
The reunion pt 3

Michele and Luciana walked hand in hand into the mental institution to see Vallea they’d been getting in great she’d slowly began to open up to them and the staff were really impressed that she’d been talking a lot more since she’d seen Michele and Luciana. She was so glad those two had found each other she was glad it was her and not Lucianus he was the spit of his father.

They’d handed in their valuables and headed down to her room Michele needed answers he had works out he had a sister and he wanted to know more about her and his estranged family. He was glad Luciana had agreed to take him to see his mother but she was holding something back and he wanted to know what and today he was going to find out exactly what.

They walked into the room closing the door going over to Vallea hugging her and kissing both cheeks before they all sat down. She was smiling she was so happy to see them they were only allowed to see her once a month for now. ‘Mom.’

‘Yes honey.’