
Mage's Academy

Have you ever opened a book and immediately regretted it? I'm sure you have. Have you gotten a papercut from said book? If it wasn't an e-book, chances are likely. Now, have you ever bled on a page of this book and have it download onto your phone? Odds are, probably not. Jason has though. The moment the app Mage's Academy appeared, he knew he should have deleted it. But you know the saying: curiosity makes a crazy redhead fall through a hole in your phone and land in your lap. That's not a saying? If finding out magic was real and most MMORPG's were tailored after it wasn't enough, Jason gets attacked by flesh eating rabbits, found out he couldn't die or he'd just respawn, and was chased out of his cushy park ranger job by blood cultists. All in all, not cool. Join Jason as he deals with the hand that's been dealt to him as he hits the road with Selena, his feisty redhead phone hopping goddess, and a police officer that's well... not a police officer. Enjoy!

JCNord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


"Hold on!" He yelled as he pulled the reins with all his might, steering the horse around a large tree as a ball of fire exploded the trunk. A young woman clutched a weathered journal to her chest on the bench next to him. She knew he was talking about the book more than holding onto the carriage. Together they sailed through the dense woodline, missing trees as though they didn't exist.

"Don't let them escape!" The young woman heard a hoarse voice yell out from behind them. "Capture the old man at all cost! He must not get away!"

Fireballs rained from the sky, striking the lush green grass of the forest ablaze. The old man swerved the carriage to and fro, narrowly avoiding each burned patch. He knew if he were to drive through, the magic would snare his wheels, burning them to a crisp.

The trees began to part, making way for an open field. "Selena!" The old man yelled at the young girl. "We will not be able to lose them here, if given the opportunity, leave!" He shouted over the crash of yet another ball of fire landing in front of them.

"If I leave, they will kill you, father!" Selena protested. She clutched the worn book more tightly to her chest. She feared for her father's life more than anything, even the tome which they had both vowed to protect with their lives.

"No child," He yelled as he cast his own fire towards a horseman who crept to the side of their carriage, threatening to set it ablaze. "They do not yet know the source of the power they desire!"

Selena looked to her father, fearing the thought of leaving him behind. "I can't, father. We must escape together!"

The old man looked back at the twenty men chasing after them. His eyes shone a determination so fierce, if a gaze had power, he would have ascended to the ranks of gods.

As he looked back, his focus was diverted from the trees in front. He unknowingly cleared the forest and ran the carriage in an open field.

"Father, look out!" Selena cried as she noticed five men in front of the carriage. The old man took notice and yanked the reins hard to the left, hoping to avoid them.

The carriage jerked to the left, giving the men in dark garbs a clear shot of the carriage wheel. A ball of flame was all it took to disable their getaway ride.

The carriage tipped, sending both father and daughter toppling out. The horses tipped, crying out as they were tangled in the reins.

Selena was the first one to her feet. She sustained a few cuts and bruises from flying pieces of wood, along with the impact from hitting the ground.

Standing at the ready, she summoned a ball of flame in one hand, and held the book with the other. Her hair blazed red, flowing wildly as if it were a part of the fire she held.

"Enough of this!" A middle aged man from the rear shouted as he dismounted his horse. "Release the old man to us! Do so and we may yet let you live!" He drew his sword and stood at the ready. "You are vastly outnumbered, little girl."

Selena glared daggers at the man, she knew her chances were slim. Yet she couldn't sacrifice her father for the sake of her own life.

She threw the ball of flame within her hand. It shot off in a stream of brilliance as it lit the grass surrounding herself and the carriage.

"Such tricks will only prolong your suffering, wench!" The man shouted through the flame. "This spell will only last so long, and then you are mine!"

Selena quickly removed chunks of debris from her father. "Hurry! We don't have much time!" She hurriedly pulled her father to his feet. "We need to escape!"

The old man steadied himself and released his daughter. "Selena, you must leave me." His eyes shone, tears unwilling to spill over. Even in such a hopeless situation, he refused to show weakness to his daughter. "It's no longer safe here. The entire kingdom is under the Blood Pact's control. We cannot allow them to gain the tome!"

His tone was absolute as he thrust his hand towards his daughter. A tear in the grass formed behind her. "We will see each other again." A tear finally fell, making him look older than he was.

"Father, no!" Selena pleaded. "There must be another way!"

The flames died down slightly. The men beyond the barrier saw the tear in the earth. "You cannot escape!" The commander yelled through the flame. "Wherever you run, we will find you!"

Selena didn't hear him. Her focus was on her father. "We can leave here together." She said in a small voice. Her eyes pleaded for him to join her. "We can both jump, right now." Her eyes went to the portal.

"Selena!" Her father's voice came out hard. "I must stay as a link for our magic to survive. I must stay!"

Selena knew what she had said went against her father's teachings. She knew the price that must be paid, yet she couldn't bring herself to pay in full. "It's not fair." She whimpered.

"This world is not fair, child." Her father said quietly. He smiled sadly at her. "But one day, it will be. You can wait for me there!" He pushed Selena with all his might, sending her into the portal.

"No! Father!" She grabbed hold of the ground, hanging on with all her strength. The portal's suction force slowly engulfed her. She couldn't hold on forever. "Please don't make me leave you!"

Her father knelt to the scar in the earth and looked at her within the dark abyss. "We will see each other again." He said softly once more. He grabbed the hand which held to the earth and caressed it lovingly.

The flames subsided finally and the commander stepped forward. "Capture the Mage!" He pointed the blade forward. The group of twenty-five men closed in on them in a circle.

The old man looked at the pursuers for only an instant before returning his gaze to his daughter. "Protect the book, Selena." He smiled one more loving smile before releasing her into the void.

"No!" Selena reached back out for her father, yet her hands grasped nothing but air within the darkness. She watched helplessly as the doorway began to close. The last thing she saw was her father's smile, before her world turned black.