
Mafia Indebted

"Don't please," she sobbed, shaking badly. The fear of her situation was slowly sinking in. "Please let me go, I want to go home." She cried. He smirked and cupped her face. She immediately stiffened upon his touch and stared into his Smokey grey eyes. "You are home, tara, this is your home now, by my side." He spoke firmly. She saw the determination in his eyes and her eyes widened with shock. "No!" she shrieked and tried to push him away but he didn't budge. Before she could retaliate, he had caught her wrists in a vice-like grip with one hand and locked them down  while with the other hand, he firmly griped the back of her neck, his fingers digging into her scalp, making her whimper. "Refuse me again tara, go on, I fucking dare you." He hissed, his eyes blazing with rage, the grey had darkened. But she wasn't one to give up so easily. "Let me go..." she tried to shout but was immediately silenced by his lips crashing against hers into a fiery harsh kiss. Meet Anissa Ghalib, a young doctor, possessing a strong, kind and confident character. She's a known beauty and has a very high moral sense and regard. For her, family is everything and she would do anything to protect her family. So, what happens when a certain grey eyed crime boss claims her as his? Shehryaar Ghulari, the cold and ruthless mafia leader of the country's most dangerous Mafia; He's a powerful man who gets anything he wants. He's cold, brutal and absolutely inhuman, a borderline psychopath. For him, morals and ethics hold no meaning, Family is nothing. He rules with tyranny and loves every bit of it. What will happen when the country's most powerful and dangerous man becomes indebted to a certain doctor? It starts with a twisted malice, obsession, murder, lust, politics, darkness, sacrifice and love.   A story where Innocence clashes  with culpability. Simplicity with sophistication. Bloodlust with conscience. Lust with Love. Good with Bad.

Beenish Shaheen · Urban
Not enough ratings
102 Chs

Chapter 5

"The dealings in Lahore were sorted out. We have to send in capital through Karachi to make this project complete. The Chinese investors want to discuss about options for Gwadar as well."

"Hmm, I see. Handle it carefully Zameer." He ordered and the man nodded in affirmation. His secretary left with the given orders and when they were certain that no one is present, Zameer, who was tall lean man with pitch black hair and eyes stared at his boss with utmost seriousness.

Shehryaar eyes him blankly and motioned his finger for him to stay silent; he had noticed the change in Zameer's body posture which made him understand that what they were about to talk about was about his 'other' business. Shehryaar pushed a button in the left side of the his desk and immediately, the familiar click of the doors and windows indicated that they were now locked in a soundproof environment with multiple cameras footage being revealed on the computer screen on his desk.

Motioning two fingers for him to speak, Zameer began, his dark eyes void of emotions and his face completely blank. "We caught the spy. Apparently he had not only been supplying the eastern mob with our supplied but also had been sabotaging a few of our shipments to Dubai." He said.

Rage flashed in his grey eyes. Shehryaar held no regard for traitors. He dared to betray him! Red hot anger pulses through his veins. He wasn't surprised since the eastern mob had been growing strong lately but what he didn't expect was that one of his one people would turn out to be the spy. He trusted all his men. He was a leader, a Mafia boss of the most dangerous gang in the country, the Mutehda Muhajir movement united emigrates' movement party that was on the surface a political party fighting for the rights of the emigrants who came from the neighbouring countries yet in truth, it was a malicious Mafia gang that recruited and trained emigrants and made them into killing machines. Shehryaar held power over them and was the leader of a hundreds of thousands of men. In time he would be so powerful that he could easily overthrow the government and take over. But recently, his half brother Nawaz, who was the illegitimate son of his father, had become the gang leader in the east and started conspiring against him. It was easy for Shehryaar to be done away with him but he had bigger plans that's why he was being patient and letting his fucked up brother make his small efforts in trying to distract him. But this was beyond enraging when he learned that now he was making traitors out of his own men: men that HE owned! the mere mention of one of his own people betraying him made him angry beyond compare.

"What else?" He growled, his voice calm but his eyes said otherwise. Zameer knew this side of Shehryaar all too well.

"We interrogated him yesterday. The bastard wasn't speaking much in the beginning, but when we started with cutting off his fingers one by one, it didn't take long for him to open his mouth. Turns out he was one of Nawaz's after all." He informed.

Shehryaar balled up his fists. He already knew that yet it always made him furious. "Keep that fucker alive. I want to deal with him personally." He sneered and jumped to his feet from his luxurious leather chair. Turning in the button again, the familiar click of the locks opening had him going towards the door as he buttoned up his suit jacket.

But Zameer's hand on his shoulder stopped him. He glanced at him to see a sympathetic look enter his eyes. "Also, did you do it? Did you take her?" He asked.

Shehryaar narrowed his eyes at him and smirked. "Of course, after all I always take what's mine."

"You sure about this?"

Shehryaar let out a humourless laugh. If it were anyone else who dared to inquire about his actions, he would've ripped their throats out by now but Zameer was his most loyal and trusted second in command. He was even on friendly terms with him because they had known each other since they were children.

