
Mafia overlord

The harsh reality of life on the streets had a profound impact on young Kelvin when he was deserted by his parents at the fragile age of five. Left without any form of guidance or assistance, he found himself navigating a world fraught with peril and unpredictability. Unknown to him, fate held a different course that would ultimately mold him into the individual he has become today.

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Action
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Bad blood

Mark's face darkened with a sinister expression as Kelvin finished speaking. His mind raced, trying to understand the true intentions behind Kelvin's words. Finally, Mark spoke up, "So that's your game, huh? You want me to understand the gravity of my dilemma." Kelvin's face twisted into a knowing smirk, only fueling Mark's suspicions. He couldn't help but hesitate, questioning what Kelvin was up to and why he had that sly look on his face. Kelvin, sensing Mark's hesitation, prodded further. "It seems you're calculating the cost, Mark. Or perhaps you simply don't have what it takes to take me down." His words hung in the air, taunting and challenging Mark.

But Mark wasn't one to be easily intimidated. "You're bluffing," he yelled back. "I know you have something up your sleeve, but whatever it is, you're forgetting one crucial detail. This is my territory and I am the lord here." Mark puffed out his chest, trying to assert his dominance. But Kelvin just raised an eyebrow and replied in a high-pitched voice, "Your territory? You fool. The only reason you have this place is because I allowed it. Your whole existence is because we allowed it." He motioned towards Don Chavez and himself, a smug grin still on his face. "You should be on your knees, licking my shoe."

Mark was taken aback by Kelvin's words. He couldn't believe that he owed his power and control to these two men. Pointing in every direction, he shouted, "This is all my doing and has nothing to do with Don or you. And don't forget how many times I have spared your life without you even realizing it." Mark's anger was rising with every word. "And now here you are, bragging about sparing my life. Look at where you are now. Who's sparing who?"

Kelvin's smirk grew even bigger, and he couldn't help but let out a maniacal laugh. "You still think you have me surrounded and outnumbered, don't you?" he taunted. Mark's heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation. He had underestimated Kelvin's power and influence. But he refused to back down. "That's a tempting question," he responded with determination in his voice.

Kelvin did not respond to the question; instead, he gave Mark a flashy smile. Mark was puzzled by Kelvin's reaction and immediately became in awe of his surroundings. He stared continuously at Kelvin, trying to decipher his true intentions, but Kelvin remained impassive. Kelvin broke the silence in the room by saying, "If you walk down this yellow brick road, only death awaits you, Mark. That is my advice to you," Kelvin concluded. Mark sneered at Kelvin before saying, "You keep looking down on me, that is your greatest weakness and why you are so predictable. But don't worry, I will make sure we leave your body intact out of respect for our friendship, for old times' sake." The atmosphere in the restaurant was tense as everyone could feel the hostility between these two old-time rivals. Suddenly, one of Mark Foley's men rushed in and whispered something into Mark's ear. The shock on Mark's face was evident to everyone in the restaurant. Mark took a deep breath to calm his nerves before looking at Kelvin and his men. "Your lives have been spared for now," Mark said in a condescending way. Kelvin, on the other hand, simply laughed and said, "Someone must really love you and want you to stay alive. Otherwise, you would have been dead in a couple of minutes." Before long, everyone in the restaurant was pretending to have a good time when the police came barging in. Both Mark and Kelvin met the lead detective's gaze. He was none other than Detective Tunner.

Detective Tunner, on the other hand, gave a flashy smile before saying, "The whole gang is present here. Today must be my lucky day." Mark took the lead by saying, "What can I do for you, Detective? Why bring your men to disturb my beautiful establishment? Don't you know you are infringing on our civil rights?"

Detective Tunner, instead of responding to Mark's words, gave out a sardonic laugh before saying to Mark, "You folks have no civic rights. You lot are the worst of the worst in society." He pointed to both Mark and Kelvin. From this, Kelvin couldn't resist taunting Tunner by saying, "That's a compliment, right?" Tunner's face hardened at Kelvin's remark as he strolled over to where Kelvin was and asked with curiosity, "What are you doing here with your men?" Only for Kelvin to meet his gaze before saying, "We came to this restaurant to have dinner. Is there anything preventing us from just visiting a place?" Kelvin trailed off. Tunner had a hard time understanding why Kelvin and his men were here. From all the information he had gathered, Mark and Kelvin were enemies, not friends. The only thing he could deduce was that something bad was going to happen here, so he had to intervene. Looking around the restaurant, he could see both sides sitting opposite each other. He could also tell that this was a standoff. With all his years of experience, he knew there was going to be a bloodbath that night and he was at the center of it. So, he decided to act quickly and control the situation. He turned towards Kelvin and his men and said in an authoritative manner, "We have reason to believe that there is illegal activity taking place in this establishment. Can you please leave this area?" Kelvin immediately understood what Detective Tunner was trying to do. He stared at Mark Foley with an evil grin on his face, as if trying to say, "Your life has been spared." Before turning to face Detective Tunner with a smile and saying, "We were just about to leave."

Mark Foley's expression grew steely as Kelvin and his men prepared to depart from the restaurant. He cursed his unfortunate luck. This was his only opportunity to rid himself of Kelvin once and for all. How on earth did Detective Tunner manage to find them here? This was the burning question that consumed his thoughts. Kelvin was not only escaping, but he was also taking all of Mark's secrets with him. Despite this, Mark was determined to stop Kelvin from leaving. But when he locked eyes with Detective Tunner, he couldn't help but hesitate. Taking a deep breath, he collected himself and shook his head, trying to calm his nerves.