
Mafia Del Vampiro

Athena Selene Anastasia Leone is a 17-year-old who does not know about her true identity and with a tragic past. she used to be a happy, sweet girl who got the love of both her parents and 6 brothers. she was happy until they come after her and she was given to her aunty for her safety. But what her family didn't know was that she was put in more danger. Lorenzo Ares Hernandez is a 600-year-old vampire, 19 years old for humans. In the Underground world, he is the Don of his mafia which is one of the biggest mafias in the world. But no one in the Underground world has ever seen him. And in the supernatural world, he is the king of all the vampires. He is known as Rey Vampiro Despiadado (ruthless vampire King) in the vampire world.

_jv_reader_ · Urban
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15 Chs


Athena's POV

"that's it Ms Brown you are going to the principal office" "you are saying it as if I want to be in your class bye fuckers" I said going out of the class. On the way to Denis's office, Denis is the principal of this school. He is used to me coming there every day because I always got into fights and talk back to teachers.

I kicked the door open to Deni's office " Hello Denis" I said, " what did you do this time, Athena?" "I was just taking some nap when that bitchy teacher woke me up" "I can't handle you, Athena just sit there and do whatever you want". So the next few hours I just sit there on my phone.

Now it was lunchtime I get out of the office and go to the cafeteria where my squad is waiting for me Chin Sun asked me " I heard you were sent to Denis's office because you talk back to the teacher" I shrugged her off and sit between Zoe and Chris, where Zoe was talking to Emma about her new fashion line and Chris was talking to Atlas about a yesterday's street race and now Chin Sun was looking through her phone.

Suddenly, a message popped on my phone's screen, I opened it says

The mission for Minnares Van De Vampier

Want the leader of the tigers dead

Save the children he kidnapped

The leader will be at the main base of the gang by 7

Money for the mission- $500000

Mission has to be done by 6 in the morning tomorrow.

I quickly said yes and decided to find the location of the tigers "I am going for a mission tonight at 1" I said in my usual cold voice "I need Atlas you to find the location of the main base of the tigers." After lunch, I went to the art class where Mrs Jones greeted me with a smile and said " Hello Athena, how is your day going?" "Hello Mrs Jones, my day is going fine," I said with a small smile and went back to my seat.

Mrs Jones is a very polite teacher, she always encourages her students and she is the person who teaches me how to draw. "Hello everyone today you can draw anything you want and Eva before you ask you can go over the limit and you can also use paint and colour pencils" "can we make more than one drawing Mrs Jones ?" "Yes, you can if you have enough time, Eva."

When Mrs Jones finished speaking I put the earbuds on and made two drawings, one about my feelings and one about his eyes that I see almost every day.

Now the first drawing is done I have half an hour to make the next drawing.

He is always there when no one is. I can feel his presence around me, I feel like he is just sitting next to me watching me draw. In my dreams whenever I touch him his body is cold but I feel safe and warm in it. I can only see his beautiful eyes which I always get lost in. Sometimes I would talk to him and he would only listen to me. I even gave him a silly name which is "Mr green-eyed".

I didn't realise that a few students and Mrs Jones were standing behind me until she said "very good Athena you made a beautiful green eye and you can take this with you " just then the bell rang and took my stuff and got out of the class before I knew it school was over.

My squad and I decided to go to my apartment where my secretary Anna is taking care of my kids. We all had a small race to my apartment in which Chin Sun won.

As I entered my apartment I was greeted by Anna before I could respond to her. I heard the barks of my kids coming into the living room where I am. Coco and Orin start running toward me before they could jump on Chris said "stop she is hurt " they both frowned and sit down by my legs as I start petting them "I am fine guys it doesn't hurt " I said " no you are not young lady" Emma said in her 'strict mom' voice, I didn't bother to reply her and continue petting coco and turn to see Orin who is playing with Chin Sun and Zoe.

Zoe asked "what are you doing Atlas? " "just looking for tiger's main base and about its leader"

Saying ok Zoe continued playing with Orin. "Hey, guys how about we have a movie night before Athena goes for her mission" saying ok we decided to order some food and watch a movie.

I thought what will my aunt do when she finds out that I didn't come home tonight? I could be careless and I don't want to ruin my squad's mood.

It was 8 when end Atlas said he wants to talk to me about the mission, we both went to the balcony and " I found tigers based in Los Angeles 4 hours drive and the leader of the tigers is William your aunt's boyfriend" Atlas wait for me to sink the information " We are going to Las Angeles right now" I am pretty sure Atlas can see anger and hatred in my eyes after knowing what that fucker did to me I am sure that he felt same about William.

We go back to the living room and I said "guys get ready to kill some fuckers we are going to LA, Chris and Zoe you two are in charge of guns, Chin Sun and Emma you are going to take care of the blades and Atlas find the shortest way to LA we will leave in 30 mins." With that,

I went into my room to calm myself down before I do something that I regret later on.