
Mafia s darling wife

Miss_suspense · Urban
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46 Chs

Aarohi in Kabir's farm house

Till now you have seen that Aarohi's college ever came to get the details of Aarohi. He just wanted to confirm once that Aarohi is Manish Gupta's daughter. As soon as Kabir came to know the truth, he got very angry because he wanted to take his revenge from Manish Gupta who is no more in this world. That's why Kabir thought that he would torture his daughter as much as he wanted to torture Manish Gupta. As Aarohi leaves the college, Kabir calls someone and tells him that Aarohi has also left the college, hence she should be picked up immediately.

now forward

On the other hand, Aarohi was going home on foot because she had not got any auto yet. It was difficult to find any auto at this time of the afternoon because it was very hot, hence not many people came out of the house at this time.

Aarohi, drenched in sweat, was repeatedly cleaning her face with a handkerchief and moving towards home on foot.

Aarohi's attention was towards the front, so she had no idea that a black colored car had stopped behind her. Aarohi did not pay much attention to this car and continued on her way. Suddenly three men came out of the car who had their faces covered with masks.

Aarohi still did not look back. One of the men quickly put chloroform on a handkerchief and placed it in front of Aarohi's mouth. Aarohi started struggling. But soon she became unconscious. Those three men quickly put Aarohi in the car and took her away from there.

Kabir left the college and went straight towards his farmhouse where he had asked the men to bring Aarohi. Kabir was driving the car himself and had no bodyguards behind him because he had sent them to kidnap Aarohi.

After a few hours, when Aarohi regained consciousness, she was tied in a dark, big room. Aarohi's hands and legs were tied and her mouth was also taped. Not climbing, he looked here and there but due to darkness he could not see anything. Aarohi was very afraid of darkness. That's why Aarohi tried to shout but due to her mouth being closed, her voice was not coming out. Aarohi started breathing hard. Aarohi was trying her best to open herself with full force.

Aarohi said in her mind, "Mother and father, how did I come here?" "And who has brought me here?" "I haven't even done anything to anyone, so why did someone kidnap me?"

Just then the door of that dark room opened and a man wearing a suit and boots came inside the room. The sound of that man walking was clearly heard but due to darkness his face was not visible.

Aarohi tried hard to see but it was so dark here that nothing could be seen except the sound of the man's shoes. Then the man turned on the torch of his mobile and pointed it towards Aarohi's face. Due to the torchlight of the mobile, Aarohi closed her eyes but there was still darkness on the side of the man, hence Aarohi could not see his face.

The man slowly came near Aarohi and removed the tape from her face.

Aarohi said in fear, "Who are you and why have you brought me here?" "Look, I'm very afraid of the dark." "Please let me go from here, what have I done to you?"

The man said in the darkness, placing his finger on Aarohi's lips, "Ssssssss, you are not allowed to speak at all and anyway no one has the courage to question me." "Why have I brought you here, You will know the reason for it yourself." "Remember once that now you can never go out of here without my consent."

Aarohi said in a very soft voice, "But what have I done?"

The man said, "You did not do anything but you will definitely be punished for what your father did." "Then I could not do anything but now I will not let his soul rest in peace." "I will torture you so much that even the soul of your dead father will tremble."

Aarohi said, "What harm has my father done to you and how do you know him?" "He doesn't even exist in this world." "How could they do anything to you?"

The man held both of Aarohi's lips tightly and pressed her lips with his fingers. Aarohi felt pain but because her mouth was closed she could not even scream.

The man said angrily, "I told you, you're not allowed to ask questions." You will speak only when I say and from now on you will stay here."

Aarohi wanted to say something but was unable to say anything because of the fear of that man.

The man looked at Aarohi and said, "You want to know who I am?"

Aarohi nodded apprehensively. That man got up from there and switched on the light of that room. As soon as Aarohi saw his face, she suddenly became shocked.

So readers, you also feel the same thing as I am feeling. Who is that man? Reply in comment. And please readers, give as many reviews as possible to my story.

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