
Mafias Daughters

MATURE CONTENT 18+ When her father arranged a marriage for her to the biggest mafia owner's son , will she agree to the marriage and fall in love with him at last ? Or will her only sister steal her happiness . Follow the story of Vienna , daughter of a mafia owner , born and trained with her father's men , skilled at fighting , and doesn't believe in love . And her sister Avanna who lived a lot chill , happy life . The other hand moved from my chest , and found it's way to one of my nipples , then he rubbed on it , and I felt my nipples become hard . Damn ! I wanted him so bad . I wrapped my legs around his waist , and I felt his bulge . He carried me to the couch in the gym , placing me down there and undressing me . * * * " What is it , I really don't want to spend my precious time , talking about irrelevant stuff with you ", I said , and he shot me a deadly glance that I was probably used to seeing . " I have arranged a marriage for you in a week's time , and you have to focus on preparing for the marriage ", he said and I became confused , I always thought he'd get his princess married first , but since he wanted to marry me off early , it only meant that it wasn't a prestigious family , and it also meant that he wanted me to leave the house sooner .

Niellawrites · Urban
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Chapter Two : Shit I'm late

                      Vienna's POV

      My phone rang on my way back home after dropping Liz off at home , and I noticed it was Dad calling . Why was he calling me ? I sighed and ignored the call , when I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to see my ' suitor ' today .

          Great ! I fucked up . I drove as fast as I could , trying best to get home some enough to salvage the situation , just to clear things up , I wasn't doing this for Francesco , because for all I cared he couldn't do anything to me , but I was doing this for mom , who was caught in the web of this nonsense , of myself and Francesco always fighting .  My phone started ringing again , still Francesco , and I answered it .

       " I'm coming already , I'm trying to drive , so take a pick , would you rather prefer that I have an accident or come back in one piece ", I said .

     " I don't care what you do , but if you don't come home soon , then you're going to die either ways ", he said coldly and hung up , I didn't miss the anger in his voice . I simply shrugged it off , because he couldn't possibly think that scared me .

        I reached the house and I parked . I noticed three black cars parked outside the house , and more men were stationed outside , they didn't look like Francesco's men , so I assumed they were my supposed ' suitor's men .

          I walked in through the front door even though I knew I should've have used the back , because Francesco would have wanted me to change into something nice , to uphold his reputation , but I didn't care , he couldn't do anything to me , the marriage was going to be sealed anyways , and if it wasn't , even better , I get to stay in his house and torture him more , but the first option was it for him , I was really tired of staying at his place .

       " Look who's here ", Avanna spat bitterly as always and everyone turned to look at me . I observed everyone there , my mom , Francesco who had an angered look , an older man , probably older than Francesco , he had dark brown hair and hazel eyes . He was eating a black tuxedo , and a sky blue shirt to match his eyes scanned me probably wondering if I was the one that made him wait . A younger man , that had jet black hair and baby blue eyes was sitted next to him he was wearing a black shirt and and black trousers , I didn't miss his intimidating aura , he looked up at me , and his eyes met mine , I had no intention of looking away , but I heard someone speak . Was he the one I was going to marry ? Honestly he wasn't bad looking .

       Since when did Francesco do things that wasn't really bad for me ? There was definitely more to this , he couldn't just get me married off to Prince perfect and charming , because if it were so , then he would have arranged him for Avanna instead , there was something he was trying to avoid for Avanna , I couldn't help but wonder what it was .

       " I guess she's back , Excuse her lateness , I asked her to get something for me , Giulia , go get ready to see your in-laws , Greta , go with her ", he said and I walked out of the living room , making my way to my bedroom . Giulia ? Seriously ? Since when did he address me by my middle name ? What was that for ? Was he just trying to be formal and use our italian names . Who the heck was that man that Francesco regarded do much ?

       My room door opened and someone walked in , I looked up to see Avanna , interrupting my train of thoughts .

         " What do you want ? " I asked .

        " Didn't you hear ? Dad asked me to come help you get ready , because apparently , without me , you'd go down there looking like a piece of shit ", she said , and I felt like giving her a tight slap , but I restrained my self .

        " You mean how you look everyday wearing that silly makeup of yours ", I said , giving her a bitter taste of her own medicine .

