
Mafia King vs Mafia queen

"For the first time in my life, I myself do not know what I want ", said Lucy. Lucy Anderson, the CEO of Coco Styles one of the biggest clothing companies in the country. But behind the mask of a hard working and workaholic CEO, lies the most dangerous mafia queen of the underworld. Extremely capable and cold hearted, she has no emotions, guilt and regret and the worst for her is not death but failure. Will she be able to achieve her life's motive and retain her fiercome mafia queen image or get entangled in a trap with a famed dark CEO who has a big secret from her? "She is my wife. This is my duty and in Adrian Smith's life duty always comes before life ", he said. I am Adrian Smith. With a rather complicated past, I grew up burning in the fire of vengeance. A cold and dangerous CEO, I can scare the living hell out of anyone with my demanuring personality. What will happen when the mafia queen will enter the life of the mafia king? Will they be able to sort their priorities or fall in love. Keep reading 'Mafia king vs Mafia queen' to find more about the love hate relationship between them.

Anshu_Anand_7820 · Teen
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38 Chs

We can only try

Athena went outside with the files. She had her mind somewhere else, so she did not notice when she walked straight into something hard and squishy.

She managed to prevent herself from falling and bent down to pick the files. The man, who she had bumped into, also bent down and helped her pick the pages.

Athena 's mouth dropped. It was the same person who she had met in the library earlier that day.

"Achilles", he said, taking his hand out,"Really nice to meet you again".

"What are you doing here?", asked Athena, surprised.

"I have to take boss back to the office. I was waiting for him", he said .

"You work for Adrian?", inquired Athena.

"As it happens, I do. But how do I have the pleasure of having you here?", he asked.

"I am the personal assistant to the boss of Coco Styles ", said Athena.

"You work for Mrs Lucy ?", he asked.

"That's right", said Athena," Now, I know why you were at the library. You had the same purpose as me, didn't you?".

"You still haven't introduced yourself ", he said, looking straight in her eyes 👀.

"Athena Hermane ", she said.

"So, you and me are nearly in the same boat, aren't we?", he asked, as he handed her the files.

"Yeah, we are", said Athena, "Lucy is the only person in the whole world who I am attached to. I can do anything for her. But I can't tell her to confess to Adrian, I simply can't as the book suggests".

"That's what my book is offering too", he admitted,"I have done so many dangerous tasks for Adrian before, but I am not able to accomplish this simple task".

"It's not our fault, at all. It's that stupid book", said Athena.

"And we can't tell them to maintain their distance from each other, when they are officially married, can we?", he said, as they entered the office.

"And I have so much to handle at the moment, both in my professional life and my personal life. I've got to arrange these files for the meeting ", said Athena.

"Shall I help?", asked Achilles, sweetly.

"No, I think I will be able to do it on my own. Thank you anyway for asking", she replied.

"Give me a chance, please ", said Achilles.

Athena nodded and got up. Achilles sat down in her seat. It was clear that he was super talented and experienced in this branch. To Athena 's astonishment Achilles completed the work in only five minutes, a task which would have taken her at least half an hour.

"How the heck did you do that?", she asked, greatly impressed.

"No problem. I am glad 😊 that I was able to help", he said, smiling.

"You are much better than I thought you were when I first saw you", said Athena.

"That's not at all strange. Nobody likes me in the first meeting",said Achilles.

"We can help each other, as we have got the same stupid problem", said Athena.

"So, friends?", said Achilles, taking out his hand.

"Friends", said Athena, taking out her hand and shaking.

"So, we will do everything to help our bosses in this situation", said Achilles.

"We can only try", sighed Athena.