
Mafia s darling wife

Miss_suspense · Urban
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46 Chs

Passionate kiss

Aarohi was preparing food for Kabir in the kitchen when Rekha came there and looking at Aarohi said, "So my daughter-in-law took charge of her responsibility as soon as she came."

Aarohi looked at Rekha smilingly.

Rekha, "Earlier I didn't even feel like eating it." "I don't know whether I would have eaten or not. I used to get worried thinking about all this." "But now I'm not worried."

Aarohi said, "Thank you aunty." "You are very nice."

Rekha caressed Aarohi's cheek lovingly and Aarohi went upstairs with the food. Kabir was talking to someone on the phone but seeing Aarohi he disconnected the phone and said, "Food has arrived." "Come quickly, I am very hungry."

Aarohi had some doubts about Kabir but he did not say anything. Aarohi placed the food on the table. She took out food in one plate and was about to take out food in another plate when Kabir said,

"Why do you need another plate?" "I will feed you with my hands." "Don't you like eating from the same plate with me?"

Aarohi did not answer and kept the other plate there. Sitting on the sofa near Aarohi, Kabir held Aarohi and brought her closer to him and both of them started eating.

After having dinner, the servant came into the room and went away with the plate of food. Aarohi silently went to the bed and lay down facing the other side.

Kabir noticed something after looking at Aarohi and said, "Why did the mood spoil all of a sudden?" "Did someone downstairs say something to you?"

Aarohi, "No one said anything".

Kabir, "Did you find something bad about me?"

Aarohi looked at Kabir and nodded yes. Kabir smiled when Aarohi did this and said, "Now tell me what I have done?" "Because I don't remember."

Aarohi got up and sat on the bed. She looked at Kabir and said, "You were talking to someone on the phone and when I came into the room, you disconnected the phone."

Kabir got up from the sofa and came to the bed and sat near Aarohi. He smiled and said, "Yes, I disconnected the call because my conversation was over."

Aarohi did not answer. Kabir took out his phone and passed it towards Aarohi. Kabir placed the phone on Aarohi's hand and said, "Take this phone and see." "It was a call from my friend and my manager Dev."

Aarohi put the phone back in front of Kabir without checking it. Aarohi said softly, "I'm sorry, I thought you were."

Kabir, "What made you think that I was with some girl?" "Are you saying all this like a typical girl?"

Aarohi got a little nervous. She was looking at Kabir with scared eyes.

Kabir said, "Aarohi, we are getting married tomorrow." "Don't ever bring such a thing to your mind after today."

Kabir saw that Aarohi was scared because of his anger. Kabir held Aarohi's hand and placed it in his and said, "Why are you scared, Princess?" "I'm not angry at you." "Well, today I came to know that my princess also has doubts."

After saying this, Kabir started smiling and Aarohi also had a smile on her face. Kabir placed his head on Aarohi's shoulder and said, "You don't need to worry about me." "I have my princess, so why do I need anyone else?"

Aarohi Kabir was not giving any answer to anything. She was just smiling or nodding yes.

Kabir said, "Okay now you go and change." "I have an important call."

Aarohi got up and went inside the washroom. Kabir also got up and started calling someone.

Kabir said on the phone, "Yes tell me Dev, what were you saying?"

Dev's voice came from the front, "Sir Suresh Gupta has come to know that those papers were forged." "Maybe he could reach your house."

Kabir said smilingly, "He will not do anything like that, Dev." "I know him". "You keep an eye on him." And try to find out about Nitin's boss.

Dev said ok boss and disconnected the call. Then Aarohi came out of the washroom after changing. Aarohi was wearing Kabir's T-shirt and lower. She had tied up her long hair.

Kabir looked at Aarohi smilingly. Aarohi lowered her gaze. Kabir came near Aarohi and threw his phone on the bed. Aarohi took one look at Kabir and then started looking down.

Kabir came very close to Aarohi and held her by the waist and brought her close to him. The chests of both were touching each other. Aarohi closed her eyes in fear.


May I drink... the nectar of your blue eyes.

Let me drink... the spectrum of your wet lips.

it's the season to drink

I have fallen in love with you

hangover with you

I feel at peace with you too

I am desperate with you

I can't live without you

can't live without you

I have given up on you.


Kabir held Aarohi's face by her chin and turned it upwards. Aarohi still had her eyes closed.

Kabir went near Aarohi's ear and said softly, "Open your eyes princess...

Aarohi slowly opened her eyes. Kabir was looking towards Aarohi. Aarohi felt shy and hugged Kabir. Kabir said smilingly, "Why are you feeling shy now?" "I haven't even done anything yet, Princess."

Kabir held Aarohi and turned her back and brought his face close to Aarohi's face. The noses of both were touching each other.

Kabir took Aarohi's cheeks in his hands and placed his lips lightly on her lips. Aarohi closed her eyes again. Kabir pressed both the lips of Aarohi with his lips and started kissing her lovingly.

You remain conscious today.

You are confined in my arms, you are absorbed in me like this

Whatever kind of river it is,

You hide in my chest, the ocean, I am yours.

Let me drink your slow waves.

Let me drink your sandhi - sandhi breaths ki shabnam

It's the season to drink!

I have fallen in love with you

I feel at peace with you too

I am desperate with you

Kabir had one hand on Aarohi's cheek and the other hand on Aarohi's waist. One hand of Aarohi was on Kabir's shoulder and the other hand was in Kabir's hair. Kabir gently bit Aarohi's upper lip and entered his tongue into Aarohi's mouth. Kabir's tongue was playing with Aarohi's tongue.

After about 20 minutes of kissing, Kabir freed Aarohi's lips. Aarohi was breathing very fast. Smiling, Kabir caught hold of Aarohi and hugged her.

Ok readers see you in the next chapter.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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