
Mafia Goddess

I want a clean fight , parker said Good luck, he said, you'll need it more, I replied . I lingered to punch him but he held me and punched me straight in the nose and I groaned. read to find out the rest.

Roxy_Belle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 2


They're back, I yelled has I saw a black van pull up in the driveway. Mom opened the door for them they came in stained with blood but dad never came in.

Where's dad, I asked and they kept there head down. Where's he, mom yelled at them.

Calm down Vee, Cooper said. Don't tell me to calm down, she yelled.

Maybe you should its not good for the baby, Lilly( my moms best friend and Lex's mom.

what baby, Parker asked, I'm pregnant okay, I was going to tell him after her birthday, mom said crying and I hugged her.

I'm having a sibling, I yelled jumping and they smiled. Where's he Cooper, she asked.

He's gone okay, he yelled, Gone where, I asked, he was killed, he died for us, for you, he said and mom broke down.

okay dad you won, you can come in now, I yelled and Drake hugged me.

he's actually gone kid, he said and I pushed him away and ran out to the car and checked everywhere around the house then I ran back inside and saw my mom crying so badly but I'm in too much shock to speak I just ran past the and ran upstairs.

Emily, my mom said but I ignored her and ran to my room and locked the door.

Emily, I heard Cooper say, leave me alone, I said crying.

let's talk this out, he said, NO, he promised he'll be back and now he's gone forever, I yelled.

Emily open the door for me please, Lex said and I opened the, only her gets in, I said and saw her with ice cream and she hugged me.

He left me, he left us, he broke his promise, I cried in her shoulder, I know, she cried too.

what are gonna do, whose gonna give us piggy back ride, tell me scary stories, kiss me and tell me everything is gonna be fine, I cried.

its okay we've got my dad, Parker and the rest besides we've got each other, I promise we'll go through this together I promise, we need to be strong for your mom and the baby, she said.

Are those for me, I asked her pointing at her ice cream, yh we're having a sleep over, she said.

Vee P.O.V

I was going to tell I'm pregnant, has her birthday surprise, today is supposed to be her best day ever but it turned to her worst.

How am I supposed to survive, she is just 6 and he's not even born, I said holding my stomach.

You have to be strong for me, her, him and all of us, Lilly comforted me.

Emily and Lex won't open up, Cooper said, they're probably having sleepover let them be, I said.

I'm sorry, we couldn't save him, Parker said, its not your fault, I said

you all should go change and rest.

when everyone has gone to sleep, I entered Emily's room, I've got a spare key.

I saw her and Lex sleeping and I took the covers and covered them and pecked them then Emily hugged me.

we're going to be fine mom, I promise, she said

I know.