

Reverie_Fanfics013 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


*Bang * the gun shot frightened everyone in the flight .

"Put your hands up and sit silently no one should move the flight is hijacked and just follow our orders".

"Sir we got her" ....

" Bring her here" .


As I got out of the washroom I saw some people standing there with guns in their hand and masks on their face . They surrounded me from all sides . I was too stunned to even think something.

The people in the flight were staring at me I got nervous seeing their stares . They asked for my passport and after checking something they ordered the pilot to land the flight immediately .

I sat back on my place and the only thing that was in my mind was 'who are they!?'

After the flight landed safely in London , they ordered me to follow me and took me in a private jet .

After the journey of 31 hours we reached our destination " THE BORA BORA ISLAND ".

As soon as the flight landed I followed them again , we reached the resort by car . I was mesmerized by the interior of the resort it was a luxurious room with a attached swimming pool in it ,the interior was beautifully furnished using wood .

One of the guards: Maam this is your room you can rest for now , boss will be here soon .

Me ?? maam?? their boss?? I think they are mistaken .

Sul hee: Your boss ? Why will he come to meet me ? Are you people terrorists?

WTH Sul hee why didn't you think about this before coming here with them it's so dangerous why did you even follow them here ughh wtf !!

Well I guess it's my fate .

??? POV:

Finally after years it is the day I am going to meet her again and she is going to turn 18 next week so I can even hand my business over to her . She is the only heir of The Lee Clan after all.

I am coming wait for me please .

After the journey of 12 hours and 30 mins I reached the Bora Bora island .

I am nervous but also happy to see her after 18 years . This is the best feeling .

My secretary came to pick me up as I have already told him to not to be late .

She is staying in my private resort so this is a relief as she is safe because there are many guards for her security , ever since she was born I was always concerned about her security that's the reason I kept her away from me .

As soon as I reached the resort I rushed directly towards her room and on knocking she immediately open then door .

She sh- looked the same , same eyes , same lips, same features, a tear escaped from my eyes and I hugged her .

Mr. lee- I missed you , I missed you my daughter . I am sorry I am really sorry. I hope you forgive me for keeping you away , for making you live in a orphanage . It broke me everyday but had no other choice .


what ?? me his daughter ??

Sul hee: Am I really your daughter ??

Mr. Lee - Yes my dear you are my daughter the only heir of the Lee Clan .


Mr. Lee- yes that's me and you are my daughter. I am sorry for keeping you away all thi time . I wanted to save you , I didn't want to loose my only daughter because when you were born I had many enemies who were determined to kill you . So I kept you safe by keeping you in an orphanage and watching you from a distance .

No this can not be true !!! I cannot be the mafia king's daughter... NEVER !!

I have to RUN !!

Lee Sul Hee was born in The Lee Clan the most dangerous mafias in the world . They have been on the top since generations , but now there was someone conspiring against them and he was powerful. So Mr. Lee was worried about his daughter 's safety so he told his most trusted man to give her in a orphanage and look after her from a distance although it was hard for him but he didn't want to loose his daughter whom he cherished the most . His wife was killed by the other clan's men , he was left broken so he decided not to bring sul hee back till she is ready to take over his firmly established family business. This would be the first time that the mafia world will have a mafia queen .

He had many doubts when he was finally going to introduce himself to his daughter that will she really beleive him will she really take over the family business will she really accept him as her father.

But as soon as he saw her he lost it all he was crying mess because she looked just like her mom . The one he loved the most , the one who was taken away from him . He missed her !

This is the real mafia world , the one which is said to be ruthless and merciless . People here are greedy all they want is power and to obtain it they can kill anyone. There is nothing called love here , a true and pure soul does not belong here . Here the one with the most power is the most superior and respected . Lee Sul Hee had never imagined herself in a situation like this, she being the daughter of the Mafia King (the trillionare) . He had everything except heart they were heartless . There was no place for feelings and emotions and the one who had a weak point that is family was always dragged down by other mafias in the flight to become the king .

Sul Hee knew there is no going back and she will change .. she will change into one of these monsters.

Her old self is going to die ...