanging horizon.

When the two hours ended, the edge of the woods was rendered in his sight. But before he reached it, someone draw his attention: There was someone walking in the opposite direction as him. It was an old woman; when he came close enough, he identified the walking figure. But the old woman's pace was rather slow, and if it were not him also approaching, it would've been long until they cross paths.

Just like Glin, the old woman also had a weary face. Her wrinkly face and the way she walked with the aid of a cane made her look even wearier. But when she got close to him, she still smiled. It was a smile of someone who had come to understand many things in the world like his sadness.

"The sun is rather more dazzling and hot today, isn't it?" said the old woman as a she stopped her steps momentarily after she swept her glance all over Glin's body.

Glin smiled back, taking a nod. It wouldn't hurt him if he smiled when having problems and sadness. Besides, when one is sad, doesn't mean he has to show it.

"Young man, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Can you share me a little of your food, if you have any?" The old woman was still smiling when he asked Glin for food. Besides that, her tone of voice didn't really seem to be too sincere, as if she was only acting without putting enough effort.

"Although I came by that forest, I couldn't hunt for food." The old woman pointed her finger at the woods in front of Glin. "That place is too dangerous for old people like me."

"If you can give me food, even if it's just for one bite, I would be very grateful to you."

"I just lost a lot not long ago, and this old woman is also going to rob away my food," Glin said in his mind. He heaved a sigh helplessly.

"I see you have a sword, so I am certain you can fight for food," chuckled the old woman but when she saw the hesitation in Glin face, she slowly sighed as if she was going to be disappointed.

"Hm-hm. If I were a man, I could've explored the wilderness all my life."

The woman looked away before she took a step forward, going on her way. But only a second later, Glin finally responded, "wait."

"Oh, you're giving me food?" The old woman's eyes were flickered a little.

Glin took out two pieces of bread bigger than his fist. He gave it to the old woman but his face didn't change a lot; sadness still lingered in his face. Seeing him, the old woman realized that he didn't care anymore.

"Thank you, young man," the old woman smiled as if very pleased.

Glin was already about to leave but suddenly, the woman threw out a question that really stroke him.

"Young man, do you have a dream?"

It was a simple question. But he wondered why the old woman suddenly asked him this out-of-placed question. He halted his steps again and glanced back at the old woman's face beaming at him. He pondered on what to say for a second.

"I had one."


"But it wouldn't be possible anymore," he quickly added.

"Ohh…" The old woman felt pity.

Seeing the woman's reaction, Glin turned around again, leaving. But he was once again stopped by the old woman.

"Leaving already? Why are you such in a hurry?"

'What's with this old woman?! I am sad and suffering, can you stop bothering me?!' He yelled in his mind, feeling annoyed at the moment. But he didn't voice out any.

"Here take this with you," smiled the woman again and took out a black rectangular plate from her pocket. "You will need it in case you have a new dream in life. Be a great mage or any other dream…"

"What's this?" Glin was suddenly curious.

"That thing is very special don't just give it to anyone," the old woman smiled and then turned around, also leaving.

"Very special, you say… But I won't need this anymore," said Glin. His face was emotionless. In this world, when something is very special, it mostly involves magic. Unfortunately, he doesn't have magic, so why would he need one?

"I said the same when someone gave it to me. Just keep it!" The old woman stopped momentarily but she didn't face Glin. Shortly, she continued walking while eating the bread. A smile with traces of hope appeared in her face.

Glin felt the old woman was acting very strange. But he was not in the mood to bother himself about it at that moment.

"What is this thing really?" He continued fiddling the rectangular object. Then he suddenly stopped and gripped it before he threw it back to his bag.

He dropped on the table two silver and several copper coins which was the change after he paid the table. A female worker approached the table right away when she saw Glin planning to leave. "Thank you, young sir. Please come again," she smiled and then started tidying up the table.

Glin went back to the Valarian residence. The atmosphere in there feels the same every time he wanders around. So after not having a peaceful surrounding, he chose to stay at the herb garden on the backyard of the family residence area.

It was a bit windy today: Yellow leaves of trees kept falling from above to the sides of the small green pond. But it didn't bother anyone, not the chirping birds on the tree branches or him who sat on a dead tree trunk. He only took advantage of the harmonious surroundings.

Meanwhile, he was trying to figure out something from the black object he got. It was better to do it here, no one will see it. After eight months, this was the first time he ever tried anything on this peculiar plate.

Because the item looked like a perfectly-folded metal plate, he thought about opening it from the narrow sides where there was the noticeable boundary line between the plates. Unfortunately, it seemed like the layers cannot be split apart no matter how hard he exerts force on it. He even used his teeth but ended up hurting himself.

"What is this thing really?" After a few minutes he finally gave up. He couldn't open it or break it even with his sharp sword. He ended up being peeved by a mere lifeless object instead; it would be funny for anyone who happens to see what he's been doing.

Unable to understand the black object, he finally threw it into the pond angrily. It was indeed very special, he believed it already but; why would he bother keeping it when he couldn't even find out what it is, what it does, and how to make use of it? Even if it's potentially an Ultra-grade Relic, it doesn't matter for people like him.

Glin was breathing fast after the splash of water sounded loudly due to the black item being thrown hard into the pond. He was very peeved but soon calmed himself. He was already thinking about leaving however, something stopped him before he could completely turn away his head.

On a sudden, the green pond emitted a very bright light until it was all white in a few seconds. The light was very dazzling that Glin was unable to see anything. But the white light soon dispersed and restored the colors of the pond. However, to his surprise, the black item which he threw out of anger was already floating in the air above the green pond, now revealing new glowing bright-white lines and patterns on its surface.

His eyes stayed widened, not blinking. He did everything he knew before but this black only responded now; he was shocked. But before he could even recover his composure, the item in the air slightly shook and unfolded, just as he thought it could. Was it just fooling around with me before?

The black item was like a piece of paper folded many times; it unfolded not just once but four times until it appeared like thick book covers.

"What just happened?" he asked himself inwardly.

Out of curiosity, Glin approached the floating item, now as wide as his chest. His attentions were all on it; he didn't even mind getting wet as he stepped into the pond. As he took a few steps, changes also happened on the black item which made him stop momentarily. But seeing it, he finally found out what this peculiar thing is. It was a book!

Glin was amazed as the black item finally started to take its real form as a book: illusory pages started appearing one after another before attaching between the black covers and solidifying into brown vintage paper with texts. The pages turned by itself and went to the first page after more than a hundred pages completely materialized.

Glin slowly reached his hand on the peculiar book. He was a bit hesitant but he did it. Fortunately, nothing wrong happened. Glancing at the current page, a few words glittered in his eyes.

"The Book of Magic Origin…"

I'd probably be as lucky as Glin, if you add my story to your library.

Hehe... I would really appreciate it. Thank you :)

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