
mafia obsession

Gabyy_27 · General
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40 Chs

Chapter 29

It's been a month already with me living with Bambam. Kai still hasn't found me which makes me very happy but at the same time I have that feeling that I am still trying to figure out why I feel like that. I feel broken deep down inside and I am sure it's because I left Kai but honestly I think it's for the best like that. Bambam doesn't come to the house that much. He comes once in a while just to check if I would need anything or something like that. But I am very grateful for his help. He even got me a new phone so I could chat with Lisa when ever i feel lonely or to call Bambam in case of emergency. As for my child Bambam has a privet doctor that comes to check my child and my health. However I don't really know much about Bambam job and all that personal daily stuff but I feel like I can trust him at some point. I looked at my phone after I heard a notification and checked who it was. It was Bambam telling me that he will come to the house and he will stay over for a few days. The good thing about Bambam is that he tells me everytime before he comes to the house. I like that he respects my personal space and doesn't come whenever he likes even though this is his house not mine. I replied to his text with an "That's fine with me" and then got up to get something to eat since I was hungry.

*Jay POV*

I was in Y/N old room since I am missing her I have been sleeping in her room. It's been already a month since Y/N has disappeared and I am so worried about her. Must of the boys have been staying over at Kai's mansion as we are all looking for her. Non of us know if she ran away or was kidnapped but I have a feeling that she did ran away since she asked for my help but I refused. I don't even know if I should tell Kai that she was planning on running away because in a ways it would be very helpful as we would know that she might have just ran away and wasn't kidnapped. I went to Kai's office since he doesn't leave from that room no more.

Jay: "Kai I need to talk to you about something."

Kai: "i am not in the mood right now Jay"

Jay: "It's about Y/N."

Kai then put all of his attention on me.

Kai: "Speak"

Jay: "I think it's best if everyone is here to hear what I have to say."

Kai then called all the boys here in the office so they all hear me out.

Jay: "Before we went to that business trip Y/N had asked me to talk inside her room. She asked me to help her escape from here."

Kai roughly stood up and rushed to me slamming me against the wall with his hands on my collar.


Jay: "I promised not to speak a word about this but I am so worried about her now."


The boys pulled Kai away from me.

Jay: "No i dont know where she is becasue i refused to help her."

Mark: "Look we are all worried about Y/N and now is not the time to argue. We should be looking for her instead. We still don't really know if she wasn't kidnapped. Since she is Kai's wife but still...it would have been right to tell us from the start Jay."

Jay: "I know and I am sorry."

Leo: "Hold up...what if she went to her mum's house?"

Kai: "You think she will put her mum in danger? Even though if she did or didn't run to her mum both ways her mum would still be in danger. I can kill anyone at this point even if it's a relative of Y/N's."

Chris: "Kai is right she wouldn't run there but she might know where Y/N is."

Kai: "I don't think so..."

All the boys looked at Kai who had his hands in his desk.

Kai: "I got her phone so there is no way she could get in contact with her mum."

Jay: "I am gonna go to Y/N's mum's house to talk to her."

Chris: "i will go with you Jay just in case we find something."

Kai: "I'll come too"

Mark: " Oh hell no you aint going there. Have you fully lost your mind? You have killed over 100 people in the past month and I am afraid that you will end up kill Y/N's mum in the end."

Leo: "Mark is right Kai you should just stay here."

Kai: " Fine I will stay but I want all the information you get from my mother-in-law"

He said with a smirk on the end of his lips which made me have a bad feeling.

Jay: "Don't worry we will let you know."

Then me and Chris left the office and went to Y/N's mum's house. After a while we arrived at her house and we knocked on the door. The door opened revealing Y/N's mum I assume since she did kinda look like Y/N.

Y/N's mum: "Hello may i help you with something?"

Jay: "Oh hello ma'am I am Jay and this is my friend Chris. We are friends of Y/N's."

Y/N's mum: "Oh well Y/N isn't here actually if you are looking for her. She lives with her husband now."

Both Jay and Chris looked at each other before Jay replied.

Jay: "Actually we would like to talk to you about Y/N."

The woman looked at us before allowing us inside her house. She could probably tell that it was important.

Y/N's mum: "Take a sit. Do you want something to drink?"

Chris: "No thank you very much for the offer."

Y/N's mum: "So what do you want to talk about? I can tell is something important."

Chris: "Yes...Well actually we are friends of Kai who is Y/N's husband and we was also at their wedding."

Y/N's mum: "Where is Y/N?"

Both me and Chris looked at the woman who probably seems to know that Y/N is gone.

Jay: "Ma'am why would you think that Y/N is gone?"

Y/N's mum: "I am a mother. I can tell when there is something wrong with my child and I can tell when something bad is happening to my child. So where is she?"

Chris: "I can assure you that Y/N is most likely watching TV right now or probably sleeping calmly in her house. We came here because we actually would like to know more about Y/N's past."

Y/N's mum's face turned from serious and worried to a sad one.

Y/N's mum: "There is so much about her past that I wish for her to forget and never remember it."

Chris looked at Jay who was looking at his hands.

Y/N's mum: "My daughter's past it very dark but why would you want to know about it."

Chris: "To be honest with you Y/N has been having some nightmares lately and her husband is getting worried since no one know what has happened in her past so we would like to ask you as she refuses to tell us."

This whole think was obviously a lie as of course I won't tell her mum that Y/N has fainted and all that.

Y/N's mum: "Well then I will tell you about it...