
Mafia Goddess

I want a clean fight , parker said Good luck, he said, you'll need it more, I replied . I lingered to punch him but he held me and punched me straight in the nose and I groaned. read to find out the rest.

Roxy_Belle · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

14 years later.

Emily's P.O.V.

How does it feel to be 20 tomorrow, my brother Frank asked he was named after dad.

The feeling still sucks, I said drinking, Can I join you, he asked.

Just this once and mom must not know I let you, I said.

Sure, he said collecting my drink and drank it then he started coughing and I started laughing.

Ewww, he said, Maybe you should stick to beer, I said still laughing.

What's in it, he asked, the strongest drinks ever, its my mixture, I said.

You are weird, he said, but the coolest sis ever, I said.

Speaking of that, my friends and I want to borrow your beach house this weekend with hope of getting laid, he said.

Sure, no trashing and let mom know when you're going, I said.

Thanks, he said, if you get laid make sure you use protection and fuck well, I said.

Aren't you supposed to tell me otherwise, he asked, would you listen, I asked.

No, he said, Exactly, I replied.

Happy birthday, Frank said jumping on my bed he's gonna be 14 by the end of the year.

Yeah, yeah, thanks now get out, I said groaning in my pillow, he woke me up.

grumpy owl, he said and left.

Ahhhhh, Lex screamed and I groaned, can't a girl get sleep on her birthday.

Get up Emily, she said, no I wanna sleep, I said. I've got ice with me and if you don't get up now I'll dump it on you, she threatened.

Fine I'm up, I said.

Good I've got list of things we are to do, she yelps

Lex I wanna sleep,I said, we are going to the spa, change your looks, go shopping, go to the company, etc, she went on.

What company, I asked, yours, my dad said to add it to the list.

Happy birthday honey, mom said, thanks, I replied.

Here's my little mushroom, Cooper yells, hey I'm not little anymore, I said.

Still little, Parker said, mom, I yell and she laughed.

My baby is not little she's a young woman, she said pecking my head.

Young woman, Copper, Parker, Drake,Frank and Liam, he's Lex younger brother, he's older than Frank by months.

I rolled my eyes and I felt a warm liquid on me and it smells like cheese and I scream.

Drama queen, Frank and Liam said, Do you know how long it'll take to get this out of my hair.

That's why we are going to the spa, now get dressed, Lex said.

So far it has been good we went to the spa, changed my hair, went skydiving, went to my favorite places, visited dad and now we at the gang house and Parker is going to introduce me they've called gang meeting.

So everyone this is Emily our late leaders daughter and she was asked to take over, so nobody disrespect her and every order is a go, is that clear, Copper asked.

Yes sir, they said.

Hey everyone I'm Emily and I'm gonna be your next leader, I said.

No, I heard a voice say..
