
Chapter 109 Go to New York

As the 9th of September approached, the entire New York fell into a tense atmosphere. But many families were in a fog.

In the New York Administration Building...

In the mayor's office...

Kelvin said with worry, "Randall, we have found that a large number of people have entered New York in these past few days. It's very dangerous. There are still three days until the 9th of September. When the time comes, a fierce war will break out. The citizens may get involved."

Apart from Kelvin, there were also Orville and the other leaders present.

They all looked worried.

Even if Claud and the others came to cause a great disturbance in New York, they wouldn't be the ones to clean up the mess. The higher-ups of the government would not find Claud. Instead, they would definitely come to Kelvin and the others to blame them.