
Mage's Academy

Have you ever opened a book and immediately regretted it? I'm sure you have. Have you gotten a papercut from said book? If it wasn't an e-book, chances are likely. Now, have you ever bled on a page of this book and have it download onto your phone? Odds are, probably not. Jason has though. The moment the app Mage's Academy appeared, he knew he should have deleted it. But you know the saying: curiosity makes a crazy redhead fall through a hole in your phone and land in your lap. That's not a saying? If finding out magic was real and most MMORPG's were tailored after it wasn't enough, Jason gets attacked by flesh eating rabbits, found out he couldn't die or he'd just respawn, and was chased out of his cushy park ranger job by blood cultists. All in all, not cool. Join Jason as he deals with the hand that's been dealt to him as he hits the road with Selena, his feisty redhead phone hopping goddess, and a police officer that's well... not a police officer. Enjoy!

JCNord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

A cloud of nicotine covered an otherwise clear night sky, at least as much of the sky that Rukil could see through the dense trees. "I knew he should have left blondie." He groaned. It wasn't his fault, he was just so bored. He looked at his phone. "Midnight again kid, that makes three nights since you left, just come out already!" He yelled into the house for what must have been the hundredth time since everyone left. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair.

If he hadn't been ordered not to move, he might have gone inside to at least take a shower. Instead, the company sent him food, smokes and in return he'd give a situation report. Though his boss wasn't happy about not making contact with Reese yet, he at least knew that there wasn't anything that Rukil could do aside from standing guard.

His deadpan gaze moved from the stars to the branches, trying to pick up movement from a squirrel, or a bird. Anything to stave off the boredom he felt from waiting. He was about to head back to the car in order to warm up a little when his eyes picked up a flicker of motion from inside the house. He went on alert as he saw two figures come to life within the family room window. "You little bastard," He exhaled another cloud of smoke. "You weren't alone in there?"

He flicked the cigarette onto the ground and watched as the cherry dimmed and glowed with the cadence of the wind.

"It's not very smart to leave a burning cigarette on the ground." A voice whispered clearly over Rukil's shoulder, sending shivers down his spine. He jumped forward and spun around, coming face to face with his target. "You know, I'm the one who has to clean that up."

"You must be Reese," Rukil looked at the boy and then shot a glance back at the house. 'How the hell did he move so fast?' "I've been looking forward to meeting you."

"Likewise, but uh.. what's your name?" Jason rubbed his chin. "I don't think we've ever met, so how do you know me?"

"I don't get paid enough to explain these kind of things. How about you come with me and I'll get you to the people who do?"

"A friend of mine doesn't think that kind of conversation would end well." Jason cracked his neck. "I don't know you, or your organization. You just appeared on my lawn without an invitation, or even a request to meet, and you expect me to just come with you?"

"Yeah, that about sums it up." Rukil sighed. "I was hoping this would be a little less forceful, seeing how you are new and all."

"Well then, since I'm new and all, would you mind giving me some pointers?" Jason smirked as he activated his mana saber. A dark green hum sounded as the blade shot to life within his hand.

Rukil laughed as he brought out a steel cutlass from his inventory and moved to block the first of Jason's blows. "This isn't going to be easy kid, but I'll try not to kill you!" He felt little resistance as he brushed the saber away.

Jason jumped back as Rukil lunged forward, avoiding the blunt of the man's weapon. He activated arcane thrust. His green blade took on a violet hue as it arced up to the man. Before it hit him, it seemed to run into condensed air. His eyes narrowed. If he concentrated hard enough, he could see a small glow around the man.

"Like I said, you're new." Rukil laughed as once again he brought himself forward, exchanging blows with Jason. But the other man didn't back down. They danced around the yard, their swords only meeting each other, but never getting through either defense. "I'll give you credit though," Rukil said as he caught his opponent's blade with his own. "I haven't met a newbie that can keep up with me before. Those must have been some crazy strong rabbits you had to kill!" He shoved the blade aside again, just to thrust through the air once more.

"You could say that." Jason growled. "Why don't you just get the hell off my property, and I won't have to show you how crazy they were!" He activated temporal shift and disappeared from view.

Before Rukil could react, he felt the magic glow of the saber against his neck. "You got me." Rukil allowed his cutlass to disappear back into his inventory. His chest heaved from the exertion of the battle. 'This kid isn't a newbie.' "That was some move you used there."

"I want you to get in your car, and drive away." Jason said with even breaths.

"Yeah, you beat me." Rukil smirked as he backed to his car. "But it would still be in your best interest to come with me."

"Is that so?"

"You see, I'm just a level eight. I'm just at the bottom of the totem pole. Rukil opened the door to the drivers seat. "If you don't come with me, they'll just send someone stronger to collect you. It's only a matter of time before you meet my boss anyway, so why wait?"

"I'm just figuring this out." Jason said as he deactivated his mana saber. "I was still able to defeat you. Give me time." He smiled at a joke only he knew.

"I'll see you around then, Reese." Rukil waved his hand nonchalantly as he shut the door behind him.

Jason watched as the car left. "Why didn't you go all out against him?" Selena appeared next to him.

"If I did, they would be able to gauge my strength. I'd rather have a few surprises up my sleeve."

"Fair enough, though when they come back, I doubt it'll matter much. Things are about to get complicated Jason, I hope you're prepared."