He passed a hand through his hair and gave Zameer a determined look. "She dared to insult me. Now she has to pay." He snarled and left for the door. Zameer looked at the retreating figure of his boss and smiled gladly.

Well this ought to be fun. He also left the office and headed to his destination where he knew what he had to do while Shehryaar was in his car and sped to his penthouse suite on top the Hotel Grand in downtown Islamabad.

He was pleased with himself for he finally had what he wanted in a long time. He as entered his luxurious home, his long strides led him straight to the bedroom where he knew his prize was lying in wait: in sleep.

With silence, he entered the room and found her asleep on his huge king sized bed. Smiling to himself, he felt his heart accelerate as he stared at the gorgeous beauty in front of him.

I've been waiting for a long time for you, meri Tara.

Quietly, he sat on the edge of the bed and bend down a little as he took in her features. Fair skin, straight face with slight indentations in her cheeks revealing the prominence of her jaw and cheek bones, full plump lips, long dark lashes that fanned her cheeks. Beautiful curly chocolate brown hair. Slender neck with prominent collarbones sticking out of the collar of her shirt as well as her perfect sized breasts that he had to almost resist the urge to kiss, bite and suck on them. Of course he wasn't about to allow himself to disrespect her in her unconscious state, but he had to restraint himself badly. Caressing the back of his hand on the soft smooth creamy skin of her cheek, he felt himself go hard and the want for her was almost excruciating for him. He felt possessed of her.

At last I have you now. You're mine. I'm never going to let you go. Prepare yourself meri pyaari Tara.

She really was like a Tara: a star. Shinning so brightly that her beauty was almost mesmerizing to him. In all his life, he had his fair share of women- they would fall in his feet for him yet this woman showed him the cold shoulder and treated him like he was nothing. And again, he felt his anger flare up. No one treated Shehryaar Ghulari like that. They always ended up paying dearly for this crime. And she had done just that and he was going to make her pay for her crime.

Not only had she disrespected him but her parents humiliated him by rejecting his marriage proposal.

Quietly getting off the bed, he strolled to the bathroom. He needed to calm himself down before she woke up otherwise he feared that he might do something that he might regret.

Slowly, her mind drifted into consciousnesses yet her eyelids were still heavy with slumber; she fought it to open her eyes and when she did, she was greeted by the unfamiliar surroundings of a white flush bed and pillows. Her eyes trailed to the ceiling in confusion and that's when her mind started to recall: Realization dawned on her and she jolted upward in a sitting position only to have her head spin and stomach knot up. Her heart was beating drastically fast as she looked around the room- white walls with various paintings, a large flat screen television set hung on the far corner of the room as well as a whole wall was panned with glass panels while the opposite wall held dark doors that resembled closet doors.

Where am I? Who brought me here? She was slowly starting to panic and was about to get up when her body froze at the familiar deep voice of her captor.

"Ah, you're finally awake!" He chirped, his voice sounded a little pleased. She craned her neck and saw his large frame standing at the door with arms folded, dressed impeccably in a black collar shirt and dark dress pants, the muscles of his arms and forearms were bulging out, his face blank, jaw clenched yet his cold grey eyes intensely stared at her.

"What? Where am I?" She asked in a small voice and got to her feet. Her legs began to shake so she held onto the night stand for support as sheer terror began to clench at her heart when she saw Shehryaar move towards her.

"S-stay where y-you are!" She stammered in a broken voice, her hand moving up in silent demand. A deep throaty chuckle vibrated from his chest as he kept moving towards her until he reached her hand and gently took it his.

"I don't think that you're in any position to make demands." He claimed, his voice dead serious.

Her eyes widened and as if his touch burnt him, she instantly snatched her hand away. She began to run in the direction from which he came only to have him catch her by her waist and hold her strongly against his chest.

"No!" She screamed and began to punch his chest only to earn another amused chuckle from him. "Let me go! Let me go!" She shrieked. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage as cold terror sealed through her skin and made her senses hyper aware. He on the other hand was enjoying her little outburst until amusement got replaced by annoyance.

"Enough!" His loud voice was enough to silence anyone but she wasn't having it and kept punching and clawing at him. Sighing, he released her waist and backhanded her, hitting her cheek and causing her to fall on the floor.

Touching her cheek, she felt the sting of the hit and looked up at him in shock and fear: no one had ever raised so much as a finger on her and this man had raised his hand on her. He just fell in her eyes even lower.

"You done? If you are then now we can talk like adults instead of you acting like a spoilt brat because trust me I will not hesitate to put you in your place." He deadpanned, making Anissa gulp and her already shaking body began to shiver more.

"Wh-what do you want?" She inquired, her voice breaking. He smirked and squared to her level, grabbing her chin gently, her stared deep into her hazel eyes, causing knots to form at the pit of her stomach. "Isn't it obvious by now?" He said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"I want you."