

Well im all ready and here at school. I drove myself here so you know.

" Hey Baby!"-R

I look over and see my boyfriend, this is Remi. We have been together since 7th grade. Yeah we have been through ups and downs but its okay everyone does.


"So baby what about me and you go see that movie in the park tonight. I'll drive get the car set up, its free. We can go get food before or after or both. Cuddles for hours. What do you think?:-R

"I think thats great, I do have to finish this essay but that should be done in class today so"-S

"Sounds good Baby"-R


This is my best friend named Lanie. We have been best friends since 4th grade still strong lmaoo

"Hello, how is my beautiful babe?"-S

"Pretty good, How is my Sexy Baby Girl?"-L

"Good, hows Cory?"-S

Cory is her boyfriend, I use to be friends with him til he got to drunk at a party and said some things and ended up punching me so

"He's good"-L

*bells rings*

"Wells shit loves i gotta go"-S

"Damn so soon, FUCK SCHOOL"-L

"LMAOO, Love you baby girl, Bye babe"-S

"Bye, have a good class"-R

"You too"-S

We all head to class, my first is english, then child development, then world history, then health, then we go to lunch, then i have biology, then Algebra, finally ASL. We definitely know how to use our hands. HAHAHAH

*some time goes by, school is over because who wants to hear about that*

I go home finish any work i still had left so like a few math equations not much to d, i actually work in school. So I roll one up and smoke that get int he shower get ready for the date, Smoke a little more and get picked up at around 6: 30. We go get food he surprises me with flowers and a monster energy drink some new flavor which was AMAZING!

We ended up watching some older movie and both passes out, I fell asleep in his arms in the back of the car that he set up with pillows blankets that whole thing, he snuggled with me and ended up sleeping to we woke up right towards the end and had a blast. We went back to his house because we still had like 2 hours. His parents were out of town for 3 weeks so he had the house to himself which means we had it all to ourselves.