      I turned my attention back to my room and It was then that I noticed that boxes that lay on my bed , I opened the first one , and it held a dress , the second one held shoes , and the last one held some jewelry . I guess Mom picked them out because this witch right here would have picked terrible clothing that would make me look like a clown , technically she'd like to see me suffer so if it were up to her , she would have gone for a ball gown , and a pair of heels that were very uncomfortable , possibly undersized , as well as very heavy jewelry .

        " Aren't you going to leave , or do you want to watch me get dressed ? " I said sarcastically .

     " You really think I enjoy being here ? For the records I'm only here because dad asked , else I'd be doing something better with my time ", she sighed .

     " Like playing dress up with dolls ? " I said with a chuckled , and I saw her  clench her fists .

    " Oh please Avanna , don't hurt me , you know your hands are very strong metals and if you raise them to me , all my bones are going to break ", I said sarcastically , and gave a wicked laugh at the end .


       I took the dress into my closet and changed into it , it was a black gown , just knee length , and it didn't have a sleeve . I got out of the closet , took the jewelry to my mirror and made my hair into a low bun , placing the hair piece in place . I wore the silver necklace and the bracelet as well as the earrings . They were just light the way I liked them .

     So the thing is , I'm not a ball gown girl , nor a heels girl , nor a jewelry girl , not to even speak of makeup . I just liked to keep it simple , probably because I grew up loving to hang out with Francesco's men , so I lost interest in girly things .

      Avanna walked up to me , with a box , a makeup box , and I couldn't help but eyeroll .

        " I can't believe I have to do this ", she said under her breath .

      " No you don't sister , you can get the fuck out of my room ", I said , and she simply started laughing .

      " Oh I sure will , I would love to see you look like a clown anyways , but before I leave , I just thought I'd let you know that your suitor is really hot , let's see how soon he leaves you for another bitch ", she said , andi clenched my fist , trying to hold myself back .

      " Okay , good to know you got my back little sister , I hope you find a man soon , or maybe find a billionaire to have babies for whilst in dad's house of course , who'd want to marry you anyways ", I said , with a wicked smile on my lips . She started it , so you can't blame me for playing along . Seeing the anger all over her face made me feel really satisfied and content

        " can you leave now ", I said and she stormed out of my room , slamming my door behind her .

     I opened the makeup kit , and searched it for the perfect shade of lipstick , and I settled for lipgloss because the thought of putting lipstick on made me sick . I applied the lipgloss on and in no my pink lips were poppin .  I took some vanilla scented perfumes and sprayed as well .

       I got into the heels , geez ! I could only hope that I don't fall . I practiced walking around in my room , and when I felt confident , I left the room .

        I walked down the stairs , not ignoring the eyes that stared at me . My mom's lips curled up in a smile , and I smiled back at her , Avanna on the other hand was green with envy , probably confused at how I didn't do any makeup yet I stole the attention of all .

      " Goodday sir ", I greeted the older man , and walked over to sit next to my mom .

      " Goodday Giulia , Am I right ", he asked , and I nodded .

      " Okay , Giulia , I think you and Dante should go have a talk ", Francesco said , and Dante got up , walking over to me and extending his hand . I hesitated , but I eventually took it , and we went out to the garden .

     " Hi , I'm Dante ", he said breaking the silence .

    " Vienna ", I said , and the silence enveloped us once more .

     " So ... your hair , I like it , it's pretty , when did you get the dye ? " He said making silly gestures with his hands , apparently he was nervous , I was too , I mean I didn't want to have to do it , but hey look on the bright side , I would be out from Francesco's house soon , so everything was going to be alright .

      " Oh no , I didn't dye my hair , it's natural just like my mom's ", I said , and her mouthed an 'O'

       " I just thought I'd tell you , I really don't want this marriage to happen , I mean I don't want to get married yet – ", I stood up . " but I still have to for reasons best known to me , so when we get married , if we do get married , I'd like for it not to be an everyday marriage , we can't stay in the same room , and no touchy stuff ", I said , and not getting any response , I turned to check if he was listening .

      " Fine , but in that case I'm free to see other girls right ? It's only fair that way , now isn't it ? " He said and I nodded .

      " Yes , sure ", I said .