
Mafia Del Vampiro

Athena Selene Anastasia Leone is a 17-year-old who does not know about her true identity and with a tragic past. she used to be a happy, sweet girl who got the love of both her parents and 6 brothers. she was happy until they come after her and she was given to her aunty for her safety. But what her family didn't know was that she was put in more danger. Lorenzo Ares Hernandez is a 600-year-old vampire, 19 years old for humans. In the Underground world, he is the Don of his mafia which is one of the biggest mafias in the world. But no one in the Underground world has ever seen him. And in the supernatural world, he is the king of all the vampires. He is known as Rey Vampiro Despiadado (ruthless vampire King) in the vampire world.

_jv_reader_ · Urban
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15 Chs


Athena's POV

"Get up Sia we have to get ready we don't have enough time, "Chin Sun said

"We have like one and a half an hour," I told them "exactly we don't have enough time," Emma said

They went into my closet and took some dresses out and put them on the bed.

"Choose what you want to wear," Zoe said. One black dress and two red dresses are put in bed.

I decided to wear the second dress, "This one." I told them "This would look good on you" Chin Sun said.

"Go change, we don't have enough time"Emma said going into the closet.

When I went out They were all dressed up. Zoe was doing her makeup, Chin Sun was doing Emma's hair.

By the time we get ready it's already 7:39 pm.

"Girls come fast we are getting late" Chirs shouted from the living room."Let's go before they blow up the house" I said and we went to the living room.

"Finally you guys are here, let's go now" Atlas said.

We all went in Atlas's car and went to one of the clubs I own. My bodyguard was waiting for us in the interest of letting us in. "Please come this way Miss Black" He said and led us to the VIP room.

Bartender was there putting shots on the table and said before going out "Welcome back boss" and I nodded.

We sit there and take shots in our hand. "For freedom" Emma said and we all took our shots and had a couple more drinks until Chin Sun said "Let's go to the dance floor" and dragged us there.

After a few minutes of dancing together we all split up. Emma and Chin Sun start dancing with some guys, Zoe was dancing with Chris and Atlas was dancing with some chick.

I was dancing alone pushing all the guys away from me that tried to dance with me and I was feeling his eyes on me. I only wanted to dance with him but he was only looking at me from a distance. My eyes were closed.

I was lost in my thoughts dancing until I heard a guy speaking to me and pressing his front on my back "dance with me baby you have been teasing me all night."

I opened my eyes and meet with his pitch black eyes from anger, he was standing in the dark looking at me. I let the guy from behind touch me as much. I want to kill him right now but it is worth waiting because I know Lor would come to me after this.

I break my eye contact with Lor and turn around to the guy with brown hair and black eyes, he is quite handsome.

I put my hands on his chest then move them slowly to his neck. He shivered and I said "then dance with me baby boy" with a smirk as he was about to say something. I heard a growl from behind me. I knew it was Lor i didn't turn my head and still moved my hands up and down on that guys neck to chest.

Until Lor pulled me away from him and pulled me into his chest as my eyes met his chest, he said "She is mine" my heart stopped. I look at him with widened eyes then smile as I see him looking down at me.

I could hear that guy run away. But I could be careless about him, all I could hear was "she is mine" in my brain. I still don't know what he looks like because of the club lights.

His voice is deep and husky. I was lost in his eyes and said "you are here"

"Yes amor, I am here now, dance with me" he said looking down at me as he is taller than me. His body is hiding me from everyone.

We danced together for the next few hours lost in each other. "Like i said i will be here to protect you" he said

"I know you will always be here to protect me" i said

"When the time comes you will officially meet me. I will take you to our kingdom and will never let you go," he said resting head against mine. I closed my eyes feeling him close to me before he go and said

"Where is our kingdom?"

"You will know soon enough and now I have to go now, your friends are looking for you, take care" he said in his deep voice and hugged me and kissed my forehead before leaving and said " see you soon amor."

I opened my eyes, missing his warmth. I saw him disappear in the crowd.

After Lor left I looked around the club to find my friends. I found them at the bar, Atlas holding a crying Emma who was drunk as fuck.

She was saying "I want to go back and dance until he comes and gets me. I want to find him like you guys but i am just a human"

I don't know what she was talking about. Atlas picks her up and Emma put her face in his chest at he turn to me and said "let's go home"

We all follow them out and Atlas sits in the back seat holding a sobbing Emma. He gave the car key to Chris. And we all went home all the way we could hear Emma sobbing until she fell asleep.

When we got home without a word, Atlas took Emma to her room and came back in a few minutes as we all were sitting in the living room.

When atlas came and sat down on the couch and said "you all can go to sleep, she is fine" Chris nodded and patted atlas head before going out, followed by Chin Sun and Zoe.

When Atlas was about to say something his phone rang, and he saw the caller and turned to me and said "I have to take this call Sia you should go to sleep now" to which i nodded and went to my room.