
Mafia X

After escaping from a abusive boyfriend. Alexas finds herself staying in the house if one of the most ruthless mafia in the country. Will she be able to cope with the violence of the ruthless leader? Or will she ran away from it all?

Nicole_Ash · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Bump in the night


I laid next to Alexas for most of the night to make sure she was okay. After a couple of hours laying next to her I got up careful to not wake her up. I walk downstairs knowing that most of there people in the house were still awake. Not caring I go to the kitchen to make food.

"Who is the girl you brought home J?"

I turned around to see my brother mark standing by the door with a questioning look.

" I don't need to explain myself"

" Why is that? You've never brought home a girl before even to fuck. So who is the girl J?"

" To be honestly with you Mark. I don't know who she is other than the fact that her name is Alexas."

"Well we need to find out soon because who knows? She could be working for Jung-kook"

I sighed knowing that he was right. How could I bring this girl home not knowing who she was? But there was something different about her. She definitely wasn't like any of the other girls I've been around before.

" Where is everyone Mark? I asked

" They're asleep. I told them to go to bed and that I'd figure who the girl was from you"

" Well we need to..." Before I could finish what I was saying we heard someone screaming. Before Mark could ask. I ran up the stairs with Mark following behind. The screaming got louder the closer we got. Knowing that all the noise was going to wake everyone up. But in that moment I didn't care. I needed to make sure Alexas was alright.

I slammed the door opened to see Alexas screaming and crying in her sleep. "NO ADAM. IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE!!!"

Hearing what she was saying broke my heart. I didn't know what to do. "What the hell Jackson?! What's going on?" Lucas come out of his room barely awake. Along with Anthony and Chris. Ignoring them I went to Alexas hoping that I could calm her down. I got on the bed and tried to hold her. "Alexas it's okay your safe" I said as calmly as I could. "Everything is okay" I grabbed her, holding her close. With her hitting and pushing me away.

"Mark call Jin Now!!" I yelled hoping that he'd know what to do. I continued to try to calm her down. But it got to the point to where I had to get Another and Chris to help me hold her down.

"Where is she at!!" Yelled Jin from downstairs. "We're up here!!" I yelled. Once he got in the room he went through his bag. "This is a sensitive. This should help her calm down. Try to hold her as still as possible." We held her down as much as we could while trying to not hurt her in the same process.

After some time she calmed down and stopped moving. "What the hell happened J?"

"I don't know Chris. One moment Mark and I were downstairs talking. The next we heard her screaming and rushed up here as fast as we could."

"Jackson. One why is she here? And two what is wrong with her?" -Anthony

"You don't have to be so blunt Anthony." - Chris

"Well everyone is thinking it!! LIKE HELL!! We wake up to some random girl screaming her fucking head off in your bed Jackson!! For all we know she could...." - Anthony

"ENOUGH" I yelled cutting him off. At this point I was fuming with anger.

"Everyone needs to get out before you bone heads wake her up"-Jin

Looking down I walked out. I had to find out who she was. And find out who Adam was