
Mafia King's Revenge Love Story

[She wanted love,but he wanted revenge] In the most renowned hotel lounge, a girl, standing with her back against the wall, Facing the man with well built physique, could be seen. Tears were continuously flowing through her big round double lid eyes. "How could you do this to me" the girl said as she sobbed hard but the man, in front of her, just stood there ,frozen. "di....didn't y..ou said u lo...loved me so how could.....you take m..me as a element for revenge" The man just looked at her, her teary eyes, her vulnerable state was crushing his heart to million pieces but he can't do anything to make her stop crying because he is the reason for vulnerability. _______ Jennie , a 20 years old ,a sweet, intelligent and lovable girl belongs to mafia background. she was sent abroad to continue her study there at the age of 15 but when she returned, after 5 long years, she fell in love with the most powerful and dangerous man in today's mafia world who pursued her. But later she got to know that he pursued her just for sake of revenge. _________ what was the reason that he has to go all through all this trouble of pursuing her just for the sake of revenge??? how she offended him??? Or she just got dragged in this even though there was nothing wrong she did??? why she ended up falling for him so deep and hard??? how this revenge story will change into a love story??? Want answers to these questions?? Read the story you will get answers to all your question. ______ Hope you will like it. join me on instagram-@Sarelleous

Sarelle0us · Teen
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45 Chs

Lee Corporation

Next Morning, in the dining hall.

Jennie requested something during breakfast which surprised all of them.

"Dad, Can I accompany you to the office" Jennie asked while looking intently at her father.

"huh.... You want to go to office with us!? " Her father asked questioningly.

"Yes, Dad..... I'm bored and I'm sure you will not let me roam around freely so the only option is to go to the office with you" Jennie answered straightforwardly.

She decided to visit the office with her Father and brother, as at home she is doing nothing other than researching and sitting freely all day along, when she felt bored,as now Lisa is also not around. And there was one more reason she choose to do so.

"Well..... what will yo... " Her father started but was interrupted by his father, Grandpa Lee.

"Why not..... Go and visit the office, let me also tag along with you" Grandpa lee said in a jest.

"Father, but..... "Jennie's Father again opened his mouth to say something but was again cut off by grandpa Lee.

" But what? " his father asked as he stared at his son with knitted brows.

"Nothing" Jennie's Father said as he turned down his face to continue eating.

"You both go first, I'll come later with ha-neul" Grandpa Lee instructed in a high spirit.

Both nodded and soon left after finishing their breakfast, others also finished their breakfast and as usual went out in a garden for a stroll but this time Jennie also followed as she supported her grandma while walking.

While walking, grandma Lee asked "Dear, why do you want to accompany your Father"

"Just because I'm bored being at home all day,grandma..... my freedom is restricted to the boundaries of this manor only, So where else I can go other than being at this mansion is to the office." Jennie said as she carefully helped her grandma in walking.

"Jennie, you are not restricted to do anything, it's just that you would always have guards around you whenever you will go out" Grandma said to make her understand.

It's true to some extent as she free to do anything as long as she is heavily guarded but she just couldn't get used to that heavy security being around her, all the time.

In country A also, her father didn't spare her as there were always guards wherever she would go whether in disguise or in uniform, as if there is some grave danger to her life.

"I understand grandma that it's necessary.... But not all the time, even when I was just taking strolls on the empty streets there they were always following me.... I just can't..... can't breathe" Jennie shared her thoughts with her grandma in a frustrated tone.

"It's necessary, dear" Grandma Lee just said this as she patted her granddaughters hand.

While talking, they both walked over to the gazebo.

"Why are you looking so serious, my dear" her grandpa asked, who was already sitting there.

"Nothing grandpa" Jennie smiled as she helped her grandma sit.

"Little gyeol is getting discharged today,right..... ask Lisa to bring him here"As always her grandfather is up-to-date, she would not be surprised if he was to already know about her searchings.

"Yeah, grandpa.... I have already asked her to bring him here" Jennie replied.

"That's good" Grandpa Lee said as he looked at her.

Jennie called Lisa this morning also to make sure she would directly bring when he got discharged, Lisa assured her and informed that it will be past noon when they will arrive at the mansion, so that's why she decided to take tour of the office and talk to her father about her accepting jobs.

She didn't expected her grandfather to accompany her to the office as she has planned to convince her father first before letting him help her in convincing grandpa.


Jennie held her grandpa's hand as they walked through the entrance of the Lee corporation.

As they advanced, all the employees greeted them by bowing to their Master but were amused to see one beautiful lady with him.

They are talking to each other as they smiled at those who greeted them. They first went to the top flour where her brother's and father's workplace is located.

Jennie saw the interior and was not amused to see the extraordinarily advanced electronic equipments on the way to the office.

Yes, their family business deals in electronic goods.

Even the elevator they boarded was so magnificently designed that she was left in awe.

"Father" Jennie's father stood up from his chair when he saw his father with his daughter coming in.

"It's been a long time since I visited" grandpa Lee remarked as he sat on the couch.

"Yes, father" Jennie's father nodded.

"How did you feel coming here" Jennie's father asked as he looked at her daughter who was looking around with Amazement.

"Your office is so beautifully designed,Dad" Jennie said as she walked to the glass wall to see the beautiful outside even though it's not night yet.

Her father smiled lightly as he looked at his daughter who was for the first time talking so casually to him after she returned.

"It's your brother who designed it" his father said as he also walked to his daughter's side after instructing his secretary to deliver some coffee.

"You remember, dad!? " Jennie looked at her father with sudden slight welled eyes.

"What!?" He asked, confused.

"My favorite, Caramel Macchiato" she said as she looked at her father.

"How can I forget when you always bugged me before to come home with it" her father as he smiled.

"Yup, I was so love in with that you have to even learn to make it" she said as she remembered when her father first attempted to make it and how his father scolded them both when she saw the condition of the kitchen.

"Your mother punished me also for that" he said when his father interrupted.

"And I enjoyed that show seeing your sullen face when you have to sleep in the guestroom." he said while laughing.

"huh!?" Jennie looked at them with questioning eyes.

"You don't know, your father has to sleep in different room for two days" he said.

"That's was for different reason, Father" Jennie's Father said.

"And you added to your wife's fury for which you had to endure for two days." Grandpa Lee said as he looked at his son who was now looking embarassed.

"Mom really did that" Jennie said, looking amused.

Her grandpa nodded and she laughed.

"Sorry, dad" said Jennie as she laughed. Hearing her laugh they sighed how they missed her joyful nature.

"Sir, your coffee" said the assistant who entered with coffee.

The assistant left after leaving the coffee on the table, Jennie and her father joined grandpa on the couch.

As they drank and talked while laughing a little in between, Riminscing the beautiful moments when everything was going good for their family.

The atmosphere was not awkward as Jennie has excepted it is rather lively and warm. Jennie thought about her joining the company for internship and her idea about sharing the news to her father. She suddenly didn't want to disturb the peaceful atmosphere so she kept quiet as they talked about things from past.

But then she was startled when her father asked.

"What are Your plans, Jennie.... about do you want to join me here" he asked.

Jennie looked at her father and then at her grandpa, she suddenly don't know how to answer her father, should she answer truthfully or just....

"Dad, I.... I've already applied for job at LH empire" Jennie chose to answer truthfully.

Happy Reading❤

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