
Mafia overlord

The harsh reality of life on the streets had a profound impact on young Kelvin when he was deserted by his parents at the fragile age of five. Left without any form of guidance or assistance, he found himself navigating a world fraught with peril and unpredictability. Unknown to him, fate held a different course that would ultimately mold him into the individual he has become today.

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Action
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15 Chs

The Scarlet Assassin

As they stood to compose themselves, the sight that greeted them was more startling than they could have imagined. In front of them stood none other than the infamous scarlet assassin. She was dressed impeccably in a vibrant red leather outfit with a striking red mask concealing her identity. No one knew what she truly looked like beneath the mask, but it was clear she possessed immense beauty. "Hello, boys," she purred in a sultry manner. Kelvin was taken aback and did a double take, before pointing to himself and his friend Monroe. "Are you addressing us?" he inquired. Keeping a distance from them, she replied in a teasing tone, "Yes, who else could possibly be as handsome as the two of you? And you, in particular, are quite charming," she added, singling out Kelvin. He was caught off guard by her compliment and nearly choked on his own spit, not expecting such admiration from the scarlet assassin. However, he remained focused and did not let her seductive words divert his attention.

Monroe took the initiative to question the scarlet assassin, asking, "What is your purpose here?" She responded with a seductive and playful tone, pointing to Monroe, "Your head, of course, handsome." Monroe was taken aback by her bold answer and was momentarily speechless. Understanding the situation, Kelvin calmly asked, "Who is after his head?" The scarlet assassin, still smiling, replied, "I cannot reveal my client's name, it is not good for business." Monroe couldn't help but notice the assassin's strange behavior and asked Kelvin if he thought she was interested in him. Trying to remain composed, Kelvin replied, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The scarlet assassin then turned her attention to Kelvin, saying, "Handsome, would you mind stepping aside? I have to deal with your friend now." Kelvin, feeling surprised by her words, asked, "Since you know he's my friend, can you spare his life?" The scarlet assassin giggled again before responding, "You're good, but not that good. And my courtesy is only for you, not for a dead man walking."

Monroe replied, "You think I am an easy target? Don't be mistaken. Many have tried and failed, but I am still here. I suggest you return the bounty, if you have indeed collected it, for your own sake. This is my last warning to you." Monroe finished speaking. Kelvin said this time, "There is no need to waste your life here, Scarlet. You could come work with me instead. I am sure we could use your talent." Scarlet giggled again before responding to both men, "You are living on borrowed time now. I suggest you get out of my way, or I will add you as a bonus."

Kelvin spoke again, "It seems you are confident you can kill Monroe on my turf. We shall see who is living on borrowed time now." Scarlet giggled again before referring to Kelvin as handsome and saying, "I really don't want to kill you. Why don't you just step aside and let me kill my prey and be done with it?" Kelvin replied, "Monroe is under protection, and he is in our territory. I cannot allow you to kill him. Besides, what would people think of us if we cannot protect someone in our territory? Won't they say we are weak?" Scarlet gave a loud sigh before saying, "My actions will defend me today.

In an instant, she drew a gun and began firing at them. Fortunately, both men were quick on their feet and evaded her initial attack effortlessly. They frantically dodged her shots as they rang out. Kelvin, crouched behind a table, pulled out his own gun and aimed it at the dangerous assassin. But she was nowhere to be seen. Monroe, glancing at Kelvin, asked where she had gone. Kelvin could only shake his head in response, saying, "I don't know." Monroe surmised that her first shot was a distraction. She had likely taken up a strategic position to strike when the opportunity arose. Kelvin felt a sense of unease. She had the upper hand because they couldn't locate her. They needed to find her immediately, he said. Both men were consumed with curiosity and began scouring the area for any trace of the scarlet-clad killer. Kelvin wondered to himself, if he were an assassin, where would he position himself to take the perfect shot? How quickly could she have moved to reach her target? As Kelvin pondered these questions, an idea struck him. He quickly motioned to Monroe to look towards the counter, suspecting that the scarlet assassin would be lurking there. Monroe caught on to Kelvin's plan and they both aimed and fired at the counter multiple times before stopping. However, both men remained skeptical, unsure if it would be that simple to take down the elusive assassin. As they mulled over their next move, Kelvin decided to take action. He whispered to Monroe to cover him as he cautiously approached the counter to check for the scarlet-clad killer.

Monroe nodded, indicating that he understood what Kelvin meant. While Kelvin crept over to the counter, he was very cautious. After all, no one wants to die at the hands of an assassin. Every breath he took felt like his last, and at that moment, Kelvin cherished every breath. His movements were slow but methodical. With his senses on high alert, this was a life and death situation, and his very survival depended on his ability to evade any sudden danger. He thought to himself, "I have faced many life and death situations before. Why is this one different?" or "Is it because she is a female and an attractive assassin?" he wondered.

Before long, Kelvin reached the counter. However, when he looked over it, there was no one there. He turned towards Monroe and signaled that the counter was empty. Both men seemed confused and worried, feeling like sitting ducks.

Suddenly, Scarlett jumped out of nowhere and held a sword to Kelvin's